How can we tell if our phone number has been blocked? Although there’s no way to know for sure without questioning the individual, a few signals could help. We’ll go over everything from iMessage Not Delivered warnings to calls that go directly to the trash and how to identify if your phone number has been blacklisted. The steps down in the article are very simplified for the convenience of the audience so that they get all their options easily. Please walk through the article till the end to understand how to know if someone blocked you on iPhone with very easy steps.

How to Know If Someone Blocked you on iPhone | 5 Amazing Steps to Follow 

Several strategies could be coupled to assist you in figuring out how to know if someone blocked you on iPhone or if the individual is merely offline, not reachable, or on Do Not Disturb mode. Remember, whereas these approaches can provide valuable insights (especially when combined), there is no single way to determine whether or not someone has blocked you on iPhone. Let’s get begin with the following steps! Also, read How To Know If Someone Blocked Your Email Address?

1. Received an Instant Response? Not Blocked on iPhone

We should not scratch our heads in confusion since the first step in how to know if someone blocked you on iPhone is elementary and simple. When you are using the phone, and if you receive an automatic or instant response to the text you may have sent a short while ago, you are not blocked. Why I assure you that you are not blocked is because automatic response messages do not get through the blocked numbers. However, if you do not receive an automatic response to your texts, you should look for another option: the iMessage Not Delivered alert. This option can be found in the Settings menu of your iPhone. Also, read How To Know If Someone Blocked You On iMessage?

2. Not Received an iPhone Message? How to Figure Out if Someone on iMessage Has Blocked You

In connection with how to know if someone blocked you on iPhone, we should know that if someone has blocked you on iMessage. We need to understand that we can not block messages on iPhones unless the user’s number is blocked. Therefore that’s something to keep in mind right away. Users will be blocked on both if they’re blocked on one. Users can attempt to message the person in issue using iMessage; however, they won’t get the text or any alert of a message accepted, just like they won’t get your phone calls. Here’s just a helpful hint in determining whether or not you’ve gotten blocked on iMessage: Users won’t notice “Delivered” below the message box even when an iPhone text isn’t delivered (as is the situation unless you’re blocked). Also, read How To Know If Someone Blocked You On LinkedIn | 4 Simple Methods Remember that you’ll usually only get these delivery alerts on the latest iMessage in a series of delivered messages. However, you won’t get “Delivered” on the most recent texts in a discussion if they weren’t presented. Check beneath the last message you sent when you assume you’ve been blocked. You may have been barred if the last iMessage reads “Delivered” underneath the text box; however, the most current one doesn’t. Instead, if you get an iMessage Not Delivered signal, that could be another sign. Whether this occurs, you might wish to attempt the technique described in the following sections.

3. Not Delivered iMessage Error & Text Message Notifications

Another way to understand how to know if someone blocked you on iPhone is when you are unable to text them. Let’s understand, if you get an error like iMessage Not Delivered, attempt Enabling SMS on your gadget. Even when a smartphone text isn’t delivered over iMessage, the iPhone may retry the messages utilizing your wireless connection, or you can explicitly retry using SMS rather than iMessage. When you don’t get a response or delivery verification to an SMS text, this is another clue that you’re being blacklisted on an iPhone. Also, read How To Know If Someone Blocked You On WhatsApp: 7 Simple Steps To send the text again through SMS once you get an error iMessage Not Delivered:

  1. Read the tried message and click the red information symbol to get more information.
  2. Click on Send as Text Message. 3.  The iPhone you are using will try to resend the message.

4. Number Blocked on iPhone, or Is It Do Not Disturb?

You’ve attempted the ways mentioned to analyze how to know if someone blocked you on iPhone, but you’re assuming the individual may have turned off all inbound phone calls for the time being, and that’s why they’re not receiving your messages. Throughout this case, you’ll have to figure out whether someone has blocklisted your contact details or is simply on Do Not Disturb. Also, read How To Know If Someone Blocked You On Facebook | 3 Basic Steps To see how much of a change there was, I used to have a buddy put her iPhone to Do Not Disturb for one message, and afterward blocked me for another. Regardless of the fact that she won’t be receiving the message until after she switched off Do Not Disturb, I received a delivery alert straight away when I contacted her while she was on Do Not Disturb. My SMS appeared to have been sent again for restricted iMessage; however, I received no verification; it just remained around. As a result, I’ve concluded that if somebody has the Do Not Disturb option enabled, you’ll always get delivery alerts for your messages; however, you won’t if you’ve been blocked.

5. When you Make a Phone call on your iPhone, it goes straight to Voicemail

As far as how to know if someone blocked you on iPhone is concerned, talking to somebody could help you analyze whether you’ve been blocked on your iPhone. Nevertheless, since there are various causes why a conversation you place via the phone is ringing once and goes straight to voicemail, it’s essential to integrate this procedure with the iMessage testing to check you’ve gotten blocked. Remember: If there is an urgency, we suggest waiting several days after the iMessage Not Delivered check before calling an acquaintance or relative person, anyway, if they’re out of their cellphone coverage region and therefore unable to respond. When the message is really not responded to within a few moments and then ends up calling. Also, read How to Know if Someone Blocked You on Snapchat 2022: Basic Ideas

How to Know If Someone Blocked you on iPhone?

Wrapping Up

While talking about how to know if someone blocked you on iPhone, it’s a dreadful feeling to be blocked, but you should accept the other user’s desires and go along. When you cannot send the text and feel like the other person stops you, rather than getting into confusion and looking here and there, it is better to remember the above-mentioned steps. The instructions given above will help you learn how to know if someone blocked you on iPhone.  Please let us know in the comment section if you learned how to know if someone blocked you on iPhone.


How to Know if Someone Blocked You on iPhone   Ways to Figure it Out - 47How to Know if Someone Blocked You on iPhone   Ways to Figure it Out - 79How to Know if Someone Blocked You on iPhone   Ways to Figure it Out - 97How to Know if Someone Blocked You on iPhone   Ways to Figure it Out - 87How to Know if Someone Blocked You on iPhone   Ways to Figure it Out - 47How to Know if Someone Blocked You on iPhone   Ways to Figure it Out - 82How to Know if Someone Blocked You on iPhone   Ways to Figure it Out - 53