And in today’s article, I will tell you all that is mentioned in the official blog of Twitter Inc. regarding Twitter 2.0. So without further ado, let’s see what is Twitter 2.0 and what Twitter has to say about it without hitting any shot in the dark.

What is Twitter 2.0?

Here is what Twitter Inc. said about Twitter 2.0 in their official blog on November 30, 2022 The official blog of Twitter Inc. began by recalling the actual mission behind the creation of the platform called Twitter, which is “to be the town square of the internet.” And this is possible only when people can converse publically as well as the power to create and share ideas lies with people without any barrier. After this, they mentioned that Twitter is now a new company renamed Twitter 2.0. But this new chapter does mean there is any change in the mission and vision of the company. It is still to make it the town square of the Internet by promoting and protecting public conversation. And to emphasize this, they added, “In fact, we are better positioned to realize our ambitions than ever before.” But how accurate their words are, time will show. Then they came to the main point and added, “We’ve always understood that our business and revenue are interconnected with our mission…” which shows that they have now realized that if people have the power to create something, then those people can destroy it too. Continuing this, they added, “Brand safety is only possible when human safety is the top priority.” And this can be interpreted as brand safety is possible only when human consensus is taken note of; otherwise, people are already looking for alternatives. Who cares these days? And it doesn’t matter how cool are you playing or pretending to be ultimately the loss is yours. And you know it very well. Now talking about their changed approach, they said what has changed “is our approach to experimentation.” And referred it to what you have seen from the past several weeks and named it “public testing.” Also, they added, “we believe that this open and transparent approach to innovation is healthy.” Haha! Obviously, this helped them to collect the feedback of years within just a few weeks, which they might never have been able to do if they had opted to ask the user in a prescribed manner. Because you know, everyone is too busy when it comes to filling up the feedback forms and all. Continuing this, they added all of this drama(for them experimentation) which is going on, was done by keeping “one goal in mind: to improve Twitter for our customers, partners, and the people who use it across the world.” I really can’t believe this, seriously! And at last, they come up with a few assurances regarding Twitter 2.0, take a deep breath, and have a look at what they are assuring you of. And in the concluding statement, they promised to “remain committed to provide a safe, inclusive, entertaining, and informative experience for everyone.” And also to listen to its users who make Twitter what it is today. What a speech, Bravo!

Wrapping Up

With this, I came to the end of this blog, and I hope you enjoyed reading it. Also, now you know what is Twitter 2.0. which is nothing but the same company renamed and owned by Elon Musk with few changes in work culture and all. For users, it is almost the same. And what all you can expect is given in the assurances above. So, guys, that’s it for today. Take care! You can always comment in the comments section below for more such queries. And keep visiting our website, Path of Ex, for more such updates related to Social media, Gaming, and Technology. Bye! Bye!


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