We hope you appreciate these new additions, and we look forward to providing you with many more exciting features as soon as possible!  New System of Commissions  Our company understands fintech and always provides the most convenient solutions for our customers. This time we made a new and more convenient way to pay B2Trader commissions anytime, anywhere in the world. We introduce a new versatile system that allows your administrators to set up any desired parameters for groups of users, eliminating the need to create a role for each user. Additionally, commissions for certain instruments can be specified for each group that makes the solution even more user-friendly.  Check out the B2Trader documentation for additional information on the new commission structure. With B2Trader you will reach new goals and get the best trading experience that you ever had before!  Updated UI – Time for Tips, Don’t Be Lost!  If you find it hard to navigate on the platform, we understand you, so we have added tips to the platform to help you navigate the interface and make our stay on our platform even more comfortable. Because all of the components are now supplied with relevant information, it is much easier to grasp the trading platform’s UI. Furthermore, we will update the recommendations on a regular basis to ensure that they always reflect the most recent modifications to the platform so you won’t be lost and will be in the center of updates. If you are new to our platform and you don’t know what you need to do first, then B2Broker will be the polar star to guide you. For such situations we have qualification levels on the registration page, you can choose if you are a Beginner, an Experienced, or a Professional. For newbies, there will be a step-by-step guide on how to use the platform for more convenience, as well as for instructions on how to place trades and how to manage your account to earn your first money.  More advanced users, who have more experience with trading and platform a bit more will receive more complicated scenarios covering themes like market analysis and risk management. By providing these multiple ways of user experiences, we are sure that all users will get the most from our B2BX platform. Client ID Reports  With this recent upgrade, the product team’s efforts to eliminate manual tasks for our clients have borne fruit.  Because of the addition of unique customer identifiers — client_IDs — registering activities for local financial authorities is now a straightforward operation.  These IDs, along with email addresses, are uploaded to all sites that display the user, including transfers, transaction/trades, transaction/orders, balance/users, and commission/users.  This simplifies the procedure and helps our clients comply with all requirements and regulatory needs.  Update: New Pair Field To prevent unpleasant experiences we add in the help sections in the field of constructing a new pair Settings → Markets → Add Market + Edit Market enhanced. The sections have also been enhanced with error alerts. The users can now see what should be typed in the fields and cannot save an invalid market. This modification will assist to guarantee that all marketplaces are properly set up and run as planned.  Upgrade: Optimized Filters To make working with clients simpler, we improved the filters so that the PnL column in the admin panel now displays the year the client’s data was last refreshed, making it easy to follow changes. This filter is known as “filter by year.” The most recent version also contains a number of additional adjustments and enhancements designed to make the platform more user-friendly, so check this out!  Verdict  As you have realized, B2Trader and B2Core are two of the most sophisticated platforms on the market, offering traders a wide range of features to ensure the most pleasant trading experience.  The upcoming series of updates will only improve these capabilities more, so keep a watch out for them. And if you haven’t tried out our platforms yet, now is the best moment! Also, don’t forget to look at the newly released payment plans – they will definitely benefit your business.


How the Latest B2Trader   B2Core Update Will Benefit Brokers  - 97How the Latest B2Trader   B2Core Update Will Benefit Brokers  - 26How the Latest B2Trader   B2Core Update Will Benefit Brokers  - 83How the Latest B2Trader   B2Core Update Will Benefit Brokers  - 83