Google Search Engine is the most widely used search engine all over the world. As such it is very particular about the protocols it follows worldwide. It becomes important to have a uniform URL worldwide for easier navigation. It is also necessary for better management of Google. As numerous sites get created on the internet every day, a cleaner, easier and uniform URL becomes the need of the hour. If you were taken to a different website when trying to log in to Google, this is something you should know about. We also have a solution for how you can remove this error. Now let me break it down for you if you are asking https // gws_rd=ssl what does this mean?

What is gws_rd=ssl On Google?

When you try to log into any site that has ‘HTTP’ at the beginning of its URL, you will be redirected to its ‘HTTPS’ site. The redirected site has ‘gws_rd=ssl’ in its URL. This is the address or URL it uses to take the user to the new site. Some websites were yet to change their official address. Or that users like us aren’t even aware of this new change. To make the browsing experience simpler and safer users are redirected to the ‘HTTPS’ site. So that you don’t have to go back to its search engine and re-enter the website address. Also, read Google Chrome’s Latest Update to Fix Security Bug, Update ASAP!

Why Does URL Gets Converted to ‘…gws_rd=ssl extension’

In 2018, Google made it mandatory for all websites to use ‘HTTPS’ instead of ‘HTTP’. The extension that would redirect the user to the new site was ‘… gws_rd=ssl’. After that, all sites that had ‘HTTP’ as their URL were redirected to their ‘HTTPS’ sites. As it was made compulsory to use ‘HTTPS’ in the new URL,  it was necessary to re-direct the users to it. Google made it mandatory to use ‘HTTPS’  for added security. This was done to keep the data protected and to keep any attackers away. There is not any hidden reason for this. It is simply used to redirect you to the new ‘HTTPS’ sites. The …gws_rd=ssl on Google is simply used to redirect you to the new site that has a different URL. These changes might not seem like big changes to someone like you and me. But these changes make a big difference to make our browsing experience easier and faster. Also, read Can’t Click Anything on Desktop on Windows 10/11? Solve Now!

How Can You Remove gws_rd=ssl On Google?

It can get infuriating when your URL gets converted to gws_rd=ssl on Google again and again. The reason why your URL gets converted is for enhanced security. This is done by Google to ensure that your data is safe and secured. You can remove gws_rd=ssl on Google. You simply have to make sure you use ‘ HTTPS’ instead of ‘HTTP’ in the URL. This will prevent any further incidents of your URL getting converted. 

What is SSL Certificate?

SSL or  Secure Sockets Layer is a security protocol. This protocol ensures that the data between two systems i.e. the browser and the server is encrypted. Encrypting data ensures that any attacker that tries to access the data won’t be able to use it. This ensures that your data remains protected and safe.

What Is The Difference Between HTTPS And SSL?

There is one major difference between HTTPS and SSL. HTTPS is a standard internet security protocol. SSL is an advanced protocol used in HTTPS to encrypt the data. Encryption of sensitive data ensures that even if any attackers are able to access the data they wouldn’t be able to use it. Sensitive information can be used in several ways that could be a threat to the user’s identity. Also, read Fix NOW “Looks like another app is blocking access to Google Play” Google made using ‘HTTPS’ compulsory for added security. This was essentially done to protect the data of its users. Google as a search engine is used by almost everyone worldwide. So it was imperative to protect the data of its users. By adding ‘HTTPS’ it simply protected its data from attackers and hackers. This makes sure that your search history stays protected. So now you know What is gws_rd=ssl on Google.  These simple changes are what make Google browsing so much better. It might have been an insignificant change for you and me. You might not have even noticed it. But it makes a big difference in the 21st century where digital data is more valuable than ever. If you found this article useful, share it with your friends. We will get back to you with all the latest trending topics! Till then, keep checking in with Path Of EX!


What is gws rd ssl On Google   How to Fix gws rd ssl Error in 2022 - 40What is gws rd ssl On Google   How to Fix gws rd ssl Error in 2022 - 15What is gws rd ssl On Google   How to Fix gws rd ssl Error in 2022 - 44What is gws rd ssl On Google   How to Fix gws rd ssl Error in 2022 - 87What is gws rd ssl On Google   How to Fix gws rd ssl Error in 2022 - 59