Back in 2020, about 60% of people were looking for work online. Today about 80% of jobs are found using the Net, with an average job search time of up to two months. An excellent example of a job search in 2022 is networking on leading platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook. Users could accidentally find a better offer and communicate with employers online, declaring themselves reliable specialists. Nevertheless, we can safely say that the Internet has changed job search flow and has almost wholly transferred online searches, making a job board website significantly in demand. Therefore, let’s view how to create a job board website and make it a top meeting place for employees and employers.

What is a Job Board Website?

A job board website is an online platform that helps people find jobs by posting questionnaires, portfolios, and business correspondence. With the help of such websites, employers can post their vacancies and make them available to everyone (or only to subscribers of the site), and job seekers can create their resumes, post them and search for vacancies. In the late 90s of the last century, job search sites began to become famous and gain international momentum. Nowadays, global platforms such as Indeed, LinkedIn, ZipRecruiter, and CareerBuilder are the top job boards.

Top 3 Job Board Websites 

Before creating a job board website from scratch, it’s worth checking out the main competitors in this industry.


Glassdoor: Sign In Glassdoor is an American website where current and former employees anonymously review companies. Also, users can view and search salaries, post different CVs and apply for jobs on the platform. In 2018, the company was acquired by the Japanese firm Recruit Holdings for US$1.2 billion. 


LinkedIn: Homepage LinkedIn is an American online service focused on business and employment. The platform was launched in 2003 and is an outstanding leader in the job board platform now, which helps companies post offers, find candidates, communicate within the platform, share interesting articles, and promote companies in general. In March 2022, Linkedin was the leading job-related platform in Poland, with almost 6.6 million users, including web and mobile apps.


Indeed: Homepage Another famous job search website is Indeed. It’s also an American worldwide employment website for job listings launched in 2004.  Indeed is currently available in over 60 countries and 28 languages. In 2021, Indeed was one of France’s most popular jobs searching platforms, with over 16 million users.  Moreover, it’s an excellent platform for job offers, CVs posting, and finding the best global market opportunities.

8 Main Functions of A Job Search Website

When creating a new job search site, the company must consider every detail. The right solution would be to create a Discovery Phase for the job board website. It will help not only analyze ideas from the point of view of liquidity but also help to understand competitors and features that need to be improved, what is missing in the market and which technical solution is right for your project. Many companies skip the Discovery Phase, obviously hoping for statistics on the Internet that job search sites are significantly in demand. This is true, but it is necessary to look more profound so that the development does not come to a dead end and companies do not waste money.  The Discovery Phase will determine the accurate picture – whether the idea is valid and which functionality should be added or removed when creating an MVP. We advise creating an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) with improved key functionality for each case. An MVP is helpful in significantly saving the customer’s money and getting customer feedback in the shortest possible time. Below we will tell about eight key features that must be included in any job search site.


The registration function allows clients of the job search platform to register and log in to the service. We recommend using both manual registrations with an email and password and the ability to sign up via Facebook or Google.

Personal Profiles

When creating a personal profile, you need to pay attention to the information tabs displayed on the profile page. Many websites now provide information such as:

Full nameProfile pictureCity of residenceRemote possibility Last place of workLevel of expertise, etc.

Also, a good solution is to provide similar profiles, vacancies, and recommendations when filling out a profile. Thus, users can immediately study salaries on the market after filling out their profile, view companies looking for a particular specialist, and read profile articles. Glassdoor

Creating a Resume

An essential function in creating a job search site is the creation of a resume. Companies must complete a detailed built-in questionnaire with previous work experience and describe skills and desired salary. Glassdoor: Resume Creation

File Loader

Some job seekers prefer to create their own author’s resumes or portfolios, so the platform needs the ability to upload files. Also, users or companies should be able to upload certificates, presentations, and other documents quickly, without wasting time filling out dozens of lines in profiles. Glassdoor


In order not to lose sight of users or any piece of information the bookmarks function is essential. This function will help you save what you liked and analyze the attachments most distantly (so as not to take hasty actions). Glassdoor: Bookmark creation function

The key feature is the job search function or candidates search. This function must be as simple and effective as possible; therefore, in addition to the search bar, the site should contain filters such as:

PositionSalaryCompany sizePossibility of remote work

Jobs: Search


Now it is easy and challenging to find a dream job simultaneously. Scrolling through LinkedIn, for example, “open for work” candidates can see that exciting job offers immediately after posting. Now some companies have a limit on applicants, so notification is a key. And here, notifications about new vacancies and platform updates must constantly come to an email, phone number, or directly through the platform. LinkedIn: Notifications


An excellent feature is the introduction of a messenger into the platform so that recruiters or company representatives can write to a candidate by finding his profile in the system. It also works for finding leads to promote the company; candidates can directly contact company representatives, study the company’s rating, and read reviews and recommendations. LinkedIn: Messages

Issues Creating a Job Board Website

When launching a new job board website, some difficulties, such as a mismatch of profiles and the platform’s reliability, may happen.

Candidate Mismatch

By creating a platform on their own, companies risk getting a discrepancy of candidates. At first, it may seem that everything is going well. Still, it is necessary to include specific selection algorithms on the site, so vacancies receive a tag with particular candidates. However, the problem is that many applicants turn out to be too qualified or, conversely, insufficiently qualified for a specific position. This leads to a mismatch. Solution: If companies cooperate with experienced software development partners, they can obtain advanced technologies such as machine learning or artificial intelligence, which will make the search as comfortable as possible for both parties. For example, artificial intelligence embedded in the platform can track candidate accounts in social networks, identify bots, and refuse to send “apple” for blank pages.

Job Ads Reliability 

When creating a job search website, blocking spam messages or deleting outdated job offers is extremely important. Solution: To avoid such problems, advanced companies should offer constant upgrades and site cleaning tools. For example, to check whether the account is valid using a notification.


Job search has always been and will remain a popular search among the adult population, so if companies want to create a portal for job board websites in 2022, do not postpone this matter. However, when creating your new job search project, businesses should carefully study the eight main features of this industry, such as:

RegistrationUser ProfileResume CreationFile LoaderBookmarksJob and Candidates SearchNotificationsMessages

Companies must understand that serious problems may arise if they want to create a platform on their own, such as candidate inconsistencies, outdated data, and security violations. Only an experienced software provider can choose the best solutions for a new job search site that can conquer the market.


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