You can turn your website into a mobile app in different ways. I would recommend using mobile development and consulting services. Using a consulting service will cut down your time a lot. Since such a firm is well acquainted with providing these services, making a mobile app will be quicker and easier. You can add UX to your mobile app to make it more quirky and fun. Any app or website that is easy to navigate, user-friendly, and adds value to your business is an asset. But how?

Things To Do Before Working On The App

But what do you know before you start working on your mobile app? Let’s see the most important things you will need to consider before making a mobile app for a website:

1. List the Features You Want in Your App

While turning any website into a mobile app, it is important to have a clear idea of the features you want. Your website might have a ton of features. But when turning it into a mobile app, you might want to narrow down the features to a few. You have to make your app as user-friendly as you can. Making the app easy to use in the beginning will attract more of your customers to the mobile app. A mobile app should be concise, consistent, and have an easy-to-understand menu. Besides this, you must pay attention to the app’s UX, navigation, hamburger menu, and notifications. Having a customized list per your business for these topics will give you a clear picture. After that, you can decide how to make the app prototype. Also, Read Taking Your Online Business To New Heights: Effective Ideas To Boost Your Brand Today

2. Make a Mobile App Prototype

Now, you must decide if you wish to use consulting services to make the app. You can also opt for DIY websites to make mobile app prototypes. The advantages of using consulting services are endless.

You won’t have to look after about every detail of the app. They will help you with design layouts that suit best for your business. They will help you design the app keeping your consumer base in mind. Any changes in the app layout or troubleshooting bugs will be taken care of. 

You can find many DIY websites on the internet that will help you make a mobile app on your own. Using a DIY site will significantly reduce the cost of making a mobile app. But the biggest drawbacks of DIY websites are:

You won’t be able to make any changes to the templates on the site. Your mobile app may not be targeted to your audience. You will need to browse and finalize every detail for a DIY website.

So, choose wisely. And after getting the prototype ready, the next step is to test it out. Also, Read 8 Ways to Improve Your Mobile App in 2022

3. Test the Mobile App Prototype

After having a prototype of your app, make sure you try out the mobile app. How can it help?

You will get to know how user-friendly the app is. You will know if there are any bugs in navigation or notification, so you can fix them. It will help you to eliminate any errors that may have gone unnoticed.

Once your prototype is ready, you must submit it to the app store.

4. Submit Your Application to The App Stores

After you have made a mobile app for your website, you can launch the app on App Store or Google Play Store. You will have to submit your mobile application for the respective stores. You need to submit all the necessary information along with the application. App Store and Google Play Store both have different requirements. Once you have submitted your application, it might take anywhere from 3-5 days for your app to be available for download. If there are no issues with your application, your customers can download the app from App Store and Google Play Store.  Submitting your application will be the last step in making a mobile app for your website. Once you have your app on the App Store and Google Play Store, your work is over for now. Also, Read Google Play Store security concerns: How can you protect yourself?

What’s Next For You?

You can start working through the orders received from your mobile app or any queries related to your business. You can review your app now and then to ensure it is up-to-date with the changing demands of consumers. You can always revamp your mobile app by adding features and options for your business. You can also connect your mobile app and website. This will help retain the information for your customers on both platforms.

Wrapping Up

Launching your own app might be the best thing you do for your business. It creates trust, makes using your services easier, and benefits you as well. After you go through these four steps and create the app your consumers will love, your business will soar. Just make sure not to leave anything out. Path of Ex will be back with more helpful blogs; till then, good luck with that App Launch!


How Can You Convert Your Website into a Mobile App  - 52How Can You Convert Your Website into a Mobile App  - 67How Can You Convert Your Website into a Mobile App  - 86How Can You Convert Your Website into a Mobile App  - 39