All of a sudden, there is news that is driving Instagram lovers crazy. And every other Instagrammer wants to know what is this Instagram Locket Update all about. Also many of them are wondering how to get this feature on their phones and where to find it. If you are one of them, then first of all calm down because I will be providing you the answers of your queries in this article. So without further ado, let’s discuss about Instagram Locket Update in detail.

What Is The Instagram Locket Update?

So, what is the Instagram Locket update? To put it simply it is nothing but a part of Instagram’s December update 2022. Under which Instagram has introduced some of the latest features, like Leave a note, Group Profiles, and Candid Stories to its users. But users have a mixed reactions to these new features. Some users love it while others are making fun of these features and especially the newly available feature, which is Notes. Have a look at the TikTok video I have added above, and you will get some idea of what I am talking about. After watching it you will see how people are, in a way mocking the Leave a note feature and naming it as Instagram Locket update. But to tell you, there is no such thing like Locket update of Instagram. By calling it a Locket update, people are just making fun of it. And those who are not getting it right are going crazy about knowing where to get it from. Many of you must be wondering now why people are comparing Locket app’s feature with Instagram note. Well, if you know about Locket app then you must be knowing that it shows you the live picture of your friend on your home screen every time you unlock your phone. And in a same way you got to see your friends latest notes with their profile picture at the top of your Direct message section on Instagram. In a way both features share the same purpose of letting you know what you friends are up to. In later you get to see their notes, which is their present thoughts and in the other you get to see their latest picture. Making sense now? This is the whole cruxs of naming Leave a Note as Locket Update. Finally you got to know about it, hurray!

Wrapping Up

With this, I came to the end of this blog, and I hope now you know the truth behind the Instagram Locket update. So, guys, that’s it for today. Take care! And keep visiting our website, Path of Ex, for more such updates related to Social media, Gaming, and Technology. Till then, Bye! Bye!


Instagram Locket Update 2022  Get to Know About It Now  - 9Instagram Locket Update 2022  Get to Know About It Now  - 36Instagram Locket Update 2022  Get to Know About It Now  - 94Instagram Locket Update 2022  Get to Know About It Now  - 63