Social bookmarking sites have a huge impact on Search Engine Optimization (or SEO). These sites assist you in getting your posts indexed more quickly and get traffic flowing on your website. That’s why many brands use this tool as part of their marketing strategy. Social media works great for your content awareness. It follows the simple mantra of “More people having access to your content, more the chances of content going viral.” Read along the article to know about the best social bookmarking sites including Pinterest, Twitter, Digg, Dribbble, and more. For better results, you can even submit your content to more than one site to increase the probability of getting traffic. Follow through the article as we talk about what these popular sites are along with their Domain Authority scores for better understanding.

Best Social Bookmarking Sites

Without further ado, let’s dive into the main section of the article to know more about the 8 best social bookmarking sites.

1. Pinterest

Pinterest is a social media platform that differs from other bookmarking sites as it allows you to bookmark via pinning images and videos other than just saving page URLs. You can create boards and pin the content in order to save it. In more simple words, Pinterest is a virtual pinboard that allows you to save, organize and share things you love. Pinterest stands as the 14th largest platform in terms of active users ahead of Reddit and Twitter. As per stats from January 2021, Pinterest had 459 million monthly active users which makes it one of the popular social bookmarking sites.

2. Twitter 

Twitter recently turned 15 this March and is still regarded as one of the best social bookmarking sites. Twitter is an excellent tool to increase your brand’s engagement with the help of its 350+ million advertising audience of which about 20% are US-based users. Also, read Top 10 Most Followed Accounts on Twitter You can grow followers on your Twitter profile by posting fresh and engaging content. According to stats by blog.hootsuite, about 82% of B2B content marketers used Twitter for their marketing in 2019. Twitter also gives you the feature to monitor user interaction levels in terms of retweets, replies, and likes. 

3. Digg

Founded in 2012, Digg has changed a lot over these years and yet continues to be providing one of the most relevant services including articles, videos, and original content. Digg changed its UI from a Reddit-like interface, where the front page was curated through the searches of the user, to an editor-based interface.  Digg is a great place to find new interesting and compelling content from its millions of users and lets you organize the content through your profile. Due to all these reasons, Digg stands among the reliable and best social bookmarking sites.

4. Dribbble

If you’re interested in designing, Dribbble is an excellent bookmarking option for you. Dribbble is not only a source for inspiration, but it’s also the place to direct traffic to your own site.  Also, read 9 Best YouTube Channels to Learn Video Editing It doesn’t matter if you’re a solo designer or you lead a design team, you can put up something unique and interesting on Dribbble to showcase your talent and team and to gain some traction on your profile as well.

5. lets you research and publish the best content for both individuals and businesses. The site has over 8 million registered users including curators, business intelligence professionals & marketers. You can choose among the free and paid plans depending on the number of topics you want to post about.  Still in its growing phase, is easily one of your safe bets if you’re looking for the best social bookmarking sites as part of your marketing strategy to increase your engagement.

6. Reddit

Reddit is one of the most popular social websites to share links to articles, stories, videos, and images. Reddit has a user-based front page where a user’s submitted links to stories, images, videos, etc are either upvoted or downvoted by other Redditors. All the upvoting, downvoting, or commenting helps to generate a list of bookmarked content which makes Reddit one of the best bookmarking sites to promote your business and content.

7. Pocket

Pocket is one of the beautifully designed social bookmarking sites on the list. Pocket lets you search and save articles, videos, or stories from any other web page. Its user base stands at well above 22 million which makes it a great place to add your own interesting content. Pocket comes with a unique feature to pick up right where you left off to save your time. It even lets you save and read articles even if the article or web page gets taken down which makes Pocket one of the best bookmarking sites to have your content on.

8. Slashdot

If you’re a tech-geek, then Slashdot is the ultimate bookmarking site for you. You can find user-submitted news and stories on Linux, computer hardware, mobile, storage, gaming, cloud computing, security management, and more. But first, you need to go through the submission guidelines in order to post such content.

8 Best Social Bookmarking Sites with DA

Now, let’s check out these sites with their DA scores. But first, we should understand what DA means. Developed by Moz, Domain Authority (or DA) is a search engine ranking score that predicts how likely a site is to rank in the search engine result pages (or SERPs). The DA score ranges from 1 to 100, with higher scores corresponding to a better chance of ranking on the result pages.  Wrapping Up

  1. Pinterest2. Twitter3. Digg4. Dribbble5. Scoop.it6. Reddit7. Pocket8. Slashdot With this, we’ve come to the end of our article on the best social bookmarking sites. We hope that you find the information in the article useful and wish you the best for getting traffic towards your site. Comment down below your favorite site from the list. Feature Image Credit: Pixabay


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