Tiny Tina Wonderlands is full of mysterious challenges and challenging sidequests. Completing these missions like legendary bow sidequests and forgery sidequests allows users to explore Wonderland and encounter a number of features and characters. And trust me, it is one of the most addictive games I have ever played. The joy and satisfaction we receive on completing these sidequests and missions makes Tiny Tina’s Wonderland worth all the time. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s explore how you can complete the Forgery sidequests in Tiny Tina’s Wonderland and upgrade your character.

Forgery Sidequests in Tiny Tina’s Wonderland

Forgery is one of the important sidequests of the game Tiny TIna’s Wonderland. It is unlocked after you successfully complete- Goblin Tired of Forced Oppression SideQuest. Let’s dive into Forgery Sidequest’s gory details- Region: Mount Craw Area: Craw’s Craw Quest Giver: Claptrap Requirement: Successfully Completed Side Quest: Goblins Tired of Forced Oppression. Recommended Level: 9 Reward: 2822 XP, $5217, rare Weapon “Frostbite of the Crusher” Mission Info: In a shocking twist, it turns out blacksmithing is yet another thing Claptrap is no good at. But it’s okay! He has a plan: If you can’t make it. fake it! That is what the Forgery sidequest is all about.

How To Complete Forgery sidequest in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands?

To complete your Forgery Sidequest mission- follow these easy steps-

  1. Listen To Claptrap Instructions In this mind-blowing mission, you will encounter Claptrap. He will ask for your help regarding the forging of certain items. Since he is no good at crafting, he will ask you to collect certain materials so that he could fake the forging for Master Tonhammer
  2. Pick up the Pickaxe Your next step in completing Forging Sidequest is to pick up the Pickaxe kept at your left side.
  3. Pick lock into Quarry  Time for some secret mission! Break into the quarry and pick the lock to your right side by meleeing with it. 
  4. Collect Iron Ore Scraps Another important step in your forging sidequest is to collect the Iron Ore scraps laying around the quarry. There are total of 15 Iron Scraps hidden in 5 rocks. You need to break those rocks and collect the hidden ores. P.s- Three rocks are kept on the ground and the other two require a ladder kept behind the third rock.  5 Escape Goblins Keep you defense skills on! While on the mining mission, you will be attacked by a number of Goblins. Either dodge them or kill them. Your Choice!
  5. Return to Claptrap Bring all your collected Iron scraps back to Claptrap. And place the ores in the Kiln (Owen next to Claptrap)
  6. Wait For Claptrap’s failure While Claptrap tries to forge the ore, wait for him. At the end, he will fail miserably and the opportunity will pass on to you.
  7. Hammer the metal It’s your time to shine..just what you deserve! Hammer the Metal as per instructions. 
  8. Visit Mountain of Despair Another Important task assigned to you for completing the forging sidequest is to move towards the Mountain of Despair. 
  9. Melee Obsidian Wall Melle the Wall of Obsidian to gain your entry to the Mountain of Despair.
  10. Reach Magical ring and Collect Obsidian Ore The next step in forging Sidequest is to reach the magical ring. Here you’ll get the option to receive bonus rewards by collecting 30 Obsidian Ores.
  11. Ring of Fire Dancing Free the ring and pick it up.
  12. Visit Ice Caverns The next location of your forging sidequest is the Ice Caverns. From the mountain- jump to Jump Pad and go for Ice Caverns. 
  13. Find Cloak of Frost Resistance ( Bonus-Collect Permafrost Ore) At the middle of Ice Caverns, you will find The Cloak of Frost Resistance over the dead body. Collect it for the later steps. Also, you have the chance to gain a rare weapon by the end of the Quest by collecting additional Permafrost ore.
  14. Kill the Froblinks Kill the Froblinks that will appear on freeing the Cloak and break the enchantment. 
  15. Return To Claptrap Finally, on your journey of forging sidequest, it’s time to return to Claptrap. There, Master Tonhammer will ask you to place the ring and Cloak.
  16. Kill Master Tohmanner Wait for Master Tonhammer to inspect the gears and then when he tries to attack. KILL HIM!!
  17. Speak to Claptrap Your last step in completing the Forgery sidequest is to Speak to Claptrap. He will appreciate your actions and finally announce the completion of your Forgery Mission.  With this, your Forgery Sidequest will be completed and you will gain all the rewards you have yielded. Wrapping Up Well, I don’t know about you, but I had one hell of a time while completing this interesting Forgery side quest mission. It was indeed worth all the time and attention.  I hope this article helped you in completing the forgery mission and earning a bag full of rewards. For more such insightful steps, stay connected to Path of EX.  See you Again.. Au Revoir!!


How to Complete Forgery SideQuest in Tiny Tina s Wonderlands   Earn Extra Rewards  - 60How to Complete Forgery SideQuest in Tiny Tina s Wonderlands   Earn Extra Rewards  - 84How to Complete Forgery SideQuest in Tiny Tina s Wonderlands   Earn Extra Rewards  - 63How to Complete Forgery SideQuest in Tiny Tina s Wonderlands   Earn Extra Rewards  - 78How to Complete Forgery SideQuest in Tiny Tina s Wonderlands   Earn Extra Rewards  - 40How to Complete Forgery SideQuest in Tiny Tina s Wonderlands   Earn Extra Rewards  - 33How to Complete Forgery SideQuest in Tiny Tina s Wonderlands   Earn Extra Rewards  - 20How to Complete Forgery SideQuest in Tiny Tina s Wonderlands   Earn Extra Rewards  - 50How to Complete Forgery SideQuest in Tiny Tina s Wonderlands   Earn Extra Rewards  - 74How to Complete Forgery SideQuest in Tiny Tina s Wonderlands   Earn Extra Rewards  - 16