YouTube is a platform that has always helped its creators in every possible way. Hence, if you, as a user or creator, face any issue on the platform, you may contact their support team, and they will help you solve it. The platform has also introduced enhanced features to help the viewers have a good experience during their time on the platform. Hence, I have identified the solutions to those problems. So, let’s get started and know how to recover YouTube Account.

How to Recover YouTube Account?

Do you wish to get back access to your YouTube account? Then do not worry; there are several options, depending on where your memory takes you. Do not worry if you do not remember your password or have lost it; recovering it is a straightforward task. Below we have provided all the details on how to recover a YouTube account under various circumstances. Hence, read ahead. I am sure you will get the best solution to your problem. Also, read 50 Most Subscribed YouTube Channels in 2022 | You Will Love This!

How to Recover YouTube Account Without an Email Address?

All YouTube accounts have a Gmail email address. You must use a Google email account to log in to your YouTube account. Under any circumstances, if you do not remember your email address for that particular account, then follow the steps below to recover the account.

  1. Open Google.
  2. Select the icon in the upper right corner.
  3. Here, Google will ask you to enter your account details.
  4. Go to the option “Forgot your email address?”
  5. You will be redirected to the recovery page. Note: Here, you have two options. The one asks you to enter a recovery email. When you set up the account, you provide a second recovery email account as a security measure. I hope you remember the other email account and have access to it. So, enter the recovery account and take the steps for recovering your YouTube account. The second option is to enter the phone number. This information was also provided at the time you created an account. I hope you gave the correct phone number while creating the account and have access to it. When you enter the mobile number, Google asks for your name, and you will have to provide the name you entered when you created the account. Otherwise, the account will not be recovered. Then, you receive an SMS to the number you entered. You have to use the SMS in the next confirmation tab. You have to enter the code in the SMS, and you will be provided with the name of your Google or YouTube account that you had forgotten. Also, read How to Delete YouTube Channel on Phone | 12 Ways to Remove Your Channel

How to Recover YouTube Account With a Username?

Google did not own YouTube in the initial days. When your account is older than May 2009, you can easily access your YouTube account through a username instead of an email account. To recover your YouTube account, you have to link your account to a new Google account. Hence, to do the same, please refer to the steps below.

  1. Open YouTube on your device.
  2. Log in to your account with a username and password.
  3. Link it to your Google account. Always remember to complete the process and remember your password. Otherwise, things would become complicated. Also, read How to Lock YouTube Screen: A Detailed Guide for iPhone & Android Users

How to Recover YouTube Account With the Help of YouTube Support Team

You can also access other methods for recovering the account. You can report your problem to the YouTube support team. They will contact you and provide links for recovering the account. Hence, this method has helped many people recover their YouTube accounts. Hence, you can also give it a try. Also, read What is Ambient Mode on YouTube, Its Usage and More (2022)

How to Recover The Suspended YouTube Account?

Always remember Youtube account is suspended when you violate the platform’s policy. You may try to recover the account if you feel it was a mistake and should not be repeated. Hence, please refer to the steps mentioned below to rectify the same.

  1. Log in to your Google account.
  2. Navigate to the “Help” section.
  3. You will get a form; fill it up to retrieve your account.
  4. Include your data and the account’s e-mail address in this form. Also, include and describe the actual scenario and point out the mistake on their part. When you submit it, the moderators will review and consider your appeal. They will get back to you as soon as possible. Also, read What is the Most-viewed YouTube Video in 2022 | Groove to Tunes Now!

How to Recover Deleted YouTube Account?

Deleting a YouTube channel is solely the decision of the owner. Unfortunately, when you delete your channel and later regret doing so, there is no way to rectify it. Hence, before deleting your account on YouTube, it is advisable to always understand the real reasons behind it and try to solve them. Instead of deleting the account. Also, read YouTube Vs Facebook Gaming | Who Is the Ultimate Winner?

How to Recover Hacked YouTube Account?

When you wish to recover a hacked YouTube channel, it is easy to do so, but before recovering the details of your YouTube account, please ensure that the computer you are using is virus-free; otherwise, you may lose it again. When your YouTube channel is hacked, in all probability, your password will most likely change. So, to recover the account refer to the details below:

  1. Launch your Google account.
  2. Select the option “I forgot my password.” and click on it.
  3. You get security questions or alternative email addresses to reset your password.
  4. After that, you will be able to gain access.
  5. Change the password to a new one (a more complicated one than the earlier one is advisable).
  6. Remove the unwanted stuff from your YouTube account and access it. Do not try to access your YouTube account from public computers. With these simple steps, you always keep your account protected. Also, read How to See Dislikes on YouTube | 10 Steps to See Dislikes

Wrapping Up

Now I believe you know how to recover YouTube account under any situation you face. The methods given in detail are quite easy, and you can recover your account yourself. Hence, I hope the article helped you clarify the same. For more information on YouTube, refer to our website, Path of EX.


How to Recover YouTube Account  Simple and Easy Guide  2022  - 31How to Recover YouTube Account  Simple and Easy Guide  2022  - 27How to Recover YouTube Account  Simple and Easy Guide  2022  - 69How to Recover YouTube Account  Simple and Easy Guide  2022  - 76