Embracing the idea of having an all-in-one platform isn’t just convenient; it also offers powerful business advantages. Unifying all technologies used for communication allows teams to eliminate resource waste and foster more productive collaboration. This is especially important in remote working environments, where communication truly makes or breaks team success. Combining your work communications into one resource is essential for better alignment and productivity among teams, no matter their location. Here are some key benefits of a unified workspace.

Unified Communications App Saves Money 

One of the biggest benefits of an all-in-one communication app is that it saves your company hundreds of dollars. Some platforms, like video callers, chats, or team management apps, cost between $20 and $30 per month to use. If you’re a small business, then it makes sense to choose one platform that has everything you need.  Whether you need a team communication app, task management, or digital checklists, choosing one platform will help you save without compromising on quality.  

Increase Productivity

Productivity is essential for any business to be successful. The key to improved productivity is finding ways to maximize your time. No matter what type of work you do, there are simple strategies you can implement in your daily life to make the most out of each hour and gain more satisfaction from your job. But working on various platforms can significantly diminish productivity in your company. First, you have to find all the apps you need to use for the day. Then you have to use various processes just to complete tasks.  On the other hand, if you have an all-in-one communication system, you can access information, send messages, and complete tasks on a single dashboard.    

Offers Various Forms of Communication 

Employees have different preferences when it comes to communicating with team members. You want a platform that provides various forms of communication like: 

Video calls: This form of communication is ideal if you’re conducting meetings with staff members. It works well if you have a hybrid working force because you can have scheduled meetings with remote teams.  Quick chats: A chat feature allows staff to send quick messages when they want information. Messages are sent in real-time, and you can see when the person is replying to your messages.  Long or short emails: When you need to send instructions about a project or task, then you’ll need to send a long-form email. But you can also send shorter emails with disclaimers or promotions on products and services.  Voice notes: A voice note is also a quick form of communication when users don’t have time to type out messages.

Having access to various forms of communication is important for customer satisfaction too. Some customers prefer receiving detailed emails they can keep on record as opposed to phone calls. 

The Ability to Schedule Tasks and Set Deadlines 

Communication apps such as email clients typically have an integrated calendar. Use your calendar to schedule important tasks and set deadlines for projects. What’s more, employees can use their calendars to indicate when they’ll be out of the office and when they return.  You can leave notes under these tasks or set reminders. You’ll then be notified when a project is due, so you don’t forget about it. Lastly, you can use your calendar to schedule meetings and inform staff of important events happening in your organization. 

Saves Valuable Office Time 

One of the worst aspects of using too many tools is that it wastes valuable company time. This is especially true if the app is running slow or if you can’t access it. Most communication platforms have time-saving features like automated tasks. Or you can create templates, so you don’t have to type out the same messages to different people.  Additionally, combining all your work communications onto one platform helps you find information faster. Smart searches are important when looking for documents or a recipient that you’d like to send information. 

Saves Space on Devices 

Having too many tools can take up a lot of space on your PC or smartphone. Additionally, these tools use excessive processors, which makes your systems run slower. On the other hand, one platform doesn’t take up a lot of space on your device. You can also store information in the cloud, so documents and folders won’t take up space either. 

Final Thoughts 

If you’re a small business owner, saving money is important so you can use your capital on other aspects that will help grow your business. Combining all your work onto one platform can help you save hundreds of dollars. What’s more, it can significantly improve communication among team members because of all the various forms of messages that are available.  To assist you, use the information in this article. Don’t waste your time buying expensive platforms. Simply use one dashboard to send important information, schedule tasks, and even automate processes. 


Why Combining All Your Work Communications Into One Resource Makes Perfect Sense - 43Why Combining All Your Work Communications Into One Resource Makes Perfect Sense - 3Why Combining All Your Work Communications Into One Resource Makes Perfect Sense - 55Why Combining All Your Work Communications Into One Resource Makes Perfect Sense - 9