This game is focused on military realism so it is not something that casual players are into but over the past couple of months, the game’s popularity is rising steadily and it has only earned a lot of reputation. Despite being in the early stages of development, the game has managed to gain a loyal fan base who are playing the game and finding more and more ways to survive. Today, we look at how to play Escape from Tarkov.

What Is Escape From Tarkov?

Now that you know that we are going to help you get better at Escape from Tarkov, or at least try to some extent but what a lot of people still don’t understand is just what exactly is the game all about. If you read the about page, it describes the game as a “hardcore and realistic online first-person RGP simulator” The game also has elements such as MMO thrown around and a story, too. However, explaining the game within the confines of a few lines is not the easiest thing that you can do. The game offers persistent character inventory and load-outs, a feature that lets you set up a base, and very, very realistic and tough gameplay. If you are looking to join the world of Tarkov and think that years of experiencing playing first-person titles is going to do you any good, then you have to think again because the game makes you shape your strategy and the way you play.

Where To Download Escape From Tarkov?

Okay, now that we have some idea about what the game is all about, the next step is to learn how to download the game. You need to know that to download the game, you will have to purchase it first. The game is still in the beta stage, and that is how you access it. You can head over to the website, register for the game, once you are registered, you can head over to the preorder page, choose the version of the game you want, and make the payment. Once the game is purchased, you will be able to download it and get started with it.

How To Play Escape From Tarkov?

Now, when I first looked at Escape from Tarkov, I thought of a game that looks like it is easy to play. However, that was not the case. In every way, the game challenges you to think twice, and even if you are a first-person veteran, you have to be careful to properly play the game and assess the situation before you make a decision.

#1- Train In Offline Mode

Okay, if you are thinking about entering the world of Tarkov, we would highly suggest that you start training in an offline mode. Even though it does not reflect the brutal online world, but it will give you an idea about how the game is and how the mechanics work. It is simply there to help you understand the mechanics so you do better and you learn about the game so you can use it to your advantage.

#2- Learn The Customs map (Stick To One Map)

Escape from Tarkov is not limited to a single map and will be getting more of them in the future. As someone who is trying to get a hold of the game, learning the map and the terrain is a lot more important. If you have started thinking like a soldier, you are in the right spot. The point of learning the maps is that you will be able to figure out which places are good and which places are not.

#3- Play As SCAV (Learn About PMCs And Scavs)

In Escape from Tarkov, you will get the choice to play either as SCAV or PMC. Ideally, it would be better if you play as both classes throughout your journey. But if you are just starting, you can play the game as a SCAV since you are not the primary character as well. However, if you are looking to go for a more hardcore approach, playing as PMC is the way to go since you are going to be the main character with higher stakes in the game.

#4- Use Insurance

Escape from Tarkov has this neat little feature called insurance, and as the name suggests, it allows you to retrieve any items that have not been extracted from the raid, but with a delay. However, you can only extract gear items like weapons and armors, containers like a key tool, document case or items case, and intel items like keys and paper maps. Consumables cannot be extracted, so you better utilize your food and ammo.

#5- Learn Where Your Extracts Are

When you step into the wilds in Escape from Tarkov, you will be presented with a beautiful and brutal world, and in such a world, you will need to know everything. Especially your extracts, because without them, you might not be able to access better gear. So, take your time and explore everything is, especially your extracts, since that can help you play the game in a much better way, and you will also be able to use everything that you have collected as well.

#6- Complete The Quests

Despite being a largely multiplayer game, Escape from Tarkov does present you with a list of quests that you will have to complete as you progress. If you are looking to make a name for yourself and truly enjoy the game as it was intended to be enjoyed, we would highly suggest that you are not missing out on the quests, as that is going to ruin the experience. Complete whatever quest you want to complete and however you want to complete, and you will do just fine.

#7- Ammo Is What Deals Damage (Learn Your Ammo Types)

Ammo is crucial in the game, and similarly, it is not available as widely. This means that you have to be careful about understanding your ammo types and how the damage varies across these types. This is not Call of Duty, where you can just use a single ammo type for everything, and therefore, you have to step up as far as ammo is concerned and use it carefully and wisely.

#8- Use Ctrl + Click (One Neat Tip)

When playing Escape from Tarkov, you will need as much assistance as possible since you cannot afford to make a decision that is going to cost you your life and all the stuff that you have raided. While raiding, we would highly suggest that you are using Ctrl + click. What this does is that it sends the items directly to your backpack, and you will do just fine, as well. You don’t need to worry about looting and being smart about it, as that is just the wrong thing to do in the first place, and it will take you a lot of time.

#9- The Hotkeys

Being an MMO with such a wide scheme of things, it is safe to say that Escape from Tarkov is going to have hotkeys, and the same is the case here. The game does have a lot of hotkeys, and for your own sake, it is better that you are learning all about them, so you do not have to worry about things going wrong or things not working out the right way.

#10- Identify Player Scavs

The world of Escape from Tarkov is going to be filled with PMCs and Scavs, as either one of them, you have to understand other players and always be on your guards. It is important to know that no one really is your friend in the game, and everyone can easily turn their backs on you. That is why playing this brutal game requires great focus and understanding of the wild world of Tarkov, as you cannot just go around making mistakes.

#11- Keep An Eye On Your Health

Honestly, your health is one of the most important factors in the game, and you cannot just neglect it because you thought it would make no sense. You are trying to survive in one of the most brutal game worlds ever created, and not having any eye on your health is only going to introduce you to the risk of things going wrong and not working out in your favor at all. So, do yourself a favor and never ignore your health.

#12- Map Loaded Up

Studying the physical map is one thing and just as important, but the fact that you will also need to look at the map once you load it up is another important thing. You will need to be patient with this and develop a proper understanding because without that, you might never really be able to get the job done, and therefore, you have to be careful when you are on your way to knowing about the map in the best possible ways.

#13- Secure Containers, Use With Smartness

Escape from Tarkov gives you a true feeling of wilderness and, to a great extent, loneliness by throwing you into a world that is out to get you. Containers are great in terms of figuring out the resources and how to use them and if you find yourself in a similar situation, be sure that you are using these containers while being wiser about them because you cannot just go on and waste away your resources since that rarely ever works for anyone.

#14- Map Times & Work On Your Hideout

Escape from Tarkov has a really good time cycle that can be used in your favor if you are being clever enough. This means that when you are trying to be sure that the time is right, you can go ahead and figure things out. Another important thing here is that you have to figure out the hideouts as well. You cannot just randomly pick a hideout that you see fit. You will need to be smarter about this whole situation so you can easily figure things out.

#15- Get A Keytool

One of the rarest containers that you can find in the game is a Keytool. For those wondering, it serves the purpose of saving you space in your inventory. However, the issue here resides in finding the keytool as that can be different. However, the moment you run into one, you should use it because, without that, you might not be able to survive for a longer time without having a good loadout since that is one of the most important things.

How To Play Escape From Tarkov? (The Beginners Guide)

If you are looking to play Escape from Tarkov, you must understand that the game is rich with mechanics, and while that is certainly a good thing. It can also create a lot of complications and therefore, you have to be careful as to what you are choosing and how you are handling things. Below, you can find a guide that tends to make life easier.

#1- What Are The Basic Controls And Mechanics?

If you are just getting started, understanding the basic controls and mechanics of the game is going to be very important. As discussed before, the game has an offline mode where you can jump in for the sake of training as well. The purpose of that mode is to help players survive the unforgiving and unpredictable world of Tarkov, and it is better that you are properly informed about that before you step into the shoes, or else things can be difficult. You must know that there is no hurry in learning these mechanics, and you should take as much time as you want before you jump into the world of Tarkov. Once you have figured out the mechanics of the game, you can get started with the process of playing it as well.

#2- Movement Is Important

When you are talking about Escape from Tarkov, every single game mechanic is put in there because of its importance. The same is the case with character movement as it happens to be important, and without a proper understanding of how you should be moving, there is no point in going for the game in the first place. Learn to move and always keep your mobility in the best possible way. You want to be away from the firefights as much as possible, especially if you are a beginner, and if you do want to engage, be sure that you are good at doing so. Don’t engage because you think it would be fun because that is the fastest way of getting killed, and we are all looking to avoid that in the first place. So, when playing Escape from Tarkov, take your time and then make your move.

#3- Stances (You Must Know Every Position)

One of the best things about Escape from Takrov is the stance system; the game has excellent control over movement and allows you to truly get into character and have an incredible stance while playing the game as well. I understand that it might be superficial at first, but the more you are focusing on it, the better it is going to be. Rest assured, once you have learned how to use stances in the best possible way, you will be in the right hands, as well. The great thing here is that when you have an extensive offline mode too. So, if you do want to learn stances and how to use them, you can just head over to the online mode and get started there, as it will work just fine. The more you learn, the better.

#4- Health, Healing, And Hitpoints (The Savers)

Another great thing about Escape from Tarkov that I love is that the game’s focus on healing and health is something that is not common. Especially the hit points. The game has a very real sense of everything, and messing that up can cost you a lot in terms of how your experience is going to be shaped up. If you are looking to get started, be sure that you are fully aware of health, healing, and the hit points that are in the game. These three are going to be the most important factor, and your entire Escape from Tarkov experience is going to rely on these factors. This means that messing these up is not going to help you in any way that you might think. It is better that you are focused, and you are not doing anything wrong.

#5- Extractions (Very Important)

Considering the nature of the game, Escape from Tarkov features extractions that you will have to go through at the end of every game. Now, I do understand that the beginners are just here for the fun, but if you have been playing the game for some time, then you have to understand that it is important to focus on the extraction aspect of the game, or else you will not have the experience you are looking for. With that said, you should learn how to extract and, more importantly, when to extract. You need to find the specific time when you are at the safest and then proceed so nothing else goes wrong in the process, and everything can be handled the right way. It will be difficult in the first, but the more you play, the better experience you are going to get out of the game.

#6- Insurance (Learn To Win)

One of the best elements or mechanics of the game is insurance which essentially is something that you can use to bring back everything that you lost during the raiding process. This is specifically important for anyone who is looking to play the game for the first time. As someone who has played looter shooters for a long time, I understand the pain that comes when you end up losing your gear because someone thought it would be fun to take all your loot. Therefore, insurance is what you should always save and use in the best situations when things are in your favor. Rest assured, playing the game smartly is going to help you a lot, and you will not find yourself losing the fight, either. Always keep this in mind whenever you are playing the game. The goal here is to win and do it right.

#7- Weaponry And Equipment (Your Only Beast)

In Escape from Tarkov, survival is the key, and more often than not, survival becomes difficult if you are not being careful enough. In this game, to survive, you need good weapons and equipment. It is not all for the sake of showing off, but having good equipment is important as this is the only thing that will help you survive the woefully painful world of the game. With that said, make sure that you are focusing on improving the entirety of your loadout because that is the only way you can make it out of the game without losing everything. Some players have spent countless hours reaching where they are today, and it never is an easy task. The game tests you unlike any other game that you have played, and only those who are patient, cunning, and clever enough can make it out of the wonderfully brutal world of the game.

How To Play With Friends In Escape From Tarkov?

It is safe to say that no matter when you are playing the game, Escape from Tarkov remains one of the most unforgiving first-person shooters available in the market. The world of Tarkov is not kind to anyone, and survival is the key. The good thing here is that you are not alone in your quest to survive and be the best in the game. You can play this game with your friends as well, and while this does not guarantee that you will be the king of the hill, it is good knowing that someone might be watching your back and helping you navigate the harsh world of Tarkov. If you want to play with your friends, it is easy to do so. You can hit the Messenger option in the lower part of your screen. You will be taken to another menu where you will need to click on the Friends button found in the upper right section. From there, you will be able to see all the added friends along with the pending requests. You can simply add your friends by searching for their usernames and inviting them. Once they have joined, you just have to start the game, and you are good to go. From there, you just have to survive together and protect each other from everyone who is after your life.

How To Trade With Friends In Escape From Tarkov?

The best thing about the looter/shooter games is the system that allows you to trade with friends. There are times when you run into gear that you don’t need or gears that your friends don’t need, and if that is the case, you can simply trade it with your friends without having to worry in the first place. If you want to trade something with your friends or have your friends give you something, the process is fairly easy. You just have to go into the raid and drop something on the ground for your friends to pick it up. This is, and this is as easy as it gets. It is convenient and simple and works every single time. Just be sure that you are not giving away all your useful gear.

What Are The Gameplay Objectives?

It should not come as a surprise that even a game like Escape from Tarkov can have some objectives. So, if you are wondering what the objectives in the game are, then it is simple. You have to escape. Yes, the objective is right there in the name of the game. But don’t think this is going to be easy, you will be facing some of the most ruthless killers in Tarkov, and your job here is to watch over your shoulders, collect as much loot as you can and escape from Tarkov, and that is the only objective. I understand that it might sound like an easy thing, but it is one of the most excruciating things that you will have to go through, and only the best of the best are going to get out of this alive. So, get your gear ready and get started because it is going to take some time.

How To Play Offline With Bots?

Escape from Tarkov brings an offline mode that is great for beginners since it can help you be better at the game without having to worry too much about anything else in the first place. The game allows you to play offline with ease. Here is how you can do it. Start by selecting the Escape from Tarkov option from the main menu, select the PMC character, you will see the main map, click on the locations, and press Next. This will take you to a new window. You will have to select Prepare to Escape and select Enable offline mode for this raid and then enable PvE. This is it. This is the best way of enabling offline play and getting the chance to play with bots. Take as much time as you want to train in the game and then move to online mode.

Is Escape From Tarkov Worth Playing In 2023?

This is one thing that a lot of people have asked us over the past couple of months. We are well into 2023, and a lot of us are still wondering if Escape from Tarkov is worth playing even right now. Well, to be honest, the game is. Keeping in mind that you are looking at something that is still in the beta stage, the game has come a long way, and by the looks of it, it is going to go a long way, too. You are going to see many great updates coming to the game, and the game is going to be even better in the final stage. So, yes. If you are still wondering if Escape from Tarkov is worth playing in 2023, it is. I cannot think of any other first-person shooter that comes even closer to this. Therefore, we would not advise you to waste time at all. More game guides: Best Rocket League Pro Camera Settings In 2023? – (Updated)How To Fix Apex Legends Keeps Crashing Error?How To Fix “PUBG Servers Are Too Busy Please Try Again Later”How To Get Good At Fortnite Sure, the learning curve is steep. This is one of the most rewarding games that you can play and that too, without a doubt.

#1 – Can I play Escape from Tarkov for free?

No, at the time of writing, Escape from Tarkov can only be played if you register for the game and then buy the version that you think is right for you. Only then you will be able to play the game without any issues.

#2 – How do you win in Tarkov?

Escape from Tarkov, as the name suggests, is a very simple game in terms of what you have to do. Instead of focusing on getting the most kills, the game focuses solely on the element of escaping while doing as much or as little killing that you want. So, if you want to win, you should escape.

#3 – Is Escape from Tarkov on PS5?

Even though Escape from Tarkov is only available on PC right now, the game is planned to release on next and previous generation consoles soon. This does include PS5 as well as PS4. However, official word by the developers has not been given at the moment.

#4 – Is Escape from Tarkov hard to run?

Currently, Escape from Tarkov is considered to be one of the most notoriously demanding games on PC. This means that regardless of the PC you are running, there is a chance that you might have a hard time running the game. It is also important to know that the game is still in the beta stage, so bugs are expected.

#5 – How big is Tarkov?

Despite being one of the most demanding games in the market, Escape from Tarkov’s download size is only 12GB. However, you must know that due to multiple updates that are always coming, the size ends up varying, as well. But the base size of the game is 12GB.

#6 – Can you play Escape From Tarkov with a controller?

Even though it is suggested that you are using a keyboard and a mouse for a better experience, the game can be played using a controller as well if you are looking to have a different style of playing. However, we still advise that a mouse and a keyboard is the best way out.

#7 – Why do people throw backpacks in Tarkov?

Since Escape from Tarkov focuses on realism, the backpacks that are loaded are big and can often be seen from various angles, even when you are hiding. Therefore, whenever people are in a tough firefight, and they want to protect their loot and want to ensure that they remain hidden, they throw the backpacks.

#8 – How often do wipes happen in Tarkov?

Based on the available historical data, wipes happen between 6 to 10 months every year. This can, of course, change as well. But if you are following the past patterns, this is what comes up and is important to know as well.

#9 – Can you get loot in offline mode Escape from Tarkov?

The offline mode in Escape from Tarkov is built specifically for training the newcomers, and therefore, there is not going to be any loot or progression.

#10 – Does Tarkov wipe Reset level?

As the name suggests, the Tarkov wipe is the wipe of everything there is. Therefore, all of the things that you have in the game are going to be wiped, and you must know more about this because it is important to understand that right away.

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