Some common injuries caused by those factors include RSI (repetitive strain injury), back pain and carpal tunnel syndrome. In the long run, these afflictions might worsen, so employees need to mind their body posture while working because it can make the difference between a healthy body and one in constant pain. Therefore, let’s see what some good practices to help you avoid pain from working at an office are. 

Be active 

Being active in the office means standing up more often whenever you have the time. Next time you take a short break, avoid sitting and get up for a few minutes or walk through the office. Even if it seems like a small, insignificant change, sitting too much for many years can lead to:

A shorter lifespan, which is usually caused by a combination of lack of physical activities and inadequate lifestyle;DVT (deep vein thrombosis), which is a clot that can form in your legs as a result of sitting still for too long;Gaining weight because of a sedentary lifestyle;Increased anxiety that’s caused by too many screen-based activities;Neck and back pain that is induced by the wrong posture at the desk;

At the same time, if you’re not moving your body in your free time either, you’re more likely to experience the previous conditions, which can add up to any current health problems. But as long as you’re active on a daily basis and aware of the consequences of lack of exercise in the future, you won’t be affected by your office job. 

Mind your posture 

Besides being active, proper sitting posture is crucial to avoid experiencing pain. You may be used to slouching because it has become a comfortable position, but it is highly damaging for your spine since it keeps it misaligned for too long. Crossing your ankles and legs is also causing a hip misalignment, while continuous sitting can lead to your spinal discs tearing.  Therefore, it would be best for your overall health to be wary of these mistakes and adopt a neutral posture at work, which involves sitting in a position where your spine is in a straight alignment, and the whole body position is balanced. To achieve a proper posture, start by keeping your monitor at eye level, so you don’t tilt your head often or have to make many eye movements. You should pull your shoulders back, and your back should remain flat against the chair. Finally, keep your feet flat on the floor and avoid crossing your ankles and legs too often.  Eventually, you can use lumbar support that can help you prevent slouching at the desk. You can find plenty of ergonomic pillows that support your back, but you may simply use a rolled towel to maintain a good back position.

Redesign your working station 

If you work from home, you can look for ergonomic equipment to help you keep a healthy posture. But if you work in an office, your employer should provide proper solutions. Sadly, it’s common for managers to consider ergonomics unnecessary, but by doing so, they’re exposing employees to musculoskeletal issues. According to Personalinjuryclaimsuk you are eligible to file a personal injury claim if the consequences of your employer’s negligence have affected your health.  But let’s see what the elements of an ergonomic workstation are. First, your desk and device placement should encourage a full range of motions, so you can freely move without remaining still for a long time. That means you need to place your most used items close to your arm’s reach, and the desk should allow the necessary space for your legs to stay in the proper position.  Since ergonomics is about comfort, efficiency and productivity, the devices and furniture you use should fit your lifestyle and work, so you need to look for proper products. They might be more pricey than the regular ones, but they make a difference in the long run. 

Here are some products you should consider 

Instead of the classic desk design, you could try having special ergonomic furniture. For example, you could start building your workstation with a sit-stand desk which you can adjust, so the height suits your posture. It has become trendy among workers since they install treadmills to walk on while working. Regarding the monitor, it would be best to invest in a qualitative one that will not put a strain on your eyes or neck.  Your mouse and keyboard should also have ergonomic features because they’re the ones you use the most. The mouse should have a design intended to mimic the natural curves of your hand and fit the thumb. At the same time, the keyboard needs to have a curved design with ample wrist support so that you may place your hands in such a position that it won’t strain your wrists and fingers.  Finally, an ergonomic chair is also essential. Such a design should have a backrest that can flex to support your posture and back support to maintain the natural curve of your spine. The chair must be adjustable according to the other workstation elements, and you can adjust your height to sit correctly. 

Bottom line 

Working in an office might be the safest work environment out there. Still, if you’re not paying attention to your body and sitting inadequately, you may experience pain and other health problems in the future. The solutions of this proper require you to have a straight posture and choose furniture and devices that make it easier to do your job without straining your eyes and hurting your hands. What’s your opinion on ergonomics? 


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