The platform TikTok has many features which are new on the platform and some are quite old. They are quite incredible and you would love to know and use them for your own benefit. One such amazing feature is limiting comments on TikTok. So, read ahead to know more about this feature. Knowing how to limit comments on TikTok can help you from getting inappropriate comments on your account. You can also choose the comments that you wish to keep on your platform and which ones you do not want to keep on the platform.

How to Limit Comments on TikTok?

It is easy to abuse or poke into someone else’s privacy through social media platforms. Hence, apparently, the freedom that we enjoy on social media platforms can be broken within no time. Hence, there is a dire need to know the hacks and limit the comments on TikTok posts. We have listed a few methods below. They would help you to restrict the people who can comment on your account.

1. Turn on Comment Restrictions

This method will help you to allow, and comment on your videos. You can disable all the comments, allow anyone to comment, or restrict the feature only to your friends. To know ahead refer to the steps below:

  1. Go to the TikTok profile.
  2. Go to the “Privacy and Safety” settings.
  3. Select the person with whom you want to leave comments on your videos.
  4. Select any of the options “Off,” “Friends,” or “Everyone.” Also, read AI Manga Filter TikTok Ghosts Trend: How to Use AI Manga Filter?

2. Control Comments on Videos

In TikTok, you will find a feature known as the “Filter Comments” tool. Here you can list the keywords which get blocked from the comments you see on the videos. When you know the words which are inappropriate, you can use this feature. You can refer to the steps below and create the manual filters of the keywords:

  1. Launch the TikTok profile.
  2. Go to “Privacy and Settings.”
  3. Choose the option of “Privacy and Safety.”
  4. Go to the “Filter Comments” option.
  5. Switch on the option of “Add Keywords”.
  6. Enter the keywords you feel are inappropriate and click on “Done.” The above process will help you get rid of all the comments and keywords, from your videos. The tool will also help to remove the comments that are made before. Also, read How To Use TikTok Analytics For TikTok Growth? Here are the Details

3. Limit Comments on a Post

It can happen that you post a photo or video on your TikTok account and then receive offensive comments on the same. Hence, do not see those comments which make you unhappy. You can limit the number of comments for a particular post with the steps below:

  1. Search the post with inappropriate comments.
  2. In the right hand corner of your screen click on the Hamburger option.
  3. Click on the option for “Privacy”.
  4. Switch off the option for “Allow Comments.” Note:- If you want to turn on the comments on TikTok, you can also do that easily. Also, read What Is The Best Time to Post on TikTok on Saturday? (Updated)

4. Enable Comment Approval

You may not be aware that there is a new control in the platform of TikTok that ensures that you are safe on the platform. This feature helps you to prevent abusers from abusing their privacy by reviewing the comments before approving them. Hence, to enable this feature, follow the below steps:

  1. Go to your TikTok profile.
  2. Click on the Hamburger option.
  3. Tap on “Privacy.”
  4. Choose the option of “Comment filters.”
  5. Go to the option of “Filter all Comments” and switch it on. Do not worry when you enable this feature, the number of followers you have will not be affected as they can comment and like. When you approve the comments then only they will be visible. You can see the “Review Filtered Comments” option and approve the comments you wish to keep. After you review them, you can choose to delete or keep them in your profile. Also, read How to Repost on TikTok: Repost in 4 Taps Now!

5. Limit Comments on TikTok

You can restrict the comments on your posts in your account. You can even limit it to one person. To know more read the steps below to know how you can use this feature:

  1. Launch TikTok on your device.
  2. Go to “Privacy Settings.”
  3. Go to the option “Who can Comment on your video.”
  4. Click on the option “Friends.” Unfollow the people you do not want to comment on your videos. The person whom you wish to see the comments, he or she has to be your friend on TikTok. Also, read What Does Chupagetti Mean on TikTok | Chupagetti Comments Trend Alert

Wrapping Up

The platform TikTok has many wonderful features which you can use for your benefit if you are a content creator. I hope the feature How to Limit Comments on TikTok discussed would be helpful for you. It would safeguard your privacy on the platform and help you to build your own protection.


How to Limit Comments on TikTok With Just 5 Easy Methods  - 29How to Limit Comments on TikTok With Just 5 Easy Methods  - 49How to Limit Comments on TikTok With Just 5 Easy Methods  - 13How to Limit Comments on TikTok With Just 5 Easy Methods  - 14