With over 80 playable characters, it can get a little exhausting and overwhelming to choose the best Super Smash Bros Ultimate character to try out in a fight against your friends. But you don’t need to worry as we’ve done the heavy lifting to curate the characters in their respective tiers to make the selection easier.  For the ranking of these characters, we took into account various factors including each characters’ strengths and weaknesses traits and their individual performance in the current meta. From Tiers S featuring Peach, Daisy, etc. to Tier E featuring Little Mac, we’ve classified and designated each character in one of the best ranking lists that you can find on the internet. Read along with the article as we visit each of the tiers and list out the characters in alphabetical order of all the Super Smash Bros Ultimate characters along with their class levels making up for one of the best handy guides out there.

Super Smash Bros Ultimate Tier List

Without further ado, let’s dive right into the lists ranked through S-Tier to E-tier.

Tier S

These are the top-notch Super Smash Bros Ultimate characters. Sometimes referred to as the God or top tier, the names mentioned in this list are as powerful as they come according to the latest meta.

MarioPikachuPeachDaisyZero Suit SamusWarioSnakeWolfPalutenaShulkJoker

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Tier A

While the characters in this tier of Super Smash Bros Ultimate are not the best out there, these most certainly outrank and outperform the rest of the Super Smash universe. 

Fox LucinaYoung LinkRoyChromMr. Game & WatchPokémon Trainer (Squirtle)Pokémon Trainer (Ivysaur)Pokémon Trainer (Charizard)OlimarR.O.B.GreninjaPac-ManInkling

Tier B

The B-tier of Super Smash Bros Ultimate characters might not be as strong as the above-mentioned Tier-A category but they, sure, can put up a good fight.

LinkSamusDark SamusYoshiNessCaptain FalconBowserSheikZeldaIkeDiddy KongSonicMega ManWii Fit TrainerDuck HuntRyuKenCloudTerryMin Min

Tier C

Super Smash Bros Ultimate Tier C characters are decent fighters when it comes to comparing their personal attacks and abilities.  Also, read Who is the New Warzone and Cold War Season 5 Operator in the Leaked Artwork? Know Every Update on CoD’s Upcoming Season

LuigiPichuFalcoMarthMeta KnightPitDark PitLucasToon LinkVIllagerRosalina & LumaRobinCorrinBayonettaRidleyMii BrawlerHeroByleth

Tier D

This tier of Super Smash Bros Ultimate characters includes the squad that has some unique capabilities. While they possess useful tools, they also have some fatal flaws due to which they are mostly outranked by most of the characters. 

Donkey Kong Kirby Jigglypuff Ice Climbers Mewtwo King Dedede Lucario Bowser Jr. Simon Richter King K. Rool Isabelle Piranha Plant Mii Swordfighter Mii Gunner Banjo & Kazooie

Tier E

The E-tier consists of the weakest Super Smash Bros Ultimate characters including 

Dr. Mario Ganondorf Little Mac Incineroar

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Handy Alphabetically Ordered Guide of Super Smash Characters

Check out the Super Smash Bros Ultimate characters listed below along with their level of ranking.

Best Categorized Super Smash Bros Ultimate Fighters

Follow through the table to get a better idea of the best fighters across different categories including the Sword, Melee, and Ranged Fighters. 

Wrapping Up

This brings us to the end of our article on the Smash Ultimate Tier List including all of the Super Smash Bros Ultimate characters. We hope that you found the ranking quite helpful and informative. If you liked the article, share it with your friends. We’d love to hear from you! So list down your top-tier ranking of the Super Smash Bros Ultimate characters in the comment box below. And for more interesting content, make sure to keep visiting Path of Ex – Your Spot For Trending Stuff!


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