Here the feature would come with lots of choices in the platform and would not force any payment options on their users. Hence, the users should not feel they need to pay to use the feature. The company also plans to benefit from the features and earn enough revenue in the long run. Hence, you read the entire article to know the news in detail. I am sure in the end, you will be excited about the introduction of the paid features for Facebook and Instagram.

There is exciting news from Meta, the Facebook, Instagram, and Whatsapp owners. The company will soon introduce a new group of product organizations that aims to create products and features for the said platforms. A new division is being set up to build the paid features for the apps. This decision to introduce the paid features was introduced when the Ad version of Mets a was severely hit after the Ad tracking in Apple changed an iOS digital Ad spending. The new group has been named New Monetization Express. It will be led by Pratiti Roy Choudhury, Head of Research for Meta. Also read, How to Find My Facebook Account by my Name | A Recovery Guide For FB

Statement From Meta

In an interview, John Hegeman, VP of Monetization for Meta, who oversees this group, said the company is committed to growing its ads business, and they do not have any plan to force their users to pay them to turn off their ads in those apps. He even stressed that the group would try to introduce new features and experiences where the users would have the choice to make their payments as per the products. The primary revenue from Meta comes from their ads. Apart from the app, there are several features in the apps by Meta where payment is not mandatory. Hegeman stated that the group would be a pivotal part of the company, and shortly, improvisations would be made in them. The diversification can be in terms of revenue or enhanced features for the company. Also read, 7 Amazing Facebook Growth Hacks to Boost Your Reach in 2022

How Does Meta See The Future of The New Features

Five years hence the company sees this feature growing big and robust among its users and would bring many benefits for Meta. The group administrators on Facebook can have access to unique content and give virtual stars to their creators. Instagram has announced that its creators can access unique content on the platform in exchange for a subscription. WhatsApp also charges its users for some of using their features. In June this year, Zuckerberg announced that the company would not take away a portion of any of the transactions made through subscriptions and paid features up to 2024. Also read, How to Visit Facebook Marketplace Without Facebook Account?

Wrapping Up

In the new feature introduced by Meta, the users on both ends would get many benefits along with the innovative features. I think Meta is joining the bandwagon of other social media platforms like TikTok, Twitter, and others. Hence, we can only watch and see how the new feature goes ahead in the future.


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