What we know so far about Cristiano Ronaldo is that he is all ready to make a homecoming. However, the news does not end here. Taking you all in an extreme opposite direction! If you are a cricket fan, you know that there will be a 5th Test Match in Manchester. Are you guys making a connection? 

What We Know So Far – Virat and Cristiano Meet-UP!

Sources say that Virat Kohli is in Manchester for the 5th Test Match that will take place on September 10, 2021. You may say that this is a piece of common news? What is so intriguing about it?  Hold on to that thought! Our intel says that both the legends (Virat Kohli and Cristiano Ronaldo) will catch up soon! But I won’t get my hopes too high! We know that both the athletes work at a very tight schedule and it would rather be difficult for both of them to take out time for a meeting.  The Indian Cricket team seems to be very occupied with the Test Matches. However, the Test match between India and England will end on September 14, 2021. But…. At that time Cristiano Ronaldo will be in Switzerland for the Champions League 2021.  It is definitely super interesting to even think about the fact that they are going to meet in the near future. But will it happen or not? I am totally rooting for them to meet and have a look at their socials. 

Virat Kohli’s Love For Cristiano Ronaldo

I believe that Virat Kohli’s meeting the football legend is going to be a fan moment for the captain. We all know that the captain of the Indian Cricket Team, Virat Kohli admires Cristiano Ronaldo.  Virat Kohli has never shied away from the fact that he loves Cristiano Ronaldo. Virat Kohli is a huge Cristiano Ronaldo fan and has admitted that he supports Juventus because of the 36-year-old. “I support Juventus now because of Cristiano. Simple. I support every club at which he plays. He inspires me” the Indian captain said in an interview with FIFA.com.  In fact, Virat Kohli during an Instagram Q&A session had revealed about tracking Ronaldo’s transfer moves. In addition, Virat Kohli and Ronaldo have also done a commercial together in the past. During that time also, the fans went crazy!! In 2020, during a chat with Indian football team captain Sunil Chhetri, Kohli explained why he idolizes Ronaldo. “Cristiano Ronaldo. There are many great athletes. There are so many people you look up to, who are amazing, but for a guy to turn up for big games that regularly. The thing that stood out was, he joined Juventus (and) I remember it was a UEFA Champions League match between Juventus and Atletico Madrid match. They lost 2-0 in the first leg. The second leg they were playing at home. For a guy to say two days prior to the game, to tell his friends that come for the game (because) it is going to be a special night.” Down to the memory lane: Back in 2014, Virat and Cristiano were associated with the same brand – Herbalife. In a video message, Kohli had stated, “Hi Cristiano. I don’t know if you know much about cricket but I know a lot about soccer. I have been the biggest fan you can have from any other sport. I’ve followed your career closely and your games closely. I was only a fan of Manchester United because of you. And now, my loyalties have shifted to Real Madrid because of you. I really admire your passion and aggression on the field, something that I thrive on as well.“

Are Virat Kohli and Cristiano Ronaldo Actually Meeting? How? 

The moment Virat Kohli arrived in Manchester and started his training, Lancashire Cricket, through their official Twitter account, shared a picture of Virat Kohli. They mentioned the presence of the two legends (Virat Kohli and Cristiano Ronaldo) on the same grounds at the same time.  It might have been just a few hours that the tweet has been made, but the news has been #breakingtheinternet. However, things just do not end here!  In response to Lancashire Cricket’s tweet, Manchester United responded writing: “One City, two GOATs”

Why are Virat and Cristiano Meeting and Where?

Manchester is currently hogged with limelight since Kohli along with the Indian team arrived in the city. Opening Batsman, Shubman Gill shared his “opinion” on Twitter that claims that “Ronaldo has joined Manchester United to meet Kohli”. His tweet reads: “Underrated opinion: @Cristiano joined Manchester United to meet @imVkohli bhai #ifyouknowyouknow“. Both the players have worked on the same advertisement in the past. The advertisement which has already created rounds on the internet features the Real Madrid star in the initial seconds followed by a little glimpse of the RCB captain – who is currently leading his franchise in the VIVO IPL 2018. According to some reports, they will meet again on 14th September night. We are assuming that the players are meeting again for a collaboration. If this is true, there will be a storm of happiness among the fans all over the world.

Wrapping Up

If everything goes as we are thinking, there might be a high possibility that they will meet up. Prior prediction: Their pictures are going the blow the internet. This is a tip for all the fans that get ready to be amazed as the two stalwarts meet soon. 


Virat Kohli and Cristiano Ronaldo Meeting After Tomorrow s Match   Two GOATs on Same Ground - 15Virat Kohli and Cristiano Ronaldo Meeting After Tomorrow s Match   Two GOATs on Same Ground - 15Virat Kohli and Cristiano Ronaldo Meeting After Tomorrow s Match   Two GOATs on Same Ground - 22Virat Kohli and Cristiano Ronaldo Meeting After Tomorrow s Match   Two GOATs on Same Ground - 11