There were times when text messages were all the rage. Oh! Seems so long ago. Text messages were replaced by messaging apps like WhatsApp. However, now texting is also becoming a thing of the past. We want instant reactions and replies. This is where apps like Instagram introduced instant reactions to texts. So, WhatsApp is a little too late for the emoji reaction trend. In this article, I am going to tell you everything about the new feature WhatsApp is introducing. While you know how emoji reaction works on Instagram, scroll down to check how to use WhatsApp emoji reaction.

Everything You Need to Know About WhatsApp Emoji Reaction

Reacting to a message with an emoji is not a new thing. Instagram launched the emoji reaction in the year 2020. So, is WhatsApp two years too late? Well, not really. Other messaging apps like Telegram and Slack also introduced the emoji reaction only a few months ago. Also, read Everything About WhatsApp Disappearing Messages Feature Mark Zuckerberg announced the new WhatsApp emoji reaction feature on Instagram. We are excited to see this new feature. Initially, the feature will be very limited. You will only get six emojis to react to the messages. However, WhatsApp plans to introduce all the emoji reactions and all the skin tones with time. WhatsApp notes some other things about this new emoji reaction feature. Here is a list of things you need to know about the WhatsApp emoji reaction feature :

Only one reaction can be given to a single message.If you react to disappearing messages, your reaction will also disappear along with it.You cannot hide the emoji reactions.You can remove the emoji reactions, however, you won’t be notified whether the removal is successful or not.

WhatsApp has been introducing a lot more changes recently, owing to large competition. The messaging company will soon let the users share large files that can range up to the size of 2GB. WhatsApp has also increased the number of users that can be on a WhatsApp voice call. Earlier only eight people could be on a voice call. However, now up to 32 people can be added to a voice call. Also, read How To Know If Someone Blocked You On WhatsApp: 7 Simple Steps

How to Use WhatsApp Emoji Reaction?

If you use Instagram or any other messaging app, you would be familiar with using emoji reactions. However, if you don’t know how to use the reactions, here are the steps you can follow: You will now be able to see your reaction below the message. Also, read How To Create WhatsApp Ads | 4 Simple Steps

Wrapping Up

It is time to wrap up! In this article, I have told you everything about WhatsApp emoji reaction. I have also cleared how to use WhatsApp emoji reaction. You can keep checking the Play Store and App Store. The update will soon be rolled out. WhatsApp has been rolling out new features. Let us know in the comments some of the features you would want WhatsApp to include in the upcoming updates. To stay updated with the technical news, keep visiting Path of EX!


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