Millions of users have posted about it. If you are also trying it and thinking about whether can I use OpenAI without a phone number then, read more. The specialty of this tool is, it is chat based tool so, you can literally chat with it, and can get your answers, Isn’t it amazing? But to use this platform you need to create an account on this. Whenever you create a new account on any platform you will require a phone number for verification. So, if you are excited to try OpenAI and do not have a valid phone number or don’t know how to use OpenAI without a phone number then this post is for you.

Can I Use OpenAI Without a Phone Number?

No, you can not use OpenAI without a phone number. You must be thinking why OpenAi needs my phone number. Well, OpenAI needs your phone number for the verification process. This newly launched platform ChatGPT wants to save you from spam so know how to use ChatGPT AI essay writer. The main reason for asking for the phone number from the platform is every person has usually two phone numbers. In this case, if they do not put any limit on the account opening, the chances are higher that one person will create multiple accounts. So, hope you got all about whether can I use OpenAI without a phone number.

Why Does OpenAI Need Your Phone Number?

If you are in confusion about whether can I use OpenAI without a phone number then, read more. OpenAI needs your phone number for the verification process, you can also do it through your email. To create an account on OpenAI, you need to provide a valid email address. If you do not have an email address create one through Google and then follow the below-mentioned steps to create an account on OpenAI.

Can I Skip OpenAI Phone Verification?

You can not bypass OpenAI phone verification. If you do not have a Google or Microsoft account, you need to create one for OpenAI. But, there is no chance to skip phone verification during the OpenAI account opening process. Hope you got all about whether can I use OpenAI without a phone number. A phone number is compulsory to create an account on OpenAI. So, next time whenever you try to create an account on OpenAI make sure you use a valid phone number and email address for the verification.

Can I Use OpenAI Without a Phone Number?

Wrapping Up

In this post, I have covered all about whether can I use OpenAI without a phone number. Well, OpenAI is a very useful tool but it has kept some rules for users’ safety. So, if anyone tries to create an account on OpenAI will require a phone number. They ask for a phone number so one person can not create multiple accounts and you can save yourself from spam. It’s time for wrapping up. Follow Path of EX for more updates. Have a great day!!!


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