Unfortunately, the “GeForce Experience Something Went Wrong” error is way too annoying. Although the issue might sound hard to digest, the solutions are just as more straightforward. The thing is, the errors aren’t displayed in a detailed manner. This is why debugging them or asking the Internet Gurus for the solution is quite hard. In this article, we’ll help you resolve your GeForce error and help you reconnect with your graphics card again. Let’s not wait for any further and jump right in:

1- Stop All GeForce Tasks And Relaunch GeForce Experience

Often applications can’t find the configuration files or data, which helps it load up. Failure to observe these files can also cause an error at the startup of the application. In this case, you can stop the GeForce tasks and relaunch them for a quick fix. Task manager is your friend in this case. To shut down the GeForce experience, follow these steps: Often, restarting the app does it. Why go for complex solutions when the solution is right in front of you? You’re good to go and can repeat this solution if need be. Didn’t work? Well, the issue seems to be something else. Try the second solution!

2- Changing Compatibility Of GeForce Experience

Software solutions exist for several OS and several service packs of theirs. If your system is unsupported, the software won’t ever run and produce unlikely errors. Compatibility issues can be quickly resolved but don’t come to mind at first thought. Let’s try to change the compatibility settings of your computer to see if it works. Here’s how you can do it too: Compatibility concerns are way too easy to resolve in this case and can help your game correctly in minutes. That said, there are still other solutions that you can try right now. Let’s look at those next:

3- Modify NVIDIA Telemetry Container & Display Container Service Properties​

This method is all about changing the configuration of NVIDIA’s software. Usually, these software report back statistics so they can further optimize performance. But, it’s often a hindrance rather than a feature. To help you modify these telemetry settings, follow these steps: This should fix your issue permanently. Try restarting GeForce Experience. If it works, pat yourself on the back; otherwise, you can try some of the other solutions.

There are dozens of settings that are associated with GeForce Experience. A small misconfiguration or missing background can ruin your software. This is precisely what we’re going to fix in this solution. Like we discussed changing telemetry container settings, let’s retake a look at it: Run GeForce Experience again. If the error is gone, you can finally take a long, deserving break. If the issue persists, make sure you repeat this step for all NVIDIA container-related services in your Machine.

5- Reinstalling The Visual C++ Redistributable Package

If you’ve installed all drivers, software, and other applications properly – maybe it’s missing files in your system. All applications make use of dll files from the system. If they’re missing, it can massively impact your applications working. In that case, you can download the redistributable package from Microsoft and install all these missing files. It is recommended to avoid all resources which aren’t supported by Microsoft or aren’t authentic. These DLL files can be malicious and leak information from your computer. Here’s how you can reinstall the Visual C++ redistributable package on your system: If the software now tends to work on your system, you can let go of all other solutions. Still, let’s explore a few more options.

6- Uninstall And Reinstall All NVIDIA Software (Clean Installation)

At times, it’s the software that messes up, and GeForce Experience Something Went Wrong error pops up. To counter this, you can also try to uninstall all NVIDIA software from your system. Reinstalling it again can also bypass all the issues in your system. To get started with this step, you can: Clean installations can simplify your life. Since the drivers are up-to-date, your software won’t ever crash. If this didn’t work either, don’t lose hope, and let’s get to the next solution.

7- Update NVIDIA Display Drivers

Let’s be clear; old, missing, or corrupt drivers are the root cause of many different problems. If you’re not a fan of updating your card, the software can’t do you any good. You should make sure your system is up-to-date with the latest drivers. If you’re not a fan of the deed yourself, you can also make use of helper utilities. If not that either, you can try updating your system manually. Use the following steps to update your display drivers: Once done, you should restart your computer. See if GeForce Experience’s errors go away for your system now. This is one of the most effective methods of getting rid of graphic mistakes – but not the last one.

8- Reset The Network Adapter

Resetting the network adapter can also be a possible solution to the problem. This method can help you identify network related issues almost immediately. Though we should warn you, resetting the network adapters will also flush out any passwords or settings. If you wish to reset your adapter, follow these steps: Windows will make sure you know what you’re doing by a series of confirmations. If you’re confident, let’s make these changes in the system.

9- Changing Paths In Registry Editor

Often, people use different drives for storage. Windows can, therefore, mess up storing configuration settings from one to another. One of the affected directories is the default program directory, which is required to point to the right executable for the program to run. To rectify these paths, you need to edit the registries. A registry holds several configuration settings for applications, settings, and others. Here’s how you can select your registry path to point to the right file: After you’ve made these changes, you should restart your GeForce Experience. You can also try to reinstall the drivers and applications. After these changes, all new installations are going to be in the C directory.

10- Check For Windows Updates

If all other solutions have failed for you, the last option left is for you to update your operating system (OS). If your OS isn’t updated, likely, the newest application won’t work with your system. This incompatibility can be resolved quickly. If you’re using Windows 10, you can follow these steps to update your OS using Windows Updates: If you don’t own a Windows 10 machine, you can search for Windows Updates. Or, you can follow these steps to open the Windows Updates panel: Once rebooted, you should try to open GeForce Experience again. If the application works, you’re good to go. If not, the application isn’t compatible with your operating system, and you might want to update your system to a newer OS. If the article didn’t solve your problem, maybe the issue is hardware related. You can get your GPU checked at a local center or keep trying to get your system started. If not, the software could be at fault too. Usually, NVIDIA rolls out new updates frequently. So, you’re not to worry as your fix will be on its way soon. Till then, happy gaming!

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