However, at the end of the day, choosing the right one is very, very important because, more or less, your entire experience depends on it, and we cannot really make a bad decision now, can we? Thankfully, there is some good news because we are here for you. If you have been trying to figure out which is the best OS for a gaming PC, then this post is going to help you get things done in no time. We are going to help you determine the OS you should be going for. So, let’s not waste time and start looking, shall we? After all, this is very, very important and we cannot really miss this.

Which is the best operating system for gaming?

Below, we are going to talk about all the best OS that are for gaming. I do understand that most of you might already have the answers, but we are here to help, so let’s not waste time and have a look.

#1- Windows 11

We are going to start with the latest and greatest by Microsoft. Windows 11 has been out for some time, and ever since its release date, the OS has managed to come across some controversy. Gamers and users, in general, have talked about how the OS is simply not good enough, but after some careful thought, we have learned that it is not the case because the OS, in general, is a lot more stable and is great for not just gaming but for other tasks as well. Sure, it did have some stability issues in the start, but if you have been running Windows 11 on modern hardware, then you’ve nothing to worry about. Let’s look at what you are going to get with the latest Windows 11. Related articles:

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Pros & Cons Now that we have the general understanding out of the way, let’s talk a bit more about the pros and cons of Windows 11. Of course, a lot of people would be formulating decisions based on this; therefore, we are not going to overlook this. The pros of Windows 11 are below.

Windows 11 is one of the best when it comes to gaming performance, with a heap of latest features. The overall UI is a lot better than its predecessor. It is smooth and doesn’t run into any drastic issues. Widgets are easily available. You can use Android apps on Windows 11.

As far as the cons are concerned, you can look at them below for your convenience. Let’s not waste time and have a look, shall we?

No support for older devices is a concern. Skype is missing, almost as if it has been replaced by Teams. Cortana has been removed as well. Earlier versions had some stability issues.

#2: Linux

If you are someone who prefers to have more control, security, and privacy. Installing Linux on a gaming POC is not something that you hear every single day, but hey, the option is still there; if you want to have a gaming PC running Linux, it is possible and works really well. The support might not be there all the time, but you can actually get a good experience. Pros & Cons Now, we know that Linux does not really need an introduction, but if you are still wondering, there are some pros and cons that you must know, and let’s not waste time and have a look at them, shall we? It is important to know these, so let’s not waste time.

Linux happens to be open source, and if you are looking to make sure that you are able to customize every aspect of it, going for this OS is a great idea. Additionally, you are also getting a lot of security under the hood, making this a suitable choice for most people. Linux, thanks to how good it is with managing resources, it is fast and works really, really well. So, you do not have to worry about anything going wrong. Last but not least, you can customize a Linux OS any way you want; the customization it provides is more or less unparalleled, so you do not have to worry much.

There are not a lot of cons to using Linux, to be honest. However, there are a few that I would like to mention here.

There is a steep learning curve that makes it a bit more difficult for everyone to understand. Not all games are going to run perfectly on Linux. Supported drivers can be an issue.

Why upgrade to Windows 11 instead of staying with Windows 10?

An obvious thing that most people don’t know is that whenever there is a new version of Windows or an OS, for that matter. The developers are going to support the latest version over the older one. Therefore, it is obvious that if you are looking to upgrade, you can actually go ahead and upgrade to Windows 11 instead of staying with Windows 10. Windows 11 is an excellent offering that will let you play the games you want to play without any issues. I do understand that you might be scared of bugs and all, but over the past couple of months, Windows 11 has become.

Which OS is Fastest for gaming?

This is honestly not something that you can just answer. Technically, the fastest OS is the one that has all the support from developers. If your hardware supports the appropriate OS that you are trying to go for, this is a good news because you will not be running into any issues. Windows 11 works really well for gaming, as does Windows 10. However, over the next couple of months and years, Windows 11 will be getting the most support, so you have to keep that in mind.

Is Windows 10 or 11 better for gaming?

Again, I have mentioned before that Windows 11 is definitely the way to go because of the fact that it is more modern, but it is not just about modernity. Windows 11 is better because it will be getting more and more support going forward, which is always an excellent thing for games because when a windows is running the latest updates, the gaming experience becomes a lot ultimately better. So, it is better to keep this in mind.

Which OS is most powerful?

If you are about to make a decision based on the features alone, then Windows 11 is a clear winner as it will be getting a lot more mature going forward and for all the right reasons. The OS is an excellent offering for anyone who is looking for something that is good and solid and doesn’t really create any issues, either. I am aware that it might not be for everyone, but hey, if you have been looking for something that is solid and something that works, then Windows 11 is the way to go because it does deliver a lot for gamers. The reason here is simple, you want to be able to play the games without running into any issues, and that is the best way to do it.

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