Launched in 2016, Instagram stories are too much fun to create. Its creativity helps in engaging a large amount of audience and also plays an important role in increasing brand awareness. With the increase in brand awareness. Instagram stories directly help in increasing the number of viewers too. In this way, it strengthens the bond of customers with the business. This platform has made influencing a better way to extend business reach.  Stories on Instagram not only increase the engagement of viewers. Along with that, it initiates conversations with customers and promotes the brand’s humanization. Moreover, it helps in getting real-time feedback. To understand its impact, let us together learn how to analyze Instagram stories with Instagram Insights.

How To Use Instagram Stories For Business?

Before learning how to analyze Instagram stories with Instagram insights. Let’s learn how to use Instagram stories for your business.

1. Instant Notification

An Instagram story helps in notifying the users about the brand’s latest developments. These may include new product launches, discounts offers, or limited offer stories. Also, read Simple Ways To Customize Your Instagram Story Highlights 

2. Hiring Alert

Stories play an important role in declaring that the company is hiring. This helps in getting a lot of people to apply, therefore the company can choose the best.

3. Increase Collaborations

The startups on Instagram can use Instagram stories to promote their products via collaborations. The collaborations can be done with the influencers on Instagram. These collaborations can be paid or free, totally depending on the influencer and the company. Also, read How To Use Instagram Insights To Grow Your Online Business In A Strategic Way

4. From 24hr Story To A Highlight

You can make your story a highlight on your profile. This can be done for many things like new products, collaboration or any festival offers or monthly offers.

5. Initiating Polls

On your Instagram stories, you can start a poll. The poll can be regarding your viewer’s point of view. These may include launching a new product as compared with the previous or launching a new range variety or many more. It will help the customers to feel more associated with the company. Also, read Top 6 Hacks For Better Instagram Stories To Attract More Followers

6. Asking Questions

Instagram stories help in asking questions, from the viewers. These questions can be related to any topic of business like are you liking our captions? Or do you think we should write more stories? This helps businesses to get honest and direct feedback from viewers.

7. Product Feedback Stories

Promoting your product feedback on stories creates reliability in the brand. More views on such stories will automatically generate trust. Hence customers will feel more confident in buying the products. Also, read 8 Reasons to Schedule Instagram Posts and Stories in 2022

Easy Ways To Understand How To Analyze Instagram Stories With Instagram Insights

Instagram stories are a marketing tool, which helps in growing your reach. To understand how successful your stories are? Instagram insights places a very important role for the same.

1. Viewers Engagement On Instagram Stories

Whenever you put an Instagram story on your page. The success of it depends upon the engagement you receive from it. It can be in the form of replies or swipe-ups.


After viewing your Instagram stories, the instant analysis of your story success is the replies you receive. These replies you will receive in your direct messages. To make every message a sale for you, always stay alert and try to do instant replies. This will grab more attention from your viewers. Also, read How To Archive Instagram Posts? Save Stories On Instagram Archive Automatically

Swipe Ups

Instagram has given a great opportunity for business houses to put links in their stories directly. This will help the viewer to reach the desired location you want your visitor to reach. Hence, it will give a broader perspective to the client of the product or services you offer. You can use this swipe-up to make the most for your business. It will directly take your visitor to your website and view your brand deeply. Don’t miss your chance to flaunt the best.

2. Story Completion Rate

With the help of Instagram insights, you can analyze Instagram stories with their completion rate. It will offer great feedback for the business. Along with that, it offers a list of metrics with terminologies like back, forward, exit, and next story. All these have different meanings. Let me explain.


Clicking forward refers to moving towards the next story. To understand how long they took to click on the other story or how long they viewed one story. It will help you understand which content is being liked by the viewers.


Clicking back, i.e., clicking on the left side to view the previous story. It will help you understand which story is being liked the most.

Next Story

Clicking to move to the other story uploaded refers to the next story. It means how quickly the viewers are jumping from one story to another. 


Exit refers to the short clicks done by viewers to move out of the story or stories you have uploaded. Also, read 10 Most Popular Instagram Filters & Effects | How To Get Instagram Filters?

3. Number Of Clicks On Location Tags

To have an exact count of clicks on location tags is very important. This helps better to understand how to analyze Instagram stories with Instagram insights. Now you must be wondering how the number of clicks can help in analyzing? The number of clicks on location is directly proportional to the number of visitors who want to visit your store. Therefore it is a great tool in measuring the success of your story.

4. Tracking The Number Of Traffic

One of the amazing tools can be used to understand how to analyze Instagram stories with Instagram insights. It plays an important role in providing you with the exact number for the traffic on your page. Also, it helps you set a target to increase the number and many more. Google has helped us a lot by providing UTM tracking and customizing URL builders. UTM is derived from the ‘Urchin Tracking Module.’ It is a unique code that is placed after your URL to track the traffic of your page. It will give you accurate results for tracking the traffic on your page. This can be done if you put UTM code behind your URL.   Also, read Does Instagram Notify When You Screenshot A Story? URL builders by Google help you to build your customized URL. Now you must be thinking about how a customized URL will help you to track the traffic? This can be done by attaching your Instagram page link with your customized URL. Bigger thanks to Google for inventing such an easy way to track the traffic on your page.

Wrapping Up

In today’s time to grow your business on Instagram and to make strategies for the same. It is very important to understand the whole use of your Instagram page. The major importance should be given to understanding how to analyze Instagram stories with Instagram insights. Do mention in comments how Instagram insights have helped you to analyze your stories.


How To Analyze Instagram Stories With Instagram Insights In A Simple Way - 56How To Analyze Instagram Stories With Instagram Insights In A Simple Way - 33How To Analyze Instagram Stories With Instagram Insights In A Simple Way - 83How To Analyze Instagram Stories With Instagram Insights In A Simple Way - 97How To Analyze Instagram Stories With Instagram Insights In A Simple Way - 94How To Analyze Instagram Stories With Instagram Insights In A Simple Way - 86How To Analyze Instagram Stories With Instagram Insights In A Simple Way - 37How To Analyze Instagram Stories With Instagram Insights In A Simple Way - 97How To Analyze Instagram Stories With Instagram Insights In A Simple Way - 29How To Analyze Instagram Stories With Instagram Insights In A Simple Way - 60How To Analyze Instagram Stories With Instagram Insights In A Simple Way - 30How To Analyze Instagram Stories With Instagram Insights In A Simple Way - 12How To Analyze Instagram Stories With Instagram Insights In A Simple Way - 21How To Analyze Instagram Stories With Instagram Insights In A Simple Way - 81How To Analyze Instagram Stories With Instagram Insights In A Simple Way - 36How To Analyze Instagram Stories With Instagram Insights In A Simple Way - 11