Locating a closed one on Snapchat and tracking his/her location is one of the widely used features on Snapchat by users. Well, we just cannot let go of the emotions it rushes to us. And in that case, the sudden realization of Snapchat’s location getting disappeared is nonetheless sad news. Head on through this article and learn why does Snapchat location disappear sometimes. There could be many reasons for a such situation like Ghost mode being turned on, ‘People who can view’ feature limits the number of people who has access to it, a glitch, etc. Read along and see which one makes sense to you.

Why Does Snapchat Location Disappear Sometimes?

Snapchat maps reflect the last location of the user when he opened Snapchat. It can either be a few minutes back or a few hours back. Even if a user is using his phone and not logging in to Snapchat, he’ll still struggle to flaunt his location until and unless he comes up to the application himself. There are two methods to see someone’s location: Also, if someone’s location is totally disappeared and they are not visible on Snap Map, there is a possibility that either they have not reopened Snapchat in the past 8 hours or they have switched ON the Ghost Mode. Head on through this article and see why does Snapchat location disappear sometimes. Also, read What Does TBH Mean on Snapchat & How to Use it [Updated 2022]

What are the Reasons for Snapchat Location Disappear Sometimes?

There could be multiple reasons for Snapchat location’s disappearance sometimes. Head on further to know why this happens:

1. Snapchat is Not Used for More Than 8 Hours

One of the major reasons for Snapchat’s location disappearing sometimes is that the user has not used the application for 8 or above 8 hours of the day. If the user has used Snapchat before 8 hours of being ghosted of Snapchat, his last location will be reflected on the Snap Map. If the user has not used the application for above 8 hours of the day, his location will be automatically removed from the application as per policy.

2. Snapchat Ghost Mode is Switched ON

If the user has turned on the Ghost mode on Snapchat, there is no way that you can locate the location of that Snapchat user. Ghost Mode is the most used feature on Snapchat that maintains the privacy of the user by putting off their location from any of the friends added to their profile. The only way by which you can see the location of the specific Snapchat user is when they turn ON their Ghost mode.

3. You Are Not Included in their ‘People Who Can View Their Location’

Snapchat also provides a feature where a user doesn’t need to turn ON the Ghost mode but can limit his location on the Snap map to a handful number of people. That feature is called ‘People who can view their location’. Maybe, there is a possibility that the user has not added you to their ‘People who can view their location’ list. It could be due to the privacy issue or anything that restricts them from being completely transparent about their location to you. Also, read How To Fix Snapchat Notification But No Message [6 Easy Methods]

4. Less Usage of Snapchat

Another major reason for Snapchat location disappear sometimes is that the user is not using Snapchat this often which is why his offline mode is exceeding 8 hours of the day. If the user has been inactive from the application for a longer time, his location will be automatically turned off and further his location will disappear from Snapchat.

5. Toggling On/Off of Snap Maps

Snap Maps plays a major role on Snapchat. It comes up with a pin icon in the bottom left corner of your screen. Many of the users keep on toggling ON/OFF the Snap map depending on their mood. This is why sometimes the bitmoji of the user keeps on appearing and disappearing from Snapchat. This could be the major reason for Snapchat Location Disappear sometimes.

6. Snapchat is Used On Low-Network Area

Another reason for Snapchat Location Disappear sometimes is that the user is using Snapchat on a low-network area. When the signal of the area is low, Snapchat gets failed with tracking the location of the user. This is why the location gets disappeared from the Snap map. However, one must wait for a few hours for the user to come out from the low-network area and further regain the signals.

7. User has an Unstable Network

If the user is using Snapchat on an unstable network, the Snap map won’t be able to track your exact location. However, the location disappears during only the daytime and at night time, Snapchat becomes smart enough to understand that its the time to sleep. This is why all the bitmoji’s on Snapchat will be transformed into sleeping mode. Also, read What Does The X Mean On Snapchat (2022) | How To Remove ‘Grey X’ On Snapchat?

8. Snapchat Application is Uninstalled

If the user has not used Snapchat for above 8 hours, it is quite evident that the user is busy with his personal affairs and is not getting enough time to binge on Snapchat. However, if the user is ghosted from Snapchat for a couple of days, this means that the user has uninstalled Snapchat and this is why Snapchat Location Disappear sometimes.

9. There is a Bug on Snapchat

Moving on to the list of reasons Snapchat Location Disappear sometimes, another one could be that there is a bug on Snapchat. Give the server some time to recover itself and see if the glitch gets resolved with some time.

10. Device is Switched Off

Last but not the least, another reason for Snapchat Location Disappear sometimes is that the device of the user got switched off. In this case, the last location of the user before his device is switched off will be reflected on the snap map.

Watch Snapchat Location Not Working

Wrapping Up

This was all about why does Snapchat location disappear sometimes. Hope this guide helps you with the same and resolves your confusion about why does Snapchat location gets disappeared sometimes. Path of EX is an open space. Come along if you have any doubts and we will get back to you asap.


Why Does Snapchat Location Disappear Sometimes   10 Reasons - 96Why Does Snapchat Location Disappear Sometimes   10 Reasons - 88Why Does Snapchat Location Disappear Sometimes   10 Reasons - 33Why Does Snapchat Location Disappear Sometimes   10 Reasons - 54Why Does Snapchat Location Disappear Sometimes   10 Reasons - 19Why Does Snapchat Location Disappear Sometimes   10 Reasons - 74Why Does Snapchat Location Disappear Sometimes   10 Reasons - 59