Despite having a weak launch and getting mixed reviews upon release, the game earned itself a lot of loyal fans, and after 7 years, Psyonix released Rocket League, which quickly become a success due to different and unique marketing by Psynoix, catching the attention of gamers around the world through Twitch and YouTube streams. The game was released for PlayStation 4 and PC on July 5, 2015, worldwide and released later on other platforms. In later 2019, Epic Games acquired Psynoix and made Rocket League free-to-play in September 2020. This will allow the game to gain a lot more new players and making it the best time to grind and gain ranks. Becoming the best player in completive video games is one of the hardest things to do, not only you will have to work hard, and the competition is fierce. If you are looking to improve your gameplay and skills in Rocket League and want to gain ranks in ranked matches, skill is a big factor, but that is not all. Having the best camera settings is the second part of the yin and yang that will surely make you a decent player in no time. I have put a lot of research into this article and put together data that will help you in becoming a great Rocket league player. It is hard to say very quickly, but with the right dedication and enough practice, everything is possible. The game-winning factors are decided into split seconds decisions. A one-second delay could lead your team to defeat and vice versa. Having the best camera angles will come into play. You can easily bait your enemies into a trap if you know your surroundings well and when there is nothing in your way, head over to that goal and carry your team to victory. Follow the guide carefully to decide which camera settings suit your play style the best. For reference, you can compare your settings with professional players’ settings, which I will mention in the article.

What Are The Best Rocket League Camera Settings In 2023?

The settings change from meta to meta, and it is hard to use settings for every patch. Keeping in touch with professional players’ settings is something that you can do from time to time if you aim to excel at this game. Although becoming a pro is very unlikely, not impossible, but getting the right camera angles will give you an edge during your games which in the end will win you games, and you will gain ranks. I suggest you should test each setting to your personal preferences instead of binding them exactly like your favorite pro player. You can use their settings as a reference but set the values which make the game comfortable to play. Without wasting any precious time, let us hop into the article and adjust the Rocket League camera settings to the best values.

Camera Shake

Whenever you decide to head into the options, and under the Camera tab, the first option that you will see is camera shake. It is a feature that is exactly what the name of this feature suggests. The camera shakes whenever a crucial moment happens. If you are a new player and you want to start with the best settings, you will find this feature by default. This feature is coded into the game to introduce immersion. However, in competitive video games, there should be as few distracting things as possible. You do not want to lose your opponent’s location just because the camera shakes after you decide to hit the ball, and you end up missing the shot. Out of all the professional players that play Rocket League, you will not find a single pro using this feature. Almost everyone disables this feature and for their good. Camera shake does not only make your opponent’s tracking hard, but it also makes the player lost track of things going in the match. You do not want that; you want your full attention on your enemy movements, so turning off the camera switch is a good idea. Here is how you can switch camera shake:

Launch Rocket League and head into the “Options”. Change the “CAMERA PRESET” to “Custom”. Under the Camera tab, find and turn off “CAMERA SHAKE” by unchecking the box. Save the changes, and you are good to go.

Field of View

Field of view is probably one the most important settings, if not the most important, in the game that you should adjust as per your needs. If you are on a console, setting high values of FoV may cause the game to lag and FPS drops. Lag and FPS drops are two things that you least want in a competitive game. FoV is a feature in games that allows more game world to render by the GPU for the screen. The player with high FoV values tends to see more of the game world compared with people playing on lower FoV, which is a clear advantage to PC players over console players. In Rocket League, high FoV values mean how wide the vision will spread behind your car. If your system is not medium or high budget, make sure not to increase the values to the max, as it may cause FPS drops and lag. If you are playing at a higher FoV value than your GPU can handle, it might be the one causing the game to crash due to its inability to render such high FoV values, and a weird aspect ratio can also put more strain on the GPU. Most players like to use the FoV values above 100 and below 110. It depends on each person’s preferences. Some players stress that having too high FoV values can decrease the rocket car precision. After checking out hundreds of professional players’ settings, any FoV setting in between 100 and 110 will do the job just fine. Which exact value you should use? You may ask, try adjusting values from 100 to 110. Whichever value suits your personal preferences the most, use them. You can change the FoV by:

Launch Rocket League and head into the “Options”. Under the Camera tab, find the “FIELD OF VIEW” and adjust the slider between 100 and 110.

Having a higher FoV value allows the player to keep track of their opponents and surrounding without much effort and can easily gain the upper hand on your opponents. More game screen will allow you to track your enemies’ positions easily, and you can use the knowledge to your maximum advantage.

Camera Distance

Camera distance is the distance between the camera and your car. The higher the values are, the higher the FoV will become, increasing the vision of the game world provides the person with an extra vision of their surroundings. This extra knowledge can easily give you an edge in your ranked matches. But, do not go all out with the values. Having too high FoV and Camera Distance values might prove counterproductive and will hurt your precision as the ball and car will appear very small on the screen. A combination between FoV with a value of 110 and Camera Distance value in between 260 – 280 is considered the best among the pros and high skilled players in Rocket League. Most of the pro players set the Camera Distance value at 270. Some players even use 300 units value as their Camera Distance in extreme cases. You can try any value between 260 and 300 and set the value which you think is the best. It could be even less than 260 or greater than 280. FoV and Camera Distance are the deciding factors that can either enhance your gameplay or will ruin it; there is no in-between. If you decide to start from 260, and you believe you can increase the distance without having any issues, keep increasing the value.

Head over to Options, and under “CAMERA”, adjust the slider of “DISTANCE” to your desired value.

Now, when you start to face difficulty judging the distance between the ball and your car, it means the value should be decreased to a lower value. The other options are not exactly as important as their two, but we are going to explore each option in-depth so that you will get the best out of the camera settings and lay ruin to your enemies in your ranked matches.

Camera Height

As the title suggests, the camera height adjusts the camera above your car. Lower values will make the camera closer to the ground. The higher the value is, the higher the camera will be from the ground. Setting the value too low will prevent you from tracking the ball accurately as the car, and more ground vision will hinder the vision making it a difficult task to make it to the goal. Setting the value too high might make it easier for you to track your surrounding, but you might lose control of your car’s precision. Most professional players use the camera height between 90 and 110. Feel free to experiment with the default values and check which enhances your gameplay the most. You can also try using values higher than 110 units to check what kind of you issues you may face.

Head over to Options, and under “CAMERA”, adjust the slider of “HEIGHT” to your desired value.

Camera Angle

The camera angle is one of the settings that you can experiment with. By default, the value of the camera angle is -3°. Most professional players set the value for Camera Angle in between -4-5°. Some even use -2°, and some even use 5°. Ideally, you can leave the value as it is. Setting the value too high will cause the angle to focus on your car more than its surroundings, but again, if you prefer it to be that way, there is no harm in using higher or lower values. The camera angles in between -4-5° are considered the better values for competitive gameplay. You can adjust the camera angle by going to:

Go to Options, and under the Camera tab, find the “ANGLE” and adjust the slider to your desired values.

The reason almost everyone uses the camera angles in negative digits is that it makes it easier to spot an opponent in front of your ball, making dribbling a lot more fun to do. By using the recommended settings, you will be surprised by your opponents out of the blue. You will have a better chance of dribbling your enemies with negative camera values. If you decide to set the value to positive units, it will point the camera more to the sky, which makes your car block your vision, and it will ruin the gameplay.

Camera Stiffness

This setting can get tricky to adjust if you have little to no clue about what it does. Camera stiffness offers how strictly the camera will follow your car after your car uses its rocket to gain more speed. During the boost, the camera will become further away from the car and will return to normal as soon as the car gets back to the normal speed. It also affects camera following while you turn at your current or boosted speed. The higher camera stiffness values make the camera strictly follow your car, and no adjustments will be made to the car during normal or super high speed. High speed sounds the way to go but, after using high stiffness values, you will face difficulties in checking your surroundings as accurately compared to the lower stiffness values. Lower stiffness values will make the camera take some time to adjust to get back to the original position. Using lower stiffness also provides a higher FoV that you utilize to your advantage to check the position of your opponents. However, lower camera stiffness values might highly affect the precision of your car. By default, the value is set at 0 units. These are the settings that differ the most from pro to pro. Some use camera stiffness values around 0.60 – 0.30. The ideal range that you can set these values is 0.20 – 0.70.

Go to Options, and under the Camera tab, find and adjust the “STIFFNESS” slider to your desired value.

Swivel Speed

The camera swivel speed affects the camera speed and how quickly it turns when you manually rotate the camera from your controller or mouse. A higher swivel speed will make the camera turn very quickly, and similarly, slower values will make the camera turn at a much slower speed. This is a setting that you should set according to your needs. A higher swivel speed value is not recommended as it will turn the camera at a faster pace but, it will be impossible to keep track of your surrounding as the camera rotates. The default value of this setting is 2.5. You can either leave it be, or experiment with the value to your needs. You can experiment in between 1.0 to 10.0. The ideal range is from 2.5 – 8. Some use the default value; some go to higher speeds such as 10.0.

Go to Options, and under the Camera tab, find and adjust the “SWIVEL SPEED” slider to your desired value.

Transition Speed

As the name suggests, transition speed is the speed at which the camera switches from car cam to ball cam. You will be switching from one cam to the other quite a lot during your matches. A higher transition speed means the camera transition between the ball and the car is almost instant. Some people do not like the instant snap and, they adjust the transition value, not to a very high value. In the end, this setting also depends on personal preference. You can experiment with different values to check which values suit you the most. A lower value might take the camera to take too much time to get back to your car, which can easily ruin a great opportunity of winning the match. The majority of the pro players use the value between 1 – 1.60 on average. Some even go up to 1.90. You can adjust the camera transition speed by:

Head over to Options, and under the Camera tab, find and adjust the “TRANSITION SPEED” slider to your desired value.

Ball Cam

Ball cam is the camera that follows the ball during the match. Psyonix has introduced this feature, adding more depth to the game and making the game much more fun and interesting to play. Activating the ball cam will make the transition between your car and ball, and the camera will keep following the ball until you switch the camera back to your car manually. You have only two options when it comes to ball cam. You can either use the toggle or hold option. If you use the ball cam with the hold option, just like the push-to-talk feature that work in many games, this is the same. The key bind that you have chosen for the ball cam hold, after pressing the button on your keyboard your controller, you will be able to transition between the ball cam and free cam till the duration you keep holding the key bind. As soon as you will release the key, the camera will focus back on your car. Toggle, on the other hand, works like toggling Aim Down the Sight feature in first-person shooter games. You will have to press the key every time you want to change the camera perspective. Most people use toggle, however, feel free to experiment and choose from toggle or hold. It is a good idea to use a toggle as you will not have to keep holding the button to focus on the ball cam when you are making hard maneuvers. You should at least try both options once to check which are suited best to your gameplay. Almost all professional players use toggles.

Free Cam

The last option in our article is whether you should use the free cam option or not. It is up to personal preference. Rocket League is one of the few games where you cannot use free cam with your mouse. Weirdly enough, you can use free cam if you are playing on a controller using the left analog stick or arrow keys on your keyboard. If you are playing Rocket League for the first time, no need to panic. The game is playable without free cam. It might take a while to get used to it. If you are new to the game, this article will help you a lot in setting up the camera settings, which is one of the most important factors in Rocket League. It is fine to follow pro players’ settings, but it is highly recommended to experiment with the settings. People play with the settings in which they are most comfortable. You can use this article as a reference and can set the values after experimenting with exhibition matches. Change any settings which hinder your gameplay even if the majority of the people use those settings.

List of Pro Players Rocket League Camera Settings (Min 10)

Player: Squishy Team: NRG Country: Canada Camshake: No FOV: 110 Distance: 270 Height: 90 Angle: -5.00 Stiffness: 0.45 Swivel: 4.20 Ballcam: Toggle

Player: jstn Team: NRG Country: USA Camshake: No FOV: 110 Distance: 280 Height: 100 Angle: -2.00 Stiffness: 0.55 Swivel: 4.70 Ballcam: Toggle

Player: Ferra Team: OXG Country: France Camshake: No FOV: 110 Distance: 320 Height: 130 Angle: -7.00 Stiffness: 0.00 Swivel: 1.00 Ballcam: Toggle

Player: Sizz Team: NRG Country: USA Camshake: No FOV: 110 Distance: 280 Height: 110 Angle: -3.00 Stiffness: 0.45 Swivel: 5.00 Ballcam:

Player: Fairy Peak Team: Team Vitality Country: France Camshake: No FOV: 110 Distance: 290 Height: 150 Angle: -1.00 Stiffness: 0.40 Swivel: 10.00 Ballcam: Toggle

Player: Kaydop Team: Team Vitality Country: France Camshake: No FOV: 110 Distance: 260 Height: 100 Angle: -3.00 Stiffness: 0.70 Swivel: 3.00 Ballcam: Toggle

Player: CorruptedG Team: Rogue (C) Country: Canada Camshake: No FOV: 110 Distance: 270 Height: 110 Angle: -3.00 Stiffness: 0.75 Swivel: 3.00 Ballcam: Toggle

Player: Memory Team: eUnited Country: USA Camshake: No FOV: 101 Distance: 330 Height: 140 Angle: 0.00 Stiffness: 0.00 Swivel: 3.50 Ballcam: Toggle

Player: JKnaps Team: G2 Esports Country: Canada Camshake: No FOV: 110 Distance: 290 Height: 100 Angle: -5.00 Stiffness: 0.50 Swivel: 6.00 Ballcam: Toggle

Player: ViolentPanda Team: Dignitas Country: Netherlands Camshake: No FOV: 104 Distance: 270 Height: 110 Angle: -3.00 Stiffness: 0.45 Swivel: 5.00 Ballcam: Hold

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The game is a worthy and way better successor to the Pysonix’s Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars, which was released for the PlayStation 3 in 2008. The game was released in 2015 and instantly established itself as one of the biggest eSports games. The game looks easier to play but has a lot of depth in it. Skill is one of the two factors that will make you better at this game while also gaining ranks in your pubs. It is very hard to become a professional player and also gaining ranks in your pubs, but not impossible. The second factor will come into play that will make you a beast in this game. The factor is Camera Settings. Rocket League is probably the only competitive tile where the camera settings impact gameplay the most. If you are new to the game and have no idea which camera settings to adjust, what should be the ideal value for each setting. Ideally, you will search for “best camera settings Rocket League” or “Rocket League pro camera settings” on Google, and you might open the Liquipedia page that will make your head spin. Luckily, for such people, this article will be of huge help. I am totally against using the exact settings mentioned in this article before trying them out individually yourself. Adjust and experiment with each of the settings individually and adjust the values which you are most comfortable with. Every person plays with controls that make the gameplay for him the most comfortable, use this guide as a reference and go ham with the settings and get yourself the best Rocket League camera settings. The main settings that you should look out for are “Camera Distance” and “Field of Vision”. These two settings are the most crucial options in the Rocket League camera settings. That being said, there are no Rocket League camera settings other than the settings that you will set by yourself.

#1 – What are the best camera settings in Rocket League?

There are no best camera settings in Rocket League, but you can use the camera settings used by professional players around the world and experiment on your own for finding the best settings for your gameplay. After experimenting with each setting and getting comfortable with all of the camera settings, that will be the best camera settings that you should use.

#2 – What camera settings do pro Rocket League players use?

Most professional players have only a few camera settings that are common in most players. One of the settings in the “Camera Shake”. No one uses this setting, as it greatly hinders the observation of the player’s surroundings and causes distraction which is one of the last things you want in a competitive title. Other similar camera settings include “Camera Distance” around 270 units and FoV in between 100-110.

#3 – What is Musty camera settings for Rocket League?

musty uses the following camera settings for Rocket League:

Camera Shake: No FOV: 109 Height: 90 Angle: -3.0 Distance: 270 Stiffness: 0.35 Swivel speed: 7.30 Transition speed: 1.30 Ball camera: Toggle

These are his most recent settings for Rocket League, which were last updated in September 2020.

#4 – What are GarrettG camera settings?

GarrettG is one of the most popular and successful Rocket League professional players playing for NRG. Here are his camera settings for Rocket League, which are his most recent settings:

Camera Shake: No FOV: 110 Height: 100 Angle: -5.0 Distance: 270 Stiffness: 0.40 Swivel speed: 10.00 Transition speed: 1.20 Ball camera: Toggle

#5 – What is Scrub Killa camera settings?

Scrub Killa is another one of the popular and most successful professional players currently playing for Team Singularity. Here are his up-to-date most recent camera settings for Rocket League:

Camera Shake: No FOV: 109 Height: 100 Angle: -3.0 Distance: 270 Stiffness: 0.35 Swivel speed: 7.00 Transition speed: 1.20 Ball camera: Toggle

#6 – Who does Scrub Killa play for?

Kyle “Scrub Killa” Robertson is one of the popular Rocket League players. He is considered as one of the best Rocket League players by the Rocket League community. He currently plays for Team Singularity, but for some time, he is playing for Singularity as a substitute. He is ranked among the top-earning players in Rocket League.

#7 – What are SquishyMuffinz camera settings?

SquishyMuffinz is a Canadian professional player who is currently playing for NRG. He has a successful Rocket League career and is ranked as one of the highest earners through Rocket League tournaments. Here are his most recently used camera settings:

Camera Shake: No FOV: 110 Height: 110 Angle: -3.0 Distance: 270 Stiffness: 0.45 Swivel speed: 4.70 Transition speed: 1.20 Ball camera: Toggle

#8 – Do pros use ball cam Rocket League?

The majority of the Rocket League players use ball cam. The point in using a ball cam is to gather data of your opponents and the surrounding as much as possible to quickly adjust your position according to your opponents’. New players do not use ball cam quite often because it feels hard to cover. With time they get used to the feature and start to use it in every match.

#9 – Should I use a ball cam for aerials?

Ideally, it is better if you should learn how to use a ball cam for most parts of your match. Using a ball cam for aerials is not a good idea and can easily put off even the most experienced person during a match. You can observe how professional players use for aerials to get a better understanding of whether you should use them or not.

#10 – Should I use ball cam when dribbling?

It depends if you want to use a ball cam while dribbling, sure a ball cam can provide much information about your opponents and surroundings, but dribbling can easily break the momentum. It is possible to use a ball cam for dribbling, but most people believe, car cam is better for dribbling. You can also use a ball camera while dribbling as it gives your player awareness and gives the position of your opponents.

Best Rocket League Pro Camera Settings In 2023 - 88Best Rocket League Pro Camera Settings In 2023 - 90Best Rocket League Pro Camera Settings In 2023 - 48Best Rocket League Pro Camera Settings In 2023 - 45Best Rocket League Pro Camera Settings In 2023 - 37Best Rocket League Pro Camera Settings In 2023 - 83Best Rocket League Pro Camera Settings In 2023 - 77Best Rocket League Pro Camera Settings In 2023 - 54Best Rocket League Pro Camera Settings In 2023 - 63Best Rocket League Pro Camera Settings In 2023 - 84Best Rocket League Pro Camera Settings In 2023 - 65