This bot isn’t new but was surprisingly created back in 2020. It is a fun and sarcastic innovation that really took me by surprise with its intelligence. And while Spotify is fun on its own with its Palette, sometimes you need spice.  So, are you ready to get roasted? You’re not but let’s do it anyway. Here’s how to take the How Bad is Your Spotify test in easy steps. Goodluck music-buff. 

What is The “How Bad is Your Spotify Test”?

Created by Pudding, this test is basically done by an A.I. trained to judge your musical taste. But in reality, it tells you how bad it really is. Telling you from experience, so get ready to get brutally roasted. Like really badly.  Here’s what one user said: Lucky for you, you can get your Spotify and Apple Music both judged by this bot. In detail. Let’s see how to take the ‘How Bad is Your Spotify’ test.  Also, read How to See Lyrics on Spotify for All Songs on App, Desktop & TV in 2022

How to Take How Bad is Your Spotify Test?

Finally, ready to be attacked by this snarky bot? Ready or not, there’s not much you can do. Just Follow the process below to see how you can get your music taste criticized. Remember, I warned you.  Steps to take the How Bad is Your Spotify test: Answer its quirky questions and bear with the sassy remarks to get your final evaluation of your Spotify music taste. This bot will also give you a score based on this assessment but don’t have high expectations. I got an 11, and I used to pride myself on my ‘good’ taste in music (cry emojis)

Is the “How Bad is Your Spotify Test” Worth it?

My judgment: YES.  I definitely recommend getting your unique music taste assessed with this cheeky bot. It will ridicule you, but it’s the kind of Gen-Z fun I promise you’ll find charming. 

What Else Can I Try | More Fun Spotify Tests To Try!

Obscurify: Shows your top genres and moods MusicTaste: Compares your taste with your friends and strangers Zodiac Affinity: If you’re an astrology lover, you’ll love this.  MusicScape: It creates a landscape based on your recent listening.  Receiptify: This sets your top 10 tracks on a classic receipt!

If you want more from your Spotify, you can try other fun websites.  Also, read How to Clear Recently Played on Spotify | Clear Your Playlist with 9 Steps Obscurify shows you everything from your top genres to your moods. It will judge if your music is more trendy or obscure. Another really fun platform is, which helps you compare your taste in music with your friends and total strangers too! If you want me to cover these in detail and write about more sites like this, comment below!

Wrapping Up

Music is life, isn’t it? So, what are you waiting for? Now that you know how to take the ‘How Bad is Your Spotify’ test, go and get yours assessed with this snarky bot! Don’t forget to share your results and experience with us at Path of EX. 


How to Take  How Bad is Your Spotify Test  2022   Check Your Taste - 72How to Take  How Bad is Your Spotify Test  2022   Check Your Taste - 58How to Take  How Bad is Your Spotify Test  2022   Check Your Taste - 53How to Take  How Bad is Your Spotify Test  2022   Check Your Taste - 46