The official Twitter account for the municipality of Amsterdam urged people to go home and follow the strict social distancing measures. They tweeted: “The triangle immediately issues an emergency order.  “This means that no one is allowed to stay on the Museumplein. According to local reports, riot police and officers on horseback have attended the “Never again a Rutte Cabinet” demonstration. Police have arrested several people as protesters hurl fireworks and pavers towards the officers. This morning the municipality announced the protest against the cabinet could not take place in the city. It is believed the demonstration was against Prime Minister Mark Rutte’s current cabinet and the coronavirus restrictions. This week, the Dutch Government announced it is considering tightening their coronavirus restrictions. Mr Rutte said he was considering implementing an 8pm to 4am curfew. He said: “Please don’t throw it away. “We have to push [the virus] down. “I don’t think we’ll get there with the existing lockdown.” Those arriving from Ireland and South Africa will have to have a negative test result before their departure. These measures are to reduce the spread of new strains of the deadly virus. More to follow… Source link


Amsterdam protests  Huge clashes as police turn water canons on crowds throwing fireworks - 27Amsterdam protests  Huge clashes as police turn water canons on crowds throwing fireworks - 48Amsterdam protests  Huge clashes as police turn water canons on crowds throwing fireworks - 89Amsterdam protests  Huge clashes as police turn water canons on crowds throwing fireworks - 99