First of all, Why does Facebook have a business manager? Facebook has many businesses running on it. All those businesses need to be managed. Therefore Facebook has this amazing feature for business.  Are you new to online business on Facebook? Looking for an easily manageable way to handle it. You have an amazing tool called the Facebook business manager to manage it all smoothly. Firstly let’s learn more about How To Use Facebook Business Manager

How To Use Facebook Business Manager

Learning how to use Facebook Business Manager is a very easy task, all you need to do is follow the steps below precisely. Step 1-  Create A Facebook Business Manager Account To create a business manager account. First of all, you need to have your own personal account on Facebook. Your personal login credentials will be used in your business manager account. It is one of the most secure ways of handling your business account with your email and password.  Also, read How to See Who Viewed Your Facebook Profile in 2022? 5 Hacks To Try! Step 2. Add Your Facebook Business Page/ Pages Before reading this step I would like to say, to follow this step you really need to have a Facebook page. In this step, you will be required to add your business page or any of the client’s pages that you are handling.  A very important point to note down is that to need to click access to request access option rather than add the page option. With the following, you will get an exact idea of my above-said words. Let’s scroll down quickly. Also, read Best Time To Post On Facebook For Maximum Likes and Engagement Steps To Add Your Business Page To Your Facebook Business Manager Step 3. Add Your Facebook Ad Account(s) Caution before starting this step. Here you cannot delete a page once added. It is very important to add only those accounts which you own. In case, you wanna access the client’s account, click on Request Access instead. If you already have a Facebook Ads account then- In this case, from the business manager dashboard, click on Add Ad Account, then again click on Add Ad Account. Also, read How To Know If Someone Unfollowed You On Facebook? In case you do not have one Facebook Ad Page, then just follow the steps to create one for you.

STEP 4. Add People To Manage Your Facebook Assets This is a wonderful option given by Facebook to us, that we can create our own team to manage our business marketing. To access this option, you can follow the below steps. STEP 5. Add Your Business Partners This option you can avail anytime, even after creating your business, in between you get in partnership. You can add your partner then. Also, read How To Unlock Your Facebook Account | 7 Easy Steps To Follow STEP 6. Can Add Your Instagram Account  All your Facebook assets of yours got set up, now if you wanna add, you can add your Instagram account  STEP 7. Set Up Facebook Pixel Facebook pixel is a piece of code for your website that lets you measure, optimize and build audiences for your advertising campaigns. Now comes the question: how to set it up? Need to follow the below steps- With this, I wanna share a piece of important information, that you create 10 pixels. STEP 8. Security Increase In Your Account To increase the security of your business assets you can do the following steps. By now your account is set up and pixels too. It is time to make them in use by launching your first Ad. To launch your first Ad. Follow the below-mentioned steps. As your business increases, so are your business assets increases. In order to keep in the record of your increasing assets, the Facebook manager provides you business asset group. Also, read 5 Best Ways to Recover Deleted Facebook Account (2021) STEP 10. To Create Business Assets Group The following helps to create a Business asset group in the following steps.      This was the last click to make your online business grow. 

Wrapping Up

I hope the above-described use of Facebook Business Manager, will help you to make your business grow. Do not forget to share your views in the comments. Wishing you all, the best of luck with your online businesses. That was all about this article on How To Use Facebook Business Manager.


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