It’s your duty to ensure crucial data don’t fall into the wrong hands, so consider taking all the necessary precautions in this sense:

Have a security certificate and use HTTPS protocol

Hypertext transfer protocol secure or shortly HTTPS is the most effective way to protect the transfer of critical information. You may be seeing sites preceded by the HTTP protocol, but HTTPS is the secure version, so no, those websites you might have accessed aren’t protected. This protocol is a crucial piece of safety, especially for pages with a member login or online stores. HTTPS’s main benefit implies the encryption of all information sent to and from your web page (social security numbers, credit cards, credentials, etc.). You can easily recognise a secured website by the little lock in the browser bar, so ensure this is the first thing you’re looking for every time you surf the web. Nevertheless, in order to activate an HTTPS protocol, you need a secure sockets layer (SSL) certificate. This ensures total encryption of data transferred between visitors’ used browsers and your business website. Data authentication and encryption are the main reasons someone may need an SSL certificate. Establishing a secure connection involves encryption algorithms, a series of large numbers that are impossible to guess. The way in which details in transit are protected from malicious actors is through a session key generated by the customer’s server public key that is automatically encrypted. And it can’t be decrypted only with the server’s private key. We know it doesn’t sound very easy, so the only thing to remember from all this story is that your sensitive information isn’t just safe but hard to catch. You can obtain your SSL certificate either from web hosting companies or an authentic and credible Certificate Authority (CA). Some web hosts can even feature free SSLs in their hosting, so look for these money saviours when seeking an SSL certificate.

Create smart passwords

If “name1234” or “favourite football team” is your password, it’s time to rethink it. We know that advising you to strengthen your password might come as no surprise, but you’d be shocked to discover how many individuals out there still rely on weak credentials like “123456”. And no one is to be blamed in this case. After all, a complicated password would be the icing on the cake when having so much on your plate. But you don’t have to keep credentials in mind since you can use a password management app or write them down in a notebook. Therefore, improve your corporate website’s passcode by blending particular characters, numbers, and letters, combining capital and lower-case letters, and making the password as long as permitted. And most importantly, use random words and phrases no one can associate you with. Also, having a different password for each online platform would be helpful. Thus, hackers would find it puzzling to compromise ten distinct credentials.

Install a solid anti-malware program

In today’s modern landscape, having a corporate website has become mandatory, as it’s the mirror of your business. But what if this is affected by malware? You have to consider a powerful anti-malware program to fight against such a brutal cyber-attack. When a malicious person wants to compromise your website, they use a ransomware program that encrypts your page’s content and only lets you access it under the condition of paying a ransom in exchange. Anti-malware software comes to your aid with features like a web application firewall, real-time protection, vulnerability patching, and malware detection (and removal), so if you don’t have such a program, it’s time to get one. However, if your efforts to strengthen your website’s security aren’t working and your page still gets hacked, it’s paramount to know what to do. First, you must not let yourself be overwhelmed by the situation. We know it might be significant material damage at a stroke, but despairing will take you nowhere. Second, contact professionals to help you with the legal matters and obtain compensation for the losses. Data breach lawyers in the UK give free legal advice and further protect your rights if it comes to a lawsuit.

Fight XSS attacks with CSP

Cross-site scripting (XSS) is not uncommon, so you must be prepared to combat it. For this, you need a content security policy (CSP) that can prevent malicious JavaScript code from entering your system. CSP tools allow you to indicate which web areas a browser may assume are valid sources for an administrative script, thus protecting your page from the infectious script.

Use website security testing tools

After you’ve taken all the necessary steps to protect your business website from cyber threats, it’s recommended to test this security and, after all, test the work of your hands. There are testing tools designed to measure your page’s security. These are also known as vulnerability or penetration testers because that’s exactly what they do – mimicking the script cyber-criminals use to intrude and hack your website. Some popular testing tools include ZedAttackProxy (ZAP), Netsparker, SecurityHeaders, and Xenotix XSS. There’s plenty to choose from, so take your time to find the tool that best meets your expectations.


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