But, is G-sync worth it? Totally! But before you jump on the bandwagon, why don’t you find out the ‘why you need it’ part of G-sync. There’s a little more than just hype for NVIDIA’s brand new technology. With this article, you’ll have the complete guide in your possession to know everything there is about G-sync. Next, let’s take an introductory session on what G-sync is, what it does, and whether or not you should go for it.

What Is G-Sync?

First, let’s go over the basics; what really called for G-sync? There’s a small problem which exists between monitors and graphic cards. Usually, the monitors or computer screens operate at a fixed refresh rate. This means that they will display the said number of frames in a single second. This, however, can’t be said for graphic cards. Graphic cards operate at a variable frame rate. That is, they might produce frame at a rate which is higher than a standard monitor or may produce lower frames. This problem called screen tearing is relatively annoying to tolerate if you’re a gamer or a tech-enthusiast. Quite obviously, graphic cards couldn’t go out of business, could they? This issue was temporarily solved by V-Sync. Essentially, v-sync would force the graphics card to produce frames at the same refresh rate as a standard monitor. This caps the graphics cards’ framerate over the monitors’ refresh rate. Boom, screen tearing is off the list of your problems. Here comes another issue: stuttering. Well, when the graphic card can’t perform and the monitor has no frames to render, here’s where the next problem comes in. There’s a slight stuttering on the screen where the monitor has frames to render and no frames to render. Here’s where you are truly comes in; G-sync to the rescue. G-sync does what V-sync fails to do. It doesn’t cap the graphics cards frame-rates; instead, it forces the monitor to produce frames at a variable frequency. This helps both the monitor and graphics card stay in line and produce frames that are supported by both the devices…

How Does G-Sync Work?

Now, let’s get to the nitty-gritty details of how G-sync actually works. We’ve gone over much of how G-sync is actually the better-half of V-sync. Now, G-sync capable monitors can perform at a variable refresh rate. This way, both the monitor and the graphics card won’t have a strain on them to overperform or underperform. However, G-sync is NVIDIA’s proprietary service, so quite obviously, it only runs on NVIDIA’s graphics cards. So, the systems which run the G-sync adapted graphics card can allow their monitors to adapt to the frames rendered automatically. There are three versions of G-sync:

G-sync G-sync Ultimate G-sync Compatible

They also make use of NVIDIA’s special processors and include another feature called variable overdrive. It allows you to predict the next frame from the graphics card and then automatically manages the monitor to display the frame.

Why Are G-Sync Monitors Expensive?

G-sync is a practical solution to juddering, stuttering, and screen tearing. However, good things don’t come for free, do they? G-sync monitors are slightly expensive if you were to compare them with normal monitors. Here’s why: G-sync is one of the few adaptive sync technologies which exist in the market. However, it does things a little differently. Rather than being a software-based solution to the problem at hand, it offers a hardware-intensive solution. Whatever arrangements it makes for you, they’re all done on the hardware of the graphics card and the monitor. For that, the monitor requires a special module, as well. This hardware module, once installed, allows the technology to function properly. Now, think of this from the manufacturers’ end. Why would someone install a proprietary module in the hardware? The installation and function of the g-sync chips inside the monitors gradually increase the prices. With that said, two monitors with the same specifications will cost differently if one of them is G-sync ready. With that said, there’s a ray of hope for you as well. Recently, NVIDIA has started to support Free-sync monitors, as well. So, if you own a G-sync supported graphics card but run a FreeSync monitor, you’re in for a treat. You can successfully run the technology on your system and steer clear from annoying screen issues.

G Sync: Pros

Sure, we’ve discussed a major advantage of G-sync. However, the list doesn’t end there. Let’s take a look at the pros of G-sync and how you can better make use of this technology. Here’s a list of pros for G-sync:

Screen Tearing Is Not An IssueThe main reason you are making a shift to G-sync obviously is to eliminate the screen tearing. The screen glitches caused by the GPU and Monitor are balanced by the G-Sync, making your gaming experience a little more smooth.

Reduced Input LagThe mechanism with which the G-Sync monitors’ work reduces the delay between the keyboard commands and the actions on the screen. It uses 786MB of DDR3 memory to store the previous frames to compare it with the newer ones.

Better Adjusting of Refresh RateWhat actually happens is, monitors tend to have a fixed refresh rate while the graphic card’s refresh rate entirely depends upon the image being rendered. With the launch of G-Sync, it is possible to match the monitor’s refresh rate to that of the graphic card.

Less Blurry DisplaySpecifically designed for gaming, G-Sync gives ultra-low motion blur making the gaming experience more stable and smooth.

Low LatencyYou might be aware of how vital low latency is when it comes to gaming. Keeping that in mind, G-Sync is designed with a 240 Hz refresh rate and low latency for responsive gaming.

Better Battery LifeG-sync is also linked with better battery life. So, if you’re running a gaming laptop with NVIDIA supported graphics card, you’re lucky. Since the hardware adapts to the situation, there’s less stress on the hardware; thus, lesser battery consumption.

G Sync: Cons

G-sync can’t be let off the hook this easy. With heaps of benefits, there are a few disadvantages to the technology as well. Next, let’s take a look at some of the most bugging cons of G-sync, and you be the judge of whether or not you want to go ahead. Here’s the list of cons for G-sync:

ExpensiveAs compared to other laptops and monitors, Nvidia G-Sync monitors come with a bitter price tag. You have to pay a lot more for it, and it’s the graphics card. It might disappoint you that the same monitor without G-sync costs way lesser.

Compatibility IssuesOnly the G-Sync monitor is not enough to take complete advantage of. You also need a high-quality G-sync enabled NVidia graphics card for that purpose. Also, if you get a G-sync ready monitor, but run an AMD graphics card, you can’t use the G-sync technology.Unfortunately, G-sync only runs with an NVIDIA-based graphics card. The choice of monitor, as we discussed earlier, is on you. NVIDIA has started to support FreeSync monitors for its graphics card, as well.

Storage LimitationsG-sync computers require ample hardware storage along with speed for smooth running. After all, they’re all going to use your hardware to perform better.

Only Suitable For Intense GamersYou won’t get many benefits out of this hardware tool if you are just a casual player. This is exclusively designed for intense gamers. After all, you won’t be rendering intense frames on your system. Just browsing or general-purpose usage will do without G-sync just fine.

It can also be a little beneficial for designers and artists. So, if you’re one of them, you can opt for G-sync, as well.

What Other Options Do You Have?

As we’ve previously discussed: G-sync is now completely compatible with Free-sync monitors (Update: 2019) As of 2019, Nvidia finally decided to pay heed to people’s demands. They announced to release a driver update making GPUs capable of working Free-sync monitors. Now, you must be thinking what Free-sync is? Free-sync is basically G-sync but developed, owned, and distributed by AMD. However, with these new drivers launch, there is no need to use AMD GPU to use a monitor with Free-sync adaptive refresh technology. Wondering what difference it makes? Well, a lot! Firstly, NVIDIA can capture the market entirely. Why let people buy the competitors’ service when you can actually offer it? Now, people don’t have to go for an AMD GPU to run on a Free-sync monitor. They can do that using their newly owned G-sync ready GPU by NVIDIA. Secondly, gamers are in luck. Free-sync monitors when combined with G-sync ready GPU’s cost way lesser. So, if you’re on a budget and a little off-pairing doesn’t bother you, you have all the green flags to pair a Free-sync monitor with your NVIDIA GPU. Hold your horses though: NVIDIA hasn’t supported all versions of the Free-sync monitor as of now. It only allows compatibility with 12 monitors. However, as you’ve seen, there are countless benefits for NVIDIA in this deal. So, who’s to say more monitors don’t show up very soon? Stay tuned as we’ll update you with all the news!

Is G Sync Worth It?

Well, this question can’t be answered easily as this decision is entirely based on your preferences and needs. If you are a pro gamer and always have an eye on excellent graphics, you can’t ask anything better than G-Sync. However, it comes with an equally high price. Undoubtedly, we can’t deny the rainbows and unicorns of G-sync such as low input lag, tear-free performance, and consistent, but if you are a casual gamer, you probably don’t need to pay so much for all of these (you are probably in a better position already). There are countless benefits of technology with little downsides, as well. If you’re willing to let the price and compatibility issues slide, the technology is reasonably rich and will massively amp your gaming experience. If not, you can always go for other options that’ll allow you to the game, perform, and do other activities, that too at a cheaper rate. Sources: Nvidia: https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/products/g-sync-monitors/Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nvidia_G-Sync

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