Instagram is ruling the million hearts with its features. It is an ever-evolving social media app. Firstly the stories, then the Igtv, Reels, and now the Instagram shop. Isn’t it amazing!!!! But setting up an Instagram shop is not that easy as it seems and can be tricky for beginners. Sadly, not everyone who uses Instagram can open or set up a shop on the platform. Yes, it’s true!!! If your question is how to set up an Instagram shop, then there is a need to fulfill several eligibility criteria and follow a sequence of:

Confirm your eligibilityConvert your account into a business oneGet your Instagram to connect to a genuine Facebook pageAdd the Product CatalogueSubmit Your Account To Be Reviewed By InstagramTurn on shopping in your accountTag your product

Well, luckily Instagram has provided all the criteria that should be checked/met before you can set up your own Instagram shop. STOP!!!! don’t think that you need a lot of followers to set up the shop. Nahhhh!!! It is in actual a pretty easy task. And if you fall under the eligibility criteria by Instagram, then smile and happy as you are in! Wuhu!!!

How to Set Up an Instagram Shop: Steps

Below is the complete guide that will explain the reason and the algorithm behind these steps.

Step 1: Be Eligible

The first demand for setting up a virtual shop on Instagram is that your Instagram account should be a business account or a creator account. So, if you still have a personal account, you’re missing on the luxury of setting up the Instagram shop. In addition to this, the business account also has special perks to offer along the lines of Instagram action buttons and Instagram insights, advertisements, etc. Also, read 2021 Tips to Increase Engagement On Instagram Instagram says if your business

is located in a SUPPORTED MARKET.a supported market, as mentioned by Instagram is a market that can be accessed by the platform (without using any proxy or VPN services). if any of the malpractices are used, you are likely to lose access to these features by the social networking site.has an eligible product.complies with Instagram’s MERCHANT AGREEMENT and COMMERCE POLICIES.follows the set of rules and guidelines provided by Instagram (Facebook)owns a domain from where you’ll sell your products.

Then you need not worry, you have come a long way to get your virtual shop. Now that you and your business both have these criteria met, you’re all set to set up an Instagram Shop that is all yours to manage. Below is the guide to what you need to do for setting up the Instagram shop.

Step 2: Connect to a Facebook page.

As already said that you need to be a business account, in addition to this, you’ll also need a Facebook page to be connected with your Instagram account. Yes, that is essential!!! Connecting a Facebook page with a business Instagram account is not very difficult. Go to Settings of your account and follow the instructions:

Edit Profile Public Business Information Page Choose a Facebook page (if you have any) or you can also create a new Facebook page and then connect to it.

Step 3: Add the Product Catalogue

Your product catalogue matters a lot!!! It is one of the most important steps in and after you open an Instagram Shop. Instagram provides two ways to add products to your catalogue or voucher to your Instagram business account. Also, check out List of 100 Trending Songs For Instagram Reels

Catalog Manager: It is a way in which you add your products from your domain. Also called the “do it yourself” method. The “DIY” method is also found within Facebook Business Manager. And is easily accessible.E-commerce Platform Partner: This is integration through one of Instagram’s certified e-commerce platform partners. The integrated platforms include- Shopify, Big Commerce, etc.

Step 4: Submit Your Account To Be Reviewed By Instagram

The process of reviewing by Instagram may take a few days or may sometimes even take a longer time. This is nothing to worry about. Sometimes Instagram sends a notification to the applicants to verify their domains. That is nothing to get panic about!!! RELAX!! You just have to follow some steps and verify your domains all everything will be settled. But How to submit an account for review? It’s simple! All you need to do is to follow some easy steps that include:

Open your business’s Instagram profileTap the three horizontal lines at the top right corner of the screen Go to “Settings” Sign up for shopping.

And that’s it!!!! It’s done!! You can anytime check your status by visiting the “shopping” tab in your settings.

Step 5: Turn on Shopping in Your Account

Once Instagram approves your account (which takes a few days) or your shop, then go with a short procedure so that your products are visible on your account under a special section called “Shop“.

Go to your business’s Instagram profile Tap the three horizontal lines on the top right corner of the screen Select “Settings”Tap “Business”Tap “Shopping” Select “product catalogue” you want to connect to your account.and finally, Select “Done”.

Also, read How To Sell Anything On Instagram in 2021 And the moment of happiness! You’ve almost set up your own Instagram shop! What’s left? The most important thing!

Step 6: Start Tagging Your Products

Once you have set up your shop on Instagram, the whole hard work will be for nothing if you don’t tag your products in your posts and stories. Oh no!!! You do this pretty much like you tag a friend on Instagram in a post. Keep in mind that the number of products you can tag in a post is limited so, do see what sells that best. Now, you’re all set! But, do you know Why to do so? The answer is simple.

It will make shopping an easier task for the customers to reduce friction between them and the product. This increases the chances of purchaseIt allows the get in touch with your customers directly that deepens the relationship with the customer.Lastly, shows your product to potential buyers.

Final Verdict: So these are the necessary steps on How to set up an Instagram shop. Now it’s your turn to convert your normal Instagram account into a resourceful one. Try these steps and rock the Insta world. Also, share any alternate if you know. ENJOY!!!! Here is the information found that I want. Thanks for sharing.


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