If you have your own business, you can rely on your Instagram followers and stories to promote your business. It can be considered as a bag full of opportunities. If you are well-versed with the platform and its minor workings for a brand, it will be easier for you to promote your business and increase your sales. Some of the tips are mentioned below for getting a successful business online. 

  1. Make sure you put all your attention into followers  Instagram Stories is a compelling feature for promoting your business. But there is no point in it if people don’t see it. Suppose your follower count is under 200 or 100. In that case, it is not entirely valid for widening your exposure and getting a significant amount of ROI for the efforts you are putting into promoting your business. There are many natural ways to grow followers. If you want things a little fast, then you must consider purchasing followers. But there is always some problem when you buy followers as these followers are not durable, which directly implies that you might not get the exposure you were hoping you’d get.  When the user decides who to follow, they usually think of several factors: the type of content they have or if they have quality content or not. Sometimes, they even consider the number of followers the account has. The amount of followers you have is like proof which shows that your brand is worth following.  So, if we look from this perspective, purchased followers can be bait for attracting new followers. And if you are buying Instagram followers as bait, the number of followers you purchased will not even matter to you. So, to attract new people, you require engaging stories. The increased number of followers will be a confidence booster for you to make it right and use try to get more IG likes for a better engagement rate.
  2. It would help if you stayed at the front in the series of Instagram stories. Instagram stories play automatically, and this feature can be proven as a positive point for you. Playing Instagram stories automatically means that your followers would see a part of your stories daily. So, even if they skip, they would at least some of it, enhancing the brand’s importance. And even more importantly, Instagram places the stories of people who have recently posted a story. So, make sure you post some of it frequently and continuously throughout the entire day so that you will be in front of the Instagram series. 
  3. Utilization of the sticker is a must.  Stories provide the stickers to enhance the engagement and ROI of your accounts. There are thousands of stickers that are available for almost every situation and expression. And by the use of these stickers, you will be able to enhance the connection between you and your followers. Some of the stickers are mentioned below:

Location sticker

Instagram users are thirsty for connection. Whenever their favorite Instagram user shares their location or the name of their city, there is an immediate spark; the reason can be anything; it means they either live in the same town or love that place. So, adding locations would help you in connecting effectively with your followers. 

Hashtag sticker

Hashtags are the most recommended feature for getting exposure online. You can incorporate the hashtags in your stories so that your content is easy to find. In addition, your content is cataloged by hashtags so that the users can search the kind of content they like. Adding hashtags stickers adds value but prevents them from covering your stories with their help because it would look spammy. So, make sure that you don’t cover the hashtags with your stories. You can even use hashtags in your Instagram posts, like #aesthetic or #wanderlust, etc. Other than the above-mentioned stickers, polls stickers, music stickers, and question stickers also help you connect with your followers effectively. 4. Usage of live streaming  Whenever you swipe right, the camera opens with the option of recording a video or live streaming it. To stream the video live, you must choose the live streaming option. You will often go to record and edit the video, but it would be better to go live and show your followers what happens behind the camera. It is nice to record the unfiltered version of your brand. Instagram users are tired of watching picture-perfect things on Instagram, but now they crave the raw and unfiltered view of almost everything. They desire the actual journey of your business’ success. The greatest thing about live videos is that it provides authenticity to your audience, which perfectly made videos cannot generate.  Live videos can provide the audience a sneak peek into your brand, which would convince the audience that purchasing goods from here will be worth it. In addition, live videos might help get maximum sales by revealing a new product or a scheme on a live stream. You can even show your collaboration with a certain celebrity or a famous influencer, which would help you attract their followers.  5. Mention links in your stories  The rules around Instagram links have always been strict and tight. For example, it was not allowed to paste the link in the stories before, but now, people can also mention links in their stories due to the latest changes. So, whenever the followers look at the story and wish to go on the link, they can either click on the link or swipe up to jump on it quickly. Therefore, the potential of pasting the link in your stories is a lot. In addition, you will narrate an exciting story by posting a link, further encouraging your users to click on the link to jump on the product page or the website quickly. 

Wrapping Up  

Instagram is like a bag full of opportunities. It has a lot of features which would help you in increasing your business sales effortlessly. All you have to do is get some knowledge about how to use Instagram effectively. Instagram stories were just a part of it. Otherwise, it has a wide range of features which would help you in various ways.  


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