Instafest is an app that compiles your most listened artists in the form of a festival line-up. It is cool in the way that it makes you feel grand about your own listening habits. It lets you share your grandeur in a way that your friends feel inspired to share theirs. Just like Spotify Wrapped memes, Spotify Fest is also gaining a lot of social media clout. So, the question is how to create your festival lineup. Well, it is pretty simple. But still, people are finding it difficult to find the appropriate app that is making these cool viral posters. There are many platforms that make your festival lineup, but, not all will give you the result that you are looking for.

How to Create Your Festival Lineup?

The Spotify Festival lineup is nothing but your most-listened-to artists divided into three groups showing as lineups for a three-day festival. So, you cannot build your own festival lineup deliberately. You have been creating your lineup all this year without your knowledge. Also, read How to See Your Fest on Spotify (2022) | Instafest Spotify You don’t have to download anything to create your festival lineup. Also, this is not a feature of Spotify. So how to create your festival lineup? Read the instructions: You can share your Instafest poster on all social media platforms. These festival posters are already taking over a lot of bandwidth through Twitter. How to create your festival lineup is not the only question here. People also want to customize their Instafest posters. Keep reading. Also, read Spotify Instafest: How to Get Spotify Instafest App?

You Can Customize Your Instafest Lineup

There are two ways you can customize your Instafest lineup. These customize options are included so that you can have slightly different options of Spotify festival posters to choose from. You can choose a lineup of artists from 4 weeks, 6 months, and all-time. The 6 months and all-time options will optimize three days line-up but the 4 weeks option will generate a one-day lineup of artists. Toggle on the options to see how the poster looks. Additionally, you can choose from three poster styles to match your vibe. The options are ‘Malibu Sunrise’, ‘LA Twilight’, and ‘Mojave Dusk’. Instafest creates a festival name for you. This name is created based on your Spotify or Last FM username. Instafest also allows you to edit and hide your festival name if you want to. So that’s how to create your festival lineup and customize it on Instafest. Also, read How to Get Spotify Receipt Based on Your Favorite Songs?

How to Create Your Festival Lineup?

Wrapping Up

I hope now it’s clear how to create your festival lineup using the Instafest app. This is Spotify’s yet another spell on its users. Spotify is just too good at this. For a year it irritates us with its ads (not that we succumb to buying premium) and at the end of the year, makes us feel significant just so that it can continue to annoy us and still have us on board. I will see you next time. Adios!


How to Create Your Festival Lineup on Spotify Instafest 2022  - 30How to Create Your Festival Lineup on Spotify Instafest 2022  - 91How to Create Your Festival Lineup on Spotify Instafest 2022  - 49How to Create Your Festival Lineup on Spotify Instafest 2022  - 85