Some companies who are in no way related to cryptocurrency also own Bitcoins, these companies are namely Microstrategy, and Tesla, and some more companies who collectively hold most Bitcoin in the world.  Companies that hold the most number of Bitcoins : 34 public companies hold the most number of Bitcoins of which only twelve companies from the USA itself have a record of holding nearly 87% of the total Bitcoins held by public companies. The top 10 companies in the world hold 204,000 Bitcoins which is a very big number.  Microstrategy holds the first position in owning the most number of Bitcoins, followed by Tesla, Galaxy digital holdings, Voyager digital, square, and Marathon digital holdings. Talking about Galaxy digital holdings, the company has around 16,400 Bitcoins. This company provides services like trading, asset management, and investment banking to other institutional investors. The company used its treasuries to buy these digital assets.  Another company Square has nearly 8000 Bitcoins after purchasing some in February 2021. The company has cleared the air and announced that they will not buy any more Bitcoins but are investing in creating hardware Bitcoin wallets for their users.  Marathon digital holdings have around 5000 Bitcoins and in which nearly 500 of them are self mined. These are some of the top companies which hold a large number of Bitcoins. Now, take a look at two of the top companies that hold the most number of Bitcoins that are Microstrategy and Tesla.  Microstrategy and Bitcoins: Microstrategy holds the first position in owning the most number of Bitcoins. The company’s CEO Michael Saylor recognizes Bitcoin as a powerful asset and so invests as much as he can to hold this position. The company spends most of its treasuries to buy Bitcoins. This company made its first purchase in August 2020. Later, they adopted a strategy to prioritise Bitcoin holding as their asset.  From August 2020 to June 2021 the company purchased Bitcoin worth around $2.741 billion. In August 2020 they bought 21,454 Bitcoins followed by 16,796 in September, 32,220 in December. In January 2021 they bought 314 Bitcoins followed by 19,747 in February, 795 in March, 253 in April, and 500 Bitcoins in May 2021. Later, in June 2021 Microstrategy brought 13,005 Bitcoins.  After all these purchases, the Company sold its secured notes to invest most of them in buying more Bitcoins. The company made one purchase of Bitcoin worth $489 million and became one of the top companies to hold the most number of Bitcoins.  Tesla and Bitcoins: The CEO of Tesla is Elon Musk, a man whose one tweet changed the way people used to see Bitcoins. So, how can he not be in the race of holding the second position in owning the most number of Bitcoins? In January 2021 Tesla invested Billions of dollars in purchasing Bitcoins. Later in some months, they sold 10% of their total Bitcoins to generate a profit of $101 million. It was reported that this sale was intended to check the liquidity of this digital currency.  Elon Musk has a very volatile nature towards Bitcoins, same as the nature of Bitcoins itself. Let me explain, firstly Elon musk’s tweet in support of Bitcoin increases demand the same. He also announced that Tesla is accepting Bitcoin as a payment method. After some months this payment method was rejected by the company and he issued a statement denying any kind of selling of Bitcoin by the company.  Moreover, his statements keep changing regarding Bitcoins but the company has a large number of Bitcoins holdings.  Concluding notes: Bitcoin is a kind of currency in which even giant companies are taking interest in its holding. Companies like Microstrategy and Tesla and Galaxy digital holdings are leading the ownership by taking top 3 positions for holding the most number of Bitcoins.  This is creating a positive impact for the common users of Bitcoin. This shows that Bitcoins are trustworthy and investment-friendly. Check this link to know more about bitcoin trading.


The Top 3 Companies That Hold Most Bitcoin In The World - 41The Top 3 Companies That Hold Most Bitcoin In The World - 92The Top 3 Companies That Hold Most Bitcoin In The World - 53The Top 3 Companies That Hold Most Bitcoin In The World - 10