Instagram is in craze and has gained popularity among its users in a short time, with more than 1 billion active users. To most, it is a platform for enjoying and having fun with people around the globe. But apart from fun and entertainment, millions of influencers use Instagram to generate a huge amount of money because of their huge following. But a few years back, Instagram was mere a black box and was filled with colors, in terms of getting the blue check. But the thing to notice is that some popular accounts and celebrities got the tempting blue tick with their name, others didn’t!!! Why? if you, too have the urge to get verified on Instagram, it is simple. Scroll down to know how to get verified on Instagram.

How to Get Verified on Instagram?

Getting verified on Instagram does not take much time. You just have to follow these steps to get verified on Instagram:

Open your Instagram app and tap on the profile picture at the extreme right bottom to go to your Instagram profile.Tap on the triple line bar (menu bar) present at the top-right corner to get the list of options.Select settings (at the bottom), and then Account.Tap on Request verification. A form will appear. It will demand you to enter your details, with your account name pre-filled. The details included are your full name, Known as, and Category of your account.Upload a photo of your ID and that’s it.

Also read How to Get Verified on Facebook in 2021: Expert’s Top Advice ARE YOU VERIFIED NOW? Hold On! What?? Aren’t your account verified yet? Instagram denied the request. Why? Don’t worry if this happens. You can do it again after 30 days. But this time is a little prepared. You need to follow some guidelines. Below you will find the expert’s tips to Get Verified on Instagram.

Tips on How to Get Verified on Instagram

There a plenty of reasons why your request is denied by Instagram, maybe you have a fancy Instagram account name? Or it could be a private account. Read along the post to know the reasons and get tips on How to Get Verified on Instagram by experts.

1. The Instagram Account You’re Putting Out for Verification must be Completely Genuine and Authentic

Instagram is never going to compromise on authenticity. This is made clear by instagram by declining the requests of the pages that are not authentic or which do not fit in the verification criteria of Instagram. It supports reality and originality. So, to get verified on Instagram, you should be a real person a real business, or a brand. Firstly, you cannot be a meme page (which is hilarious by the way for the audience) or a fangirl account of some celebrity because you are less likely to post original content. Remember that Instagram asks for your identity proof when you apply for verification. It could be your driving license or anything certified which proves that you are who you are. Check out 2021 Tips to Increase Engagement On Instagram

2. The Instagram Account You’re Putting Out for verification Should be Completely Unique

Everyone wants you to be unique and so does instagram. The rule is Don’t apply for verification for the same person, business, or any brand from two different accounts!!!!! You might think that it will increase your chances of getting verified but in reality, would kindly like to differ. Only one account per person or business can get verified. So there’s no two kylie Jenner, no two Nike, and ‘NO TWO YOU’(if you get verified). Remember that there is only one person or brand for one account on Instagram. However, Instagram has made exceptions too. It accounts for verifications for language-specific accounts on their platform.

3. The Instagram Account You’re Putting Out for Verification Should be Able to be Viewed by the Public

If you have a private Instagram account and still tries to get verified, then Instagram owes you an apology. It doesn’t allow private accounts or in a proper manner do not qualify for verification. It only allows public/business Instagram accounts to get verified on their platform. And why not? After all, it wants the content to be accessible and sharable. But if you are a private account, how it can be possible? However, brands are using this private instagram account marketing technique for their business. But sadly, they wont be able to get verified irrespective of their number of followers on the account. Check out Everything you Need to Know About Instagram Guides in 2021

4. Make Sure that the Instagram Account You’re Putting Out for Verification has all the Details Completed and Properly Filled.

No one likes errors and things half done. And, Instagram is not making any exceptions there for themselves. For you to get verified on Instagram, your profile must be complete and proper. This means that your account should have a profile picture, a good bio and at least one post to even qualify for verification and to even stay verified. However, more posts are more recommended for verification because come on!!! We’re not Jennifer Aniston. Also, your profile can’t contain “add me” links to other social media services. Let’s save them for some other time.

5. Make Sure Your Page/ Instagram Account is Something Notable and is in the Public’s Interest

What will you do with a verified account if people are not interested in your content? So, you need to make sure that the account you’re putting forward for verification is of public interest and people are searching for it. Moreover, your account is going for representation. So it should represent a person or a brand that is notable, well known and people are searching for it or the type of content that you are posting or going to post. If your account is featured in news or is/was in public eyes by any (good) means then it is good news for you. How???? The featured appearance is going to help you in getting your account verified. Also read What Is Better Instagram or Facebook in 2021?

Expert’s Advice

So these were the important tips on how to get verified on Instagram. However, you might want to avoid using the wrong means to get verified!!!! Right? Along with all these things, it is needless to say that your account must follow Instagram’s terms of use and community guidelines. Otherwise, you’re a bit in trouble, and your account is not or, in some cases, less likely to get verified.


With all this criteria for verification, you must know what can be some additional efforts from your side to make sure that you’re account is verifies in the first go. Or else you’ll have to wait for the next 30 days to apply again. OOPS!!! Don’t worry, just follow these guidelines:

Create regular posts: It doesn’t mean that you need to post on an hourly basis. Instead, it is advised to go on an average of 2-3 posts a week constantly.Your content should always be the priority: You need to create quality content. This will create more engagement with your audience.Use Instagram stories to reach more and more people or your target audience: Those 15 seconds are crucial. Yes, you are reading it right. Instagram stories are so underrated but you don’t make that mistake!Research a little and Build your own hashtags along with using popular hashtags: Your hashtag will help you in community building while popular hashtags boost your appearance.

But along with these you need on check on some bad points as well, that you need to avoid, especially when it comes to the Instagram world.


What are the things that you should avoid or what can be the hazardous things you do which can be a hurdle in getting your instagram account verified? Here is a list of a few things you should avoid doing on Instagram to increase your chances of getting verified:

Don’t keep your account private!!You need to be in contact touch with your followers. Never stop engaging with the audience.Avoid overuse and misuse of hashtags. Do not steal content from other creators or from google searches as Instagram knows it all.Never overcrowd your feed.Don’t follow to unfollow.Never buy Instagram followers.

So, pick up your phone and check if you are doing the right things or not and get your account verified easily. Enjoy!!!!


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