Do you know you can also get 1k followers on TikTok in 5 Minutes? However, what is the point of leveling up our follower list when our TikTok account is private, and our video is not accessible to your TikTok followers? Head on through this article and learn why is TikTok not showing my videos to my followers and how to fix this bug in 5 easy ways. All you need to do is have a stable network connection and an updated TikTok App to bring out the best in TikTok.

Why is TikTok Not Showing My Videos to My Followers?

A TikTok bug is at its peak now and then. People are losing their calm on why is TikTok not showing my videos to my followers. Well, we’ve cracked the fault. Head on below to learn what is the reason for TikTok not showing your videos to your followers: Also, read How To Submit An Appeal On TikTok? Get Your TikTok Account Back

1. TikTok Server Down

The first and one of the main reasons why is TikTok not showing my videos to my followers is that your TikTok server is down and is not recovering from the error. Sometimes, not only you but everyone is facing this bug. However, you can only wait for the server to recover itself and clear the cache on TikTok. Clear cache on TikTok:

2. Video is Yet to Be Reviewed

Another video with another pop-up message. Imagine you made a statement to your fellows that your new TikTok video will go live at 7 pm, but oops, TikTok flashed you with ‘Your video is under review.’ How irritating that is! In return, all you can do is review your content once again and see if it abides by TikTok rules and regulations. If your content includes something unappealing to TikTok and is taking much longer to review then you must reach out to customer care support. Otherwise, all you can do is wait for the video to get reviewed asap.

3. Your TikTok Account is Private

In case your TikTok account is private and not public, your TikTok will not show any of your videos to your followers. If you wish to make your TikTok video out to every TikTok user, you must update your privacy settings. Ways to Make your TikTok Account Public: Also, read How To Turn Off Video Views On TikTok & How To Turn On/Off Profile Views

4. Shadow Ban

When your TikTok content is not well-aligned with TikTok guidelines and violates the rules and regulations of TikTok, the application imposes strict action on your videos and imposes a shadow ban not to let your followers know about your video. The major reasons for the TikTok shadow ban are violence, inappropriate words, copyright issues, etc. However, all you can do regarding the same is post content on TikTok that goes well with TikTok rules.

5. Network Error

Another reason why is TikTok not showing my videos to my followers can be that you are facing some network issues due to an unstable internet connection, and your video is not accessible to your followers. In order to fix this error, you can switch to a better network or restart your router.

6. Outdated TikTok App

Last but not least, the major reason why is TikTok not showing my videos to my followers can also be that you are using an old outdated version of TikTok. To fix this, you must head on to the Google play store or App store and update TikTok to its latest version. Further are the ways to fix TikTok Not Showing My Videos To My Followers. Head on! Also, read How Do You Get Coins on TikTok? How They Work & How to Buy Them?

Fix: TikTok Not Showing My Videos to My Followers

Below is the guide on how to fix TikTok not showing my videos to my followers. Head on further for more:

1. Make Your TikTok Account Public

As stated above, TikTok’s private account will never make your videos visible to your followers. All you need to do to make your TikTok account public is to update your settings and turn your privacy settings to public.

2. Reopen TikTok

Another possible reason for TikTok not showing your videos to your followers is that there is some faulty error in TikTok, and the server needs time to recover. Close TikTok and relaunch it to fix the error.

3. Clear TikTok Cache

Unwanted piled-up cache on TikTok causes major trouble in our videos being visible to followers sometimes. However, to clear the cache on TikTok, tap on the three dots icon on TikTok > head on to settings > tap the Clear cache option to clear the cache on your TikTok. Also, read How To Remove Contacts From TikTok: Stop TikTok From Suggesting Your Profile

4. Update TikTok

You can also try to update your TikTok to fix the bug on your application. Firstly, uninstall TikTok and reinstall it by heading on to the App store or Google play store and further relaunch TikTok once again.

5. Have a Stable Internet Connection

If none of the above methods worked out for you, you must also try to work on your unstable network connection. Switch to another internet connection or restart your router to have a strong network connection on TikTok.

Watch TikTok Not Showing My Videos to My Followers

Wrapping Up

This was all about why is TikTok not showing my views to my followers and how to fix this issue in 5 easy ways. Check out the guide mentioned above and learn how to solve this issue easily. Also, do let us know which one of the methods worked out the best for you. Path of EX is an open space. Come along if you have any doubts and we will get back to you asap.


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