Though only the recruiting team in question can indeed say why you didn’t get hired, these are some common factors that may be holding you back from getting hired for an IT position.

You Lack Certifications 

As the tech industry grows, employers are looking for more specialized skills. Employers love to see candidates with professional certifications like the ITIL 4 certification because it shows that you know the IT industry. Additionally, having various certifications demonstrates that you’re willing to learn and understand what skills are necessary to cultivate within the industry.

Experience Level Mismatch

As with other fields, in IT, a common reason you won’t get the job is that you’re underqualified or overqualified. Unfortunately, you probably can’t expect to land your dream job right out of school.  You may need to put some time in at an internship or lower-level positions first. This strategy will allow you to gain experience and make connections within the industry. On the other hand, you may get passed up for being overqualified. Employers might see you as less “trainable” and more likely to request higher pay. Try to find that sweet spot where you are qualified, but the job will still push you to learn and grow your career. 

You don’t seem proactive or passionate

You might not get hired if you can’t demonstrate a certain degree of initiative and passion for the job. Among other things, this means that you should work on showing that you’re interested in the field by keeping up with top tech trends. If you understand these trends, your potential employer will regard you as enthusiastic and knowledgeable about the field. Staying up to date with trends will also enable you to answer interview questions confidently.

You lack the desired technical skills

Every IT position requires a slightly different skill set, so it isn’t easy to give a precise list of every possible desired skill. However, once you determine a narrower focus within IT, you should invest as much time and energy as possible to keep up to date with the most important technical skills. For example, a recent analysis shows that candidates well-versed in Go, Ruby on Rails, React, and Python have a significantly higher chance of getting interviewed for software engineering positions.

You don’t use strong keywords in your resume

Every detail matters when it comes to resume writing; using weak language or neglecting to use keywords relevant to the job posting is a form of underselling yourself on your resume. Don’t be afraid to get another opinion on your resume, whether from a friend or a professional.  You want to include bold descriptions of your duties and the difference you made in your former position. Include keywords that signal action rather than what was completed. Chances are, you aren’t overselling yourself as long as you stick to the truth. 

You blend in with the crowd of applicants

If the job you’re applying for is on a public job board, you can bet the employer will get flooded with applications soon after posting. So, how do you stand out?  While there’s no one correct answer, it’s unusual for applicants to go the extra mile. So, carefully tailor your application to the job description and highlight skills using keywords that make you a desireable candidate. This strategy means incorporating relevant keywords but also taking the time to create a quality cover letter and following up with the employer after the initial interview. Showing you genuinely want the job and aren’t just robotically filling out another application will go a long way when sending a resume. 

The timing isn’t in your favor

Sadly, it might not be the right time for you to land the IT job. You may never know why you didn’t hear back from the employer, and there may not be a significant reason other than there happened to be a slightly better candidate or a similar one who applied before you did. Sometimes you have to chalk it up to timing and move on. The only natural way to get around this is to apply for as many jobs as possible while maintaining a quality application. Both quality and quantity matter when it comes to the job search.

Before you go

When it comes down to it, the grass is greener where you water it. So if you’re saddened that you haven’t been hired for that IT job yet, the best you can do is keep trying. Invest the time and energy into improving your skills, tweaking your resume, and following your passion.


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