Every other year, Snapchat keeps including more and more features and that’s one of the reasons why it is amongst the most popular social media apps. Up until recently, we didn’t know how to unlock Snapchat accounts and there are infinite features that still need to be discovered about this amazing app. You can get your deleted messages back on Snapchat, in fact, you can even recover your whole Snapchat account, but what if you lose your streaks? Can you get them back? There’s a solution for everything. If you lost a streak with your friend on Snapchat, you can get it back right from the app. You don’t even need to use any third-party apps. Just a few clicks and your issue will be resolved. Let’s cover everything about streaks in this article. Scroll a little to know how to get a streak back on Snapchat. 

How To Get Streaks Back On Snapchat?

Now, this issue has been faced by literally all of us. One fine day, we open Snapchat, we are about to share some snaps and suddenly there’s no fire sign. It is devastating to see days of hard work going to drain. Maybe you missed sending the streak by mistake and now you regret it. It’s okay, we all have been there. You just have to follow all of these steps and that’s your best chance to get a Streak back on Snapchat. Before beginning the steps, let me give you a gist of it. We will be contacting Snapchat and filling a form saying that it wasn’t our fault that we lost our streaks. If it is believable, they will definitely give your streaks back with that particular friend.  Follow these steps precisely to get a streak back on Snapchat-

UsernameEmailMobile NumberDevice (you are using Snapchat on)Friend’s Username (limit 1 per submission)When did you start having this issue?How long was your Snapstreak before it expired?Did you see the (hourglass) icon? (Choose No here)What information should we know?

Now when you are filling in all these details, make sure you make no mistakes. The email account, mobile number, username, the date you lost your streak, and the number of your streak should be accurate. All accounts and numbers should be linked to your Snapchat account. Under the question “Did you see the (hourglass)icon?” always choose no. If you choose yes, then it would be your fault that you lost your streak. So, always choose no for this answer.  Next to the information textbox, write a genuine problem that is believable. Write something like you regularly use Snapchat, and it is the first time you are facing it. Be polite, and I am sure they will revert to you.  After you have sent your form, Snapchat will send you a confirmation mail on the mail account linked with your Snapchat. It will confirm that your complaint has been submitted. Within a few days, they will resolve the issue, and you will get your streak back. 

What Is A Snapchat Streak | How To Make A Streak On Snapchat?

A streak is the number of days you and your friend have been continuously sending snaps to each other on Snapchat. Know that both you and your friend on Snapchat have to send snaps every day to have a streak. Snapchat starts displaying the lit (fire) sign from the third day of continuous snapping. This means you have been sending snaps to your friend for three days continuously. Now you know what a Snapchat Streak is. But what if you share pictures from your camera roll in Snapchat. Would it still help in making streaks? No! Let’s cover to make a Snapchat Streak step by step- This is a snap that will count in making streaks. Not a picture that you send from a camera roll or from your Snapchat memories. 

Wrapping Up

Snapchat allows you to fill out forms and tell them all about your issues. You can simply go to settings, click on a few options and they will get back to you as soon as possible. We tried to give the easiest explanation of the steps so that you can learn “How To Get A Streak Back On Snapchat?”.  If you found this article informative then comment below. We will be happy to hear from your side. If there’s any issue still left, then you can also share it with us. We will try our best to bring you the easiest solutions.  Keep Visiting Path Of Ex again and have an amazing day!


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