The combination of all these negative triggers to drag down the market and slump market prices is known as crypto winter. During crypto winter, the entire market is bleeding including Bitcoin and Ethereum. But surprisingly, in the middle of crypto winters, there are specific crypto assets that don’t follow the market trend. These assets are what smart crypto investors lookout for during times like this. And a very good example of such a token is Jedstar which is under the GameFi crypto sector. The GameFi Sector GameFi is a flourishing crypto sector that is estimated to reach $180 Billion by the end of this year. An additional increase of 20% is also expected of the sector by 2022. The games sector is considered by many as key to all-out crypto adoption. The GameFi sector can stay strong during the crypto winter due to the utility it offers gamers across the world. Gamers don’t usually care about crypto winters to market corrections. They just buy tokens when they need to play games. As gamers continue to buy token, the GameFi stay afloat during the crypto winter Presently, a good token to watch out for and invest in in the GameFi sector is the Jedstar. The Jedstar has been less affected by the bearish market unlike other altcoins and even the crypto behemoths like Bitcoin. JEDSTAR: Short term Market Performance Following a major decline in the market price of Bitcoin and Ethereum, most crypto assets follow suit. And this also includes some GamFi tokens like MANA and AXS but, except for Jedstar. Most of these digital coins saw a dip in market cap except Jedstar. This stability can be attributed to the low market cap of Jedstar Presently, Jedstar ($JED) has a market cap of approximately  $22 Million and has achieved a peak market cap of $44 Million. As of last month, Jedstar saw a sharp increase in the market from $8.4 Million to $22 Million. This was achieved when Jedstar’s market price moved from $0.19 to $0.5 which was about a 161%  increase in price. While JED saw a price increase of more than 100% plenty of digital coins such as AXS, at that time, recorded a negative percentage while others saw just a little increase. Going by the short-term market analysis, Jedstar performed incredibly well at the beginning of this crypto winter. This is even though volatility has a more impact on small market cap tokens. JEDSTAR: Short term Market Performance A 3-token DECOsystem makes up Jedstar. While $JED was launched about three months ago, $KRED, its second token is expected to go on presale on the 17the of Dec 2021. Recognizing the critical effects crypto winters have on crypto assets, Jedstar established itself for success by using   genre- and sector-related diversification techniques. It also embarks on a utility-focused journey to help stay afloat during crypto winters and in the long run. Using a crypto-sector diversification technique, Jedstar distinguishes itself from GameFi peers, such as MANA and AXS. It does this by tapping into the thriving crypto sectors of GameFi with $KRED and DeFi with $JED.  While $JED will be designed into a complete DeFi token, $KRED will be developed as a GameFi token and used on Jedstar’s games platform, STARDOME, and its NFT marketplace. Also embarking on a utility-focused journey, Jedstar is currently working on several blockchains and Play-to-earn game genres. Jedstar also indicated that there are plans on the ground for a Metaverse and film development within its MMORPGs.  Conclusion In summary, Jedstar’s diversification into the GameFi and DeFi crypto space including the development of unique utility of $KRED and multiple game genres makes it better equipped to protect investors against the negative impact of crypto winters.


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