So get ready to learn everything you need to know to create absolutely irresistible videos for your social media that will get you tons of new followers and customers for your company. So let’s start immediately because your competitors will not wait even a minute!

Why is using videos on social media so important?

I mean, why can’t we just post pictures and texts like in the old days, right? The thing is that a nice, high-quality video with royalty-free music and substance can tell your customer a lot more than even the most beautiful picture of your product with a good selling text. Sometimes people do not even notice texts, but they often stop to watch a short video. And it really works! According to, marketers around the world say that they recognize that videos are much more effective than other types of marketing content, and 68% of them also state that videos give them better ROI than even Google Ads, the industry leader. Even though making video content can be time-consuming, it is absolutely worth it, so do not ignore this important source of new leads and customers from social media.

Essential software for video marketing

Shooting is only the first part of making a marketing video, and, arguably, it is not the hardest part. Frankly, the biggest chunk of work you actually perform after, in the post-production process. It is the time when you need to edit your clips with a professional or a free video editor (depending on your needs and possibilities), find royalty-free music to add to your videos, and free templates to add infographics or thumbnail templates. Besides all these basic things, you also may need a compressor to compress your videos without losing quality, animation tools if you want to create animated clips, and, of course, a video converter. All social media platforms have their preferences for video formats. For example, if you need to upload a video on the Instagram reels but you have it only in M4V format, you need an M4V converter online to convert the video into MP4 format and successfully upload it on your page. Those were only some examples of software, and you may need tools for special effects and adding filters to your videos, but if you need just basic social media video content, the given list of tools will be more than enough for you.

The types of marketing videos

Let’s talk a little bit about the types of marketing videos you can create for social media.

Cool ideas for video content on social media

Content on social media has its formula of popularity, and it is very simple: trendy topics + informational content + consistency in uploading. You don’t need to always talk only about trendy stuff in the industry (though, occasionally, you absolutely should), but keeping a consistent flow of informational content is absolutely crucial for your success on social media. If you have trouble coming up with interesting topics, here are five cool ideas for videos you can create for your social media and get a lot of positive responses in exchange.

Weekly QnA’s on Instagram

Start using those Instagram stories not only for showing off your products! It is a great idea to shoot a short informational QnA for your reels ads that show off all the pros of your products. Pro tip: if you don’t get many questions, imagine yourself as a customer and think what answers you would like to hear from your favorite brand and improvise!

The industry news talk show on YouTube or Vimeo

Industry news is an excellent idea for your next big clip on Vimeo or YouTube. Make it a regular series in a talk show format where a couple of your employees explain what’s up in the industry. These platforms are perfect for this task because here, you can post long talks, and they only appreciate it!

Behind-the-scenes clips for TikTok

Everyone loves short TikTok videos that are entertaining and easy to consume. Usually, brands and influencers can easily gain a huge following here, so it is a perfect place for a short behind-the-scenes video about your production process. You can even do promotions on TikTok for your videos to get even more exposure for your brand.

Product reveals for Facebook

Facebook feed is a perfect place for creating a product reveal video.  You can even add creative reveal videos into your Facebook ads if you want to intrigue your new followers and make them look more about you.

In conclusion

We are proud to announce to you that your journey has finished, and you can go on social media, create amazing video content and start getting followers right now. Even if you have a limited budget or you lack video editing skills, try to make the simplest video content just to start this trend on your page. Trust us, it will bring you so much in return, and making videos will become your new favorite thing pretty soon!


Video Marketing  How to Work With the Video in Social Media - 52Video Marketing  How to Work With the Video in Social Media - 28Video Marketing  How to Work With the Video in Social Media - 14Video Marketing  How to Work With the Video in Social Media - 1