When we notice that we have to pay to use any feature then we always think twice before taking the step. Because whenever money is involved we usually think before investing. But Snapchat has changed the mindset of its users with the newly introduced benefits it offers. It comes with a host of benefits like a ghost trail on Snapmap, specific emojis for each feature, friends’ solar system, and more. Before you come to any conclusion please refer to the benefits and their utilities in the article below. I am sure after getting to know the benefits you would buy the membership to enjoy them.

What Does the Eyes Mean on Snapchat Story?

Please do not go by the name. The feature is quite different from the name suggested. If you are still wondering what the eye means on Snapchat Plus then it refers to the story rewatch indicator. As per the Snapchat support team, it refers that the emoji that follows indicates that the story of a particular person is read more than once by the same person. Also, read How to Get Snapchat Plus in Canada in 2022 | Get Snapchat Plus Now! The USP of this feature is that the number which comes next to the eyes emoji is not the number of times the story is viewed. It indicates the number of times a person has rewatched your story on Snapchat. When you wish to see how many people rewatched your story. You have to click on the story and it will show three icons with numbers. You will find an icon with a dot around it, this one shows how many times your story has been viewed.

How Many Benefits do You Get From Snapchat Plus?

This is the latest feature added to Snapchat Plus. For enjoying the benefits of this upgraded version of Snapchat you have to pay $3.99 each month. Here you enjoy many features like you can pin your best friend with a smiling and blushing emoji on Snapchat. You can include your eight best friends in the friend solar system on the app. You can use a planet with each one as per your closeness to them. Track your friend’s whereabouts in the past 24 hours in ghost trails on a snap map. Apart from these benefits, you get a Snapchat Plus badge emoji, a story rewatches feature, and an eyes emoji. Also, read How to Fix Missing Snapchat Plus Banner in 2022

Wrapping Up

Hope you are excited to read about the details and the added features and benefits that come along with it. So, get your Snapchat Plus membership now and have fun with the added benefits. Remember one thing Snapchat Plus members get to know about the new rollout benefits earlier than others. I believe all your queries regarding What Do the Eyes Mean on Snapchat Plus are cleared in the article.


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