However, with so many voices and opinions to consider, you want to make sure you are addressing all the most significant pain points. To make things easier, we’ve created a list of five essential events you need to add to your HOA calendar this year. Keep reading to find out what they are…  Maintenance and Repair Issues  First things first, you’ll need to address maintenance and repair issues that can improve the quality of living in your area. Make sure to tackle the most urgent aspects first, such as a dangerous pothole in the road. We recommend you write down a list of all the issues that need addressing and prioritise them in order of importance.  Research and Assessment Days  How will you know what areas of your community need attention, if you aren’t willing to get out there and do the research? Schedule some time for board members to get out on the field and evaluate the community ammenities. Similarly, you should make sure you are regularly reviewing the communal areas to ensure all safety standards are being met.   Landscaping and Aesthetic Improvements  Another important aspect of the HOA is making time for landscaping and aesthetic improvements. Everyone wants to feel proud of the place they live in and nobody wants to see their neighbourhood look like an eyesore. Make time to install custom street signs and tidy up the green areas. You could even request volunteers to help tend to the plants.   Fun Community Events and Activities  When it comes to a Homeowner’s Association, getting the aesthetic and maintence issues sorted is only half the job. You also need to bring the community together, which is arguably the hardest part. You can organise fun events and activities such as yard sales, workshops, and even local book clubs.  Season Planning Sessions for Members  Last but not least, you will need to pencil in some season planning sessions. This is the time in which all board members will unite to create a plan of action. You can choose to arrange these every quarter or before the start of the next big holiday seasons, such as Christmas, Thanksgiving, or Easter. You can also ask residents to participate by collecting questions and queries that will be addressed during your discussions.  At the end of the day, the most important goal of a HOA is that everyone is happy with the community they live in. You may not be able to accommodate the requests of every single resident, but this shouldn’t stop you from trying. The secret to success is conducting thorough research, organising fantastic planning sessions, and implementing your stellar strategies. 


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