What is more, making a presentation requires having enough knowledge. Students should include all the necessary points and present reliable references. All this can cause many worries in students several days before the deadline. Apart from that, you must present your project and discuss it. This means that you should provide an oral explanation of your statements. It can be extremely hard for technical students to explain their ideas properly. Students often have a lot of homework, making it difficult to concentrate. They have a pile of tasks to do before their exams. The homework projects often happen at the end of the term, and all the deadlines are close. To get a high mark, a student must present a high-quality project. It is also essential to describe the findings properly. So, in this article, we will look at the main rules when presenting a new project with PowerPoint.

Tips for a Successful Project Presentation with PowerPoint

When you are going to create a presentation and talk about your project, there are several rules. So, what tips are there to present your project successfully?

1. Do Not Include Too Many Slides

In most cases, professor instructions are most important when creating a presentation. The professor will tell you how many slides are needed and what information to include. Yet, in some cases, you have the right to decide how long your presentation will be. Remember that content is more important than word count in such a situation. It is better to present your ideas clearly in several bullet points. You should not write a pile of slides with lots of information. You can also use pictures and graphics to represent your ideas.

2. Cover All The Main Points

In most cases, you will need to follow your professor’s instructions for the content. Following the main points if you are making the presentation with few instructions. In most presentations, there is a clear structure. First, you should describe the problem you are going to solve with your project. Then, talk about the steps you have used to solve the problem. Next, provide information on how your solutions work in practice and on your results. It is also important to provide the period when solving the problem. The last step is to provide a summary of all the main ideas.

3. Each Slide Should Go For One Idea

Remember that each slide is designed to show one idea. This means that you should not present several topics on one slide. Another important rule is that you can’t repeat the information from the slide orally. When you are presenting your project, talk broadly about the main points. Your task here is not to read the slides but to explain your main points to the audience. For this reason, there is no need to write full sentences. The phrases in bullet points will only summarize your speech.

4. Make a Presentation Plan

Before you start preparing your speech, it is important to create a clear plan. First, you should define the main goals of your project. Next, think about what you are going to convey to your audience and what questions they will have. Then, define the time you will be talking about your project. You can also make an outline and calculate how much time will be necessary for each part of your speech. Making a plan with short tips for what you will be talking about is also essential. Then, it is better to write down the whole speech and check it; you can learn it by heart.

5. Remember the Formatting

Formatting is crucial in academic writing and may cost you a lot of points. So, you should strictly follow the formatting style required in the instructions. Otherwise, you will need to do a PowerPoint redesign. Do not forget to make the font of the presentation simple and the same on all the slides.


In conclusion, PowerPoint presentations are great for demonstrating your project. When planning the project presentation, it is crucial to make preparations. You should follow the overall structure of a PowerPoint presentation. Apart from that, remember that your professor’s instructions are the priority. You should also remember the formatting style required. At the same time, your speech is most important when you present your project. That is why you should clearly plan what you will be talking about. Explain to your audience the main ideas and show them with bullet points and visuals.


How to Present a New Project Effectively Using PowerPoint - 48How to Present a New Project Effectively Using PowerPoint - 63How to Present a New Project Effectively Using PowerPoint - 65How to Present a New Project Effectively Using PowerPoint - 52