TikTok’s growth has been underestimated by the rest of the world. No one could have predicted that a 60-second video-sharing platform would be so successful. As the number of users grows, the platform will receive additional upgrades, which will please everyone. As a result, as TikTok’s viewership grows, it must maintain a high level of service. TikTok has piqued everyone’s interest with its constantly updated TikTok algorithm. Have you ever wondered how TikTok manages to keep track of so many individuals with so many diverse emotions and reactions? It’s because of their algorithm! Understanding the algorithm will also aid creators like you in better managing their audiences. Let’s have a look at the TikTok algorithm along with the best time to post on TikTok on Tuesday

Best Time to Post on TikTok on Tuesday

There will be a specific time on each day when TikTok active users are high. That’s when you have to publish your content for maximum reach. 9.00 AM is considered the best time to post on TikTok on Tuesday for maximum engagement.

Why 9.00 AM is the Best Time to Post on TikTok on Tuesday

According to research, TikTok engagement is high and consistent on hours when people are most likely to relax or before going into busy hours. 9.00 AM is the time when most people check social media before going to work or college. Also, read Best Time To Post On TikTok | 2 Simple Steps Unlike other social media, TikTok promotes or triggers the instinct to make a TikTok video when you are in a group of close friends or family. TikTok never shows you the same content again on FYP, which makes you scroll more for unlimited fresh content secretly when you are at work.

How Does TikTok Algorithm Works

TikTok clearly knows what its users want. As per TikTok data, about 49% of people search for new features. So TikTok always personalizes its algorithm to every user. The TikTok algorithm is a recommendation system that decides which video should be on FYP. Also, read Know The Best Time To Post On Instagram For Maximum Likes and Engagement Algorithms are a way of social networking that pays attention to our activities and provides services according to that. It is the one thing that is common in all platform’s algorithms. Everyone gives prior importance to user interaction on the platform such as the accounts you follow, your ‘Added to favorites,’ your ‘hidden’ contents, likes, comments, sharing, and watching time. When TikTok finds a niche of your interests, it starts to filter the content on the platform based on your preferences. When there is a hashtag, sound, or caption which is similar to your interests, your FYP will rank that content in the beginning when you are most active on TikTok. It explains why you have to consider providing better captions and original content as a creator. Also, read The Best Time to Post on Twitter To Make Your Tweets Fly Like the preferred elements, the TikTok algorithm also has some guidelines on the content that it won’t promote. The TikTok algorithm will not encourage duplicate content, copyrighted content, content that violated the guidelines of the platform, and content that are considered spam. TikTok ensures that you are not seeing the same content again on the FYP, which makes the platform more appealing and interesting.

How Does the Algorithm Work in Times of the Day?

The TikTok algorithm works differently at different times of the day. User activity is high around 7.00 PM on TikTok on workdays. The TikTok algorithm is not a single set of instructions but a series of instructions destined to work separately for separate operations. The algorithm of FYP for users is nothing like the algorithm of videos for a creator.  To customize the user interface for every individual, there are several features TikTok takes advantage of. User activity, device settings, and video information are the main factors that affect the TikTok algorithm.  As a creator, you have to know how to work with the TikTok algorithm rather than knowing the best posting time. When your tactics are good enough to beat the algorithm, you don’t have to worry about the best time to post on TikTok anymore. Observe your competitors in your niche and find out their posting time daily. Check your TikTok analytics by switching to a business account. Make a note of your audience’s age group, location, and device settings to customize your content in the future. Add click baits like ‘watch till the end’ or ‘You are going to like what she did in the end’ in the captions- Make them stop scrolling.  Also, read Best Time To Post On Facebook For Maximum Likes and Engagement

Wrapping Up

TikTok is no longer only a video-sharing app. If you’re a brand considering incorporating TikTok into your marketing strategy, you’ll need to understand how the TikTok algorithm works. We’ve covered everything there is to know about the TikTok algorithm in 2022, as well as the best time to post on TikTok on Tuesday. If you find this useful, please share it with your TikTok community. Bada-bing Bada-boom!


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