On Snapchat, private stories let you decide who can view your material. It would help if you created a new private story before starting to add content to it. You can rename a Snapchat story private and select the followers you wish to include. It is possible to make your Snapchat private so that only the approved followers can see your content. You can create private Snapchat stories and control friends who can view them. This is helpful when you wish to share content with a specific group and not with the rest of your followers. So, please read our article ahead to know more.

How to Make a Private Story on Snapchat?

Sometimes you want to share your favorite times with everybody, and other times you only desire to express yourself with a small group of individuals. You can choose a few people who can watch your Snapchat Private Stories. 1. Launch the Snapchat app. 2. Click on the Profile icon in the top-left corner. 3. To create a new private story, click on the New Story button in My Stories. 4. Click on New Private Story. 5. Name the new private story by clicking the box. Note: You may share and select one or more friends with whom to share the private story. 6. Click on Create Story. 7. Click on the private story under My Stories and add it. Also, read How To Backup Camera Roll To Snapchat On iPhone & Android (2022)

Everything About Snapchat Stories?

In Snapchat, you can use “My Story” and “Our Story.” Each feature is designed for a particular purpose. While everyone knows by now what “My Story” stands for, a few users still have not tried “Our Story.” Snapchat users can now add to the stories in their group’s thanks to the introduction of this feature. The Snapchat program was developed to be used at gatherings to explore a variety of subjects and record stunning views or traveling experiences, among other things. The essential point is that various people can add to a storyline in unique ways. Stories are basically customizable and stay online for 24 hours until being automatically erased. Irrespective of your account’s privacy settings, you can select the viewers of a Private Story. For instance, whether the account is private or not, if you upload a Story, all of your friends can see it. A private story significantly lowers the number of viewers. Also, read How to Change the Color of Snapchat’s Camera Borders: An Easy 6-Step Guide

How to Make a Private Story on Snapchat?

Wrapping Up

I hope the article helped you to provide clarity on how to make a private story on Snapchat. Making a private story is enjoyable, and since it has a shorter life span, you like it even more. You will feel the urge to create new stories daily and share them with your friends. So, refer to the process above and create a story!


How to Make a Private Story on Snapchat   Follow 7 Easy Steps - 58How to Make a Private Story on Snapchat   Follow 7 Easy Steps - 61How to Make a Private Story on Snapchat   Follow 7 Easy Steps - 66How to Make a Private Story on Snapchat   Follow 7 Easy Steps - 47