However, being unemployed isn’t the end of the world. As difficult as the situation might be, try to view this as a chance at a positive change in your life. If you handle this process carefully, you can open new doors for yourself and be back on your feet in no time.  Here’s what you need to do if you’re new to the world of the unemployed.  Consider the Circumstances First things first – you need to think about why you were fired. If you can admit that you were at fault, messed up and made some mistakes, this is the time to reflect on that and consider where you need to step up your game.  If you don’t believe the reasons for your dismissal were justified or fair, you could ask an attorney to look at your unemployment appeal. Often, employers will take advantage of complacency. If you were fired for unfair or discriminatory reasons, get legal assistance.  Process It Yes, losing your job is a big deal and you need to allow yourself time to process it. Grieve, cry, punch the wall, seek out therapy; whatever it is you need to do to feel better and move past what happened.  Feeling down in the dumps is totally normal, but it’s important that you pick yourself back up as quickly as possible.  Create a Game Plan Keep in mind that you don’t necessarily have to start searching for vacancies for the exact same position you had been working. Your options are open: you might use this as an opportunity for a much-needed career change, look into some work-from-home jobs to break away from the corporate world, or finally start that business you’ve been thinking about. Decide what it is you want to try and then throw all your efforts into it.  Brush Up Your Resume Job hunting can be gruelling, and having a good resume is one of the main things that will help make things easier for you.  Put in some time and effort to really make your resume stand out if you want to be noticed by recruiters. Use a professional-looking template, and try to keep it short and sweet – nobody wants to read three pages of your high school achievements.  Upskill You can also use this time off work to upskill yourself and add something new to your CV. You might want to learn some new industry-relevant skills, improve (and get qualified) in skills you already have or learn something totally new. If you’re thinking of starting your own business, taking a short business and marketing course could be really beneficial, or if you want to start freelancing then you might invest in a creative course to upgrade your mastery. 


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