Ever since the release of MultiVersus character list, everyone is curious to know more about their favourite MultiVersus character. It’s useful to know which characters are leading the pack. It is easy to fight and win against an opponent when you know your opponent’s weaknesses and strengths. As a result, we’ve created a MultiVersus tier list for everyone who is just getting started in the game of MultiVersus. We’re going to rate every character in the MultiVersus cast right now and explain why we believe some characters are superior to others. If your favourite isn’t as high as you’d want, please accept our sincere apologies. So let us take a look at the Multiversus Tier List of 2022.

The Multiversus Tier List | Updated Aug 2022

There are now 17 playable MultiVersus characters, each with a unique role. In contrast to other fighting games, MultiVersus focuses on intensive 2v2 matching, where cooperation with teammates and careful planning are essential for victory and in some situations, you may even have an edge by knowing the MultiVersus tier list. Here is our final MultiVersus tier list based on how well each Multiversus character performs in 2v2 matches. So ride along-

TIER 1: MultiVersus Characters

Let us start with the best of the best MultiVersus characters available in the MultiVersus Tier List. Though we call the tier 1 as the best, these characters too have some cons, so let us read on and find out.


Class: Assassin Archetype Lets us talk about Harley Quin the best. As an Assassin archetype class, Harley Quinn is designed to strike her targets hard and catch them off guard. Along with her projectiles, which she may fling behind her or drop on the ground, she has access to a Stuffie Bat, which can attach to foes and be set to detonate when Harley desires, giving her complete control over her opponents. Her base combos can build up damage quickly. In MultiVersus, Harley Quinn is a terrific character who is designed for combat. To utilize Harley Quinn to her best read on to this article of MultiVersus tier list fully. Pros: Aggressive and effective projectile air strike attacks.  Cons: Weaker selection of special abilities.  


Class: Bruiser  Batman is an ideal blend of strength and agility. Despite not being the quickest character in MultiVersus, he can rapidly and efficiently outrun opponents thanks to his grappling hook. Batman also uses a staggering array of damaging knockback strikes. To utilize Batman to his best read on to this article on the MultiVersus tier list fully. Pros: Powerful, enduring, and balanced.  Cons: Batarang neutral attack limits combo possibilities.  


Class: Assassin    You can always depend on Finn to head into combat with a sword in hand, and MultiVersus is no exception. He is similar to Harley Quinn in that he is an Assassin archetype character that can cause a lot of harm when the circumstances call for it. To utilize Finn to his best read on to this article of MultiVersus tier list fully. Pros: Massive attack spread and easy combo potential.   Cons: Down-special creates vulnerability.   


Class: Tank    Superman is a fantastic character in MultiVersus, regardless of whether he is a Man of Steel or not, and you should get to know him in the game. It’s safe to say that he can deliver a punch when necessary thanks to a number of Armored Attacks that do more damage and a number of Special Attacks that make the most of his superhuman skills. To utilize Superman to his best read on to this article on the MultiVersus tier list fully. Pros: Remarkable durability and capable elemental attacks.   Cons: Slow and easy to read.  

TIER 2: Decent Characters Of MultiVersus

The remainder is next. These characters are decent, but if you don’t use their advantages, you can end up losing. So scroll and read along with the rest of the characters.


Class: Bruiser   The Ultra Instinct Shaggy meme is brought to life by MultiVersus. The popular crime-fighting doofus now comes in a Super Saiyan-inspired variation with incredible knockback power. While Shaggy is susceptible to opposing assaults during the Ultra Instinct charge, once powered up, he can take out opponents with little to no harm. To utilize Shaggy to his best read on to this article of MultiVersus tier list fully and know their class, pros and cons. Pros: Best-in-class KO power.    Cons: Ultra Instinct charging is very punishable.   


Class: Bruiser   Jake the Dog is a Bruiser, so you wouldn’t anticipate him to contribute much, yet he often launches assaults that are very effective at disabling armour. His Down-Special reflects missiles and bounces anybody off him if they come too near, while his Up-Special may prevent adversaries from falling to the ground by knocking them back on contact. While the S-tier fighter’s attack power is somewhat stronger than his, he is a more adaptable fighter you shouldn’t overlook if you’re playing 2v2 matchups. To utilize Jake to his best read on to this article of MultiVersus tier list fully and know their class, pros and cons. Pros: Tiny hurt box and gigantic attack hitboxes.   Cons: Lighter weight for a Bruiser.  


Class: Bruiser   LeBron, a hybrid of the Bruiser and Mage classes, may be challenging for rookie players to cope with because of his unexpected basketball abilities. He has two options when he drops his basketball: he either waits for another one to come or uses a physical assault to take one back from an opponent. LeBron is most susceptible in this version of himself without the basketball since his assaults have much less strength and range. However, his basketball combo potential is terrifying since a well-timed Side-Special can slam dunk his opponent and send them flying. To utilize LeBron James to his best read on to this article on the MultiVersus tier list fully and know their class, pros and cons. Pros: Outrageous, projectile-driven combos.    Cons: Limited ground knockback attacks.   


Class: Mage/Ranged  The witty “Wabbit,” unquestionably the most well-known Looney Tunes character, is one of only two characters of the Mage class in Multiverses. He is a more consistent projectile thrower than Tom and Jerry since he can produce dynamite, rockets, collapsing safes, and robots that can hurl custard pies. Since many characters can readily block projectiles, Bugs’ personal effectiveness is constrained, but in 2v2 battles, his capacity to torment opponents with a steady bombardment of selected trinkets makes him a beneficial diversion. To utilize Bugs Bunny to his best read on to this article on the MultiVersus tier list fully and know their class, pros and cons. Pros: Chaotic assortment of deadly special abilities.  Cons: Difficult to ensure KOs with many attacks. 

TIER 3: Good Characters Of MultiVersus

Okay, let’s go on to the rest of the roster. These characters are good, but to utilise them, one needs perfect time and skill, and they’re just not nearly as good. Sorry.

1. TAZ

Class: Bruiser   Taz’s latest adjustment has significantly reduced his potency, which is bad if you were thinking he would still be a threat. Because he can easily ram past foes and strike hard from a distance as well, this Looney Tunes character fits the Bruiser archetype. With the help of his Bottomless Pit Passive Ability, which also grants him healing, he can also transform adversaries into the cooked chicken. To utilize Taz to his best read on to this article of MultiVersus tier list fully and know their class, pros and cons. Pros: Tornado special ability is one of the most obnoxious attacks in the game.   Cons: He keeps getting nerfed.   


Class: Assassin   It’s not Arya Stark of Winterfell who you can always depend on to be lethal, no matter where they are. Her strikes make good use of the Needle, her blade, to pierce defences and cause substantial damage. However, she is a very skilled character whose moveset doesn’t appear to merit the time spent learning her. To utilize Arya Stark to her best read on to this article on the MultiVersus tier list fully and know their class, pros and cons. Pros: Agile, powerful, and adaptive.  Cons: Demands reactive counterattacks. 


Class: Support   Steven Universe is probably the most versatile support character in terms of fighting. He possesses a satisfying toolkit of special abilities as well as great combo potential. His mobile platforms may deliver crucial assistance to friends or horrifying devastation to adversaries. Unfortunately, Steven’s weakest point is how little damage he can take before being eliminated. To utilize Steven Universe to his best read on to this article of MultiVersus tier list fully and know their class, pros and cons. Pros: Portable platforms create glorious damage opportunities.    Cons: Dangerously squishy.  


Class: Mage/Ranged   Tom and Jerry are a unique pair, much like the Ice Climbers from Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. This combination can hurt opponents effectively by using aggressive ranged assaults to split and conquer the arena. Sadly, many of Tom and Jerry’s unique abilities are too intricate and situational to properly KO with. To utilize Tom & Jerry to their best read on to this article of MultiVersus tier list fully and know their class, pros and cons. Pros: Unconventional abilities and outstanding combos.   Cons: Many special attacks are situational.  


Class: Support    The first unique character in MultiVersus is Reindog. This game’s most successful traditional support character is undoubtedly this reindeer/dog mix. Reindog may quickly save an ally from certain death with its tether ability and scorching fireballs that burn adversaries to a crisp. However, there are clear limitations on how ranged attacks may be used. To utilize Reindog to his best read on to this article of MultiVersus tier list fully and find out its class, pros and cons. Pros: Dominant ranged attacks and marvellous support abilities.    Cons: Exhaustion mechanic prohibits frequent ranged attacks.   

TIER 4: Problematic Characters Of MultiVersus

Tier 4 focuses on the MultiVersus characters that have more serious issues that prevent them from truly shining. Let us read on Tier 4 characters.


Class: Bruiser   If you enjoy Steven Universe, Garnet is a terrific character that is similar to Steven. However, we discovered them to be one of the MultiVersus Bruiser archetype characters with slower speed, which limits them. A great option for beginner players is garnet. Her attacks and skills make extensive use of platform fighting basics. She is equipped with a number of powerful knockback strikes that will quickly dispatch wounded adversaries. Her simple design, though, leaves her competitive potential seeming a little disappointing. To utilize Garnet for her best read on to this article on the MultiVersus tier list fully and find out her class, pros and cons. Pros: Balanced fighter with mighty ground knockback attacks.   Cons: Limited combo setups.  


Class: Support    We’d want Velma to find the answer to the puzzle of why, while having an intriguing moveset, she is currently not very good in MultiVersus. She is an excellent Support archetype character since she excels at both boosting her teammates and damaging her adversaries. Once you have enough proof, she may use her Snoopin’ Passive Ability to summon the police to help her wipe out her foes, and her Fast Thinker Special Attack can be devastating if timed perfectly. To utilize Vema to his best read on to this article on the MultiVersus tier list fully and find out Velma’s class, pros and cons. Pros: Excellent range and cooldown reduction.   Cons: Struggles under pressure.  


Class: Tank   Although Wonder Woman is nice and good, she is somewhat simplistic. She uses the Lasso of Truth and, as you might expect, is capable of doing everything you’d assume she could in MultiVersus, but she doesn’t accomplish anything particularly noteworthy. Part tank, part support, Wonder Woman is a powerful force on the battlefield. All of her allies receive a shield from her down-special, which also provides outstanding armour when fighting. Wonder Woman needs more deliberate strategies to be successful, but she is unbeatable with the proper ally. To utilize Wonder Woman to her best read on to this article on the MultiVersus tier list fully and find out Wonder Woman’s class, pros and cons. Pros: Fantastic shield utilities and major sustain.    Cons: Ability cooldowns limit combat options.  

TIER 5: Worst Characters Of MultiVersus

Characters in Tier 5 are those that, either because of their moveset or because they now have more pressing issues, truly shouldn’t be played. So let us find out the characters of Tier 5 in detail.


Class: Tank    Iron Giant is simply too large in MultiVersus, and we don’t mean to size shame him. He is very definitely three times the size of the other characters, and he acts as such. He is sluggish and easy to hit due to his stature, yet he hits forcefully, which prevents him from being in Tier 5. To utilize Iron Giant to his best read on to this article on the MultiVersus tier list fully and find out Iron Giant’s class, pros and cons. Iron Giant has a tonne of personality. Due to its enormous bulk, this huge metal fighter immediately takes up space on the battlefield. The powers of Iron Giant make advantage of his inherent protection to guarantee that he can take a complete battering. However, due to his enormous size, he is a simple target for assault. Pros: Exceptional armour and durability.   Cons: Titanic hurt box.  

MultiVersus Characters Ranking

Let us now know the conclusions of the best and the worst characters of MultiVersus as a whole. It’s gonna be interesting so stay put and read on. This is the best part of the MultiVersus tier list.

Best Characters in MultiVersus

The best characters of MultiVersus are those who are less troublesome and helps you win all the time with super abilities and powers. Best moves and signature perks are what these characters make the best of the best. The best characters in MultiVersus are:

1. Harley Quinn

Harley is a beast in every way. She possesses technical abilities like Jerk-In-The-Box and the Stuffie Bat, as well as a tonne of passive burn damage from her Confetti mechanism and just generally amazing normals and combo potential. The fact that she already has a 0 to KO combo should be conclusive. Also, read 6 Ways To Fix MultiVersus Not Working/ Not Starting/ Crashing At Startup Issues

2. Batman

Batman is a brawler who also employs ranged weapons to combat enemies. Batman can grapple, toss his Batarang, drop smoke bombs, and even attach explosives to adversaries in addition to merely using his fists. He can also use his cape to glide back to safety. He excels in vertically taking out opponents. He seems like the perfect MultiVersus combatant.

3. Finn

Finn is a package. Finn is one of the few characters in the game who can consistently land fully-charged swings due to his ability to move while utilising Charge Attacks. Of course, it must be noted that his Up+Special, Backpack Attack, is just as ridiculous as everyone is claiming. Also, read How To Play MultiVersus In Ranked Mode | Unlock Ranked Mode

4. Superman

Superman is super as always. Superman is just as strong as one could anticipate one of the most damaged superheroes to be. For starters, Superman is quite challenging to Ring Out since he is the second-heaviest character in the game after the Iron Giant. Second, he possesses a tonne of armoured attacks that enable him to continue swinging even after being struck during the wind-up.

Worst Characters In MultiVersus

According to the above-mentioned MultiVersus tier list. The worst characters in MultiVersus are as follows. Remember these characters are worst because of their heavy cons than their pros as we have discussed above. If you are challenging enough then choose these worst characters in MultiVersus

1. Garnet

Simply put, garnet is too sluggish and vulnerable to counters to be effective. When she connects, she possesses a powerful attack, but she won’t be able to land many strikes until the attacker is rendered absolutely helpless by her assistance.

2. Velma

In the present state of the game, it’s difficult to properly grasp her evidence gathering because of how unconventional her playstyle is. Also, read How To Get Gleamium In MultiVersus | 2 Best Ways To Get!

3. Wonder Woman

Despite the variety of benefits and boosts they provide, her Warrior’s Charge and Defense of the Gods Special Abilities aren’t as effective as they may be. She does a good job of covering the ground game, but she doesn’t really stand out from the rest of the team in any way. She’s not horrible, no doubt, but there are a lot more compelling people out there.

4. Iron Giant

He does have some powerful strikes, and he’s a great character for fighting several foes at once. He is at the bottom, nevertheless, because any harm or attacks must be overcome by sheer willpower due to his size, heaviness, and sluggishness.

Wrapping Up

So there you have it. A list of all MultiVersus tiers. As more characters are added and adjustments will be made. So make sure to check back often and utilize the most out of this. If you’re just starting off, this should assist you to choose who to look into first. Stay connected with Path of Ex for more updates. Happy Gaming!


MultiVersus Tier List 2022   Best   Worst Characters Ranked - 30MultiVersus Tier List 2022   Best   Worst Characters Ranked - 40MultiVersus Tier List 2022   Best   Worst Characters Ranked - 31MultiVersus Tier List 2022   Best   Worst Characters Ranked - 26MultiVersus Tier List 2022   Best   Worst Characters Ranked - 12MultiVersus Tier List 2022   Best   Worst Characters Ranked - 26MultiVersus Tier List 2022   Best   Worst Characters Ranked - 44MultiVersus Tier List 2022   Best   Worst Characters Ranked - 61MultiVersus Tier List 2022   Best   Worst Characters Ranked - 45MultiVersus Tier List 2022   Best   Worst Characters Ranked - 34MultiVersus Tier List 2022   Best   Worst Characters Ranked - 56MultiVersus Tier List 2022   Best   Worst Characters Ranked - 99MultiVersus Tier List 2022   Best   Worst Characters Ranked - 6MultiVersus Tier List 2022   Best   Worst Characters Ranked - 18MultiVersus Tier List 2022   Best   Worst Characters Ranked - 29MultiVersus Tier List 2022   Best   Worst Characters Ranked - 87MultiVersus Tier List 2022   Best   Worst Characters Ranked - 36MultiVersus Tier List 2022   Best   Worst Characters Ranked - 89MultiVersus Tier List 2022   Best   Worst Characters Ranked - 82