So, are you guilty of oversharing? If the answer is yes, you’re not really protecting yourself online. This sense of familiarity can backfire if you post too much information. Oversharing can have long-term consequences on your social life, education, and your chances of employment. It’s more important than ever to understand digital etiquette. Ideally, you should take some time off social media. If that’s not an option, at least stop oversharing. How? Let’s find out. 

Find Outlets Other Than Social Media 

Social media has changed the way we interact with one another. Platforms like Facebook and Twitter are rich in information, such as photos, personal beliefs, and friends. This data can be useful when deciding whether or not to form a friendship or screen a job applicant before an interview. Oversharing is an unconscious act – in other words, you don’t realise it until you’ve spilled out information. More often than not, people overshare information they wouldn’t normally share with a large audience if it were done face-to-face.  It’s important to keep in mind that social media isn’t real life. Develop and foster relationships in the real world. Find the right way to share personal information, whether in business or intimate relationships. Know when and how to disclose personal details. If you’re uncomfortable with the idea of sharing anything, it’s better to keep things to yourself. Of course, you shouldn’t tell friends, co-workers, or relatives everything about your life. if it hurts you, it’s none of their business. 

Scrutinise Your Content Before You Share It With The World

No matter if you post once a month or daily, carefully read the content before sharing. Be mindful as you leverage the power of social media. It’s almost impossible to delete the content you’ve shared online. Even if you delete your Facebook or Instagram account, they’ll keep your data. Plus, you don’t know who has already seen and/or stored that information. You get to keep your content, but the social media platform has the right to use it in various ways without any compensation to you.  The background of your pictures and photos shouldn’t reveal private information. A picture taken in your home, for instance, might catch sensitive info in the background. It’s a good idea to ask a friend to take a look at your photo/video before you post it. If a post includes personal information, it can be used for scams and phishing attempts. Don’t share your routine or the places you visit on a regular basis. If you show the logo of your school or the name of your company, malicious actors will take advantage of that. 

Be Cautious of Third-Party Apps 

Take into consideration anything you have connected to your social media accounts. Third-party apps want access to your profile details and other stuff, so there’s the risk they might be from phishing websites that gather information about you. They can be tools that scrape your data or games you play on your phone. The more apps have sensitive information, the more likely it is that this information will be misused. If you happen to see an app that shouldn’t be there, revoke access immediately. 

Think Hard About the Photos You Post

You’re so excited to share a picture of your restaurant meal that you don’t even notice the credit card in the corner of the frame. Before uploading a photo, check it twice. You can endanger your identity, relationships, or your job. Certain photos should never be posted on social media. Examples include but aren’t limited to money, work emails, children, other people’s announcements, memories from a drunken night, and someone else’s photos. Social media platforms need to be used responsibly.  Surprising as it may seem, what you post online can be used as evidence against you. Let’s take an example. If you’re involved in a personal injury case, photos can be used as evidence of your character or the activities you partake in. According to the experts at Accident Claims Advice, it’s easy for legal teams to get hold of your social media posts, so it’s best to refrain from posting anything. If they find something that disproves your injury, they could deny your claim.

Separate Personal and Professional Audiences 

Something that it’s okay to share with your friends and family might be oversharing with your co-workers and professional network. The lines between your personal and professional life get blurred as your opinions, interests, and comments apply to a much larger sphere. This is precisely why you must separate profiles altogether. You can share stuff that’s appropriate for each of your viewers. Discretion is key, needless to say. Anyone can screenshot everything you say, and you won’t even know about it. It would be best to take precautions. 

Do A Clean Up of Your Network 

Finally, yet importantly, consider updating your privacy settings and eliminating questionable posts. Personal identifiable information should stay off social media platforms. If your social media life spans several years, you don’t want your family, friends, or prospective employers to see what kind of person you used to be. Clearing out connections will make room for the people you’re close to now. It’s normal for friendships to change with time. See who’s in your network and figure out how they’re helping you get ahead.  Figure out what data you want to protect and who you want to protect it from. It’s advisable to get your phone number, address, name of family members, and income off the Internet. Erasing your online presence isn’t the answer. You’ll only create a void in the search engine results. 


Useful Tips to Avoid Oversharing Online and On Social Media  - 42Useful Tips to Avoid Oversharing Online and On Social Media  - 3Useful Tips to Avoid Oversharing Online and On Social Media  - 31Useful Tips to Avoid Oversharing Online and On Social Media  - 5