Facebook Messenger is a fast and easy way to stay connected to people you know on the social media platform. But does it ever happen that you have accidentally sent the wrong message? We all have been there. But you can also unsent messages on Messenger. This way can unsend the message on the app. Messenger also offers a ton of chat themes you can try. You can change the chat theme in Facebook Messenger for any conversation as well. This will not change the chat themes for all your chats. Another thing you can do with Messenger is make groups for messaging. You can now create a group chat on Messenger. Your interaction with Facebook users will be limited if you have been restricted, even for groups. Let me tell you how to know if someone restricted you on Facebook Messenger.

How to Know If Someone Restricted You on Facebook Messenger?

There are a few ways you can know if someone restricted you on Facebook Messenger. These are the easiest and most accurate signs to know if you have been restricted by anyone on Facebook. Let me tell you how to know if someone restricted you on Facebook Messenger.

1. No Activity Status

The first thing you will notice if anyone of your friends has restricted you on Facebook Messenger is no activity status. You will still be on the friend list, but you will no longer see the activity status of the user. When someone has put you restricted on Facebook messenger, you will not be able to see their activity status anymore. There is another way you can know if you have been restricted on Messenger. Also, read How to Delete Multiple Messages on Messenger: Here’s the Easy Guide

2. Can’t See Read Receipts

You will not be able to see read receipts for your messages on Facebook Messenger. This is another way how to know if someone restricted you on Facebook. Since restricting a user on Facebook limits interactions and messages, the chats are moved to the Message Requests tab. Since the request messages will have to approved by the receiver for you to see read receipts, you will not see them. Also, read How to Deactivate Facebook Messenger: Easy-to-Follow Guide

3. No Message Notifictaion

Similarly, the user will not receive any notifications for new messages. They will not be notified of any next texts that you have sent them on Facebook Messenger. This happens because your conversation is moved to the Message Requests tab. And as Facebook Messenger Request tabs go, the user will not be notified of the messages. So, if the person not responding to your messages, you have been restricted. Also, read How To See Messages From Non-Friends On Facebook Messenger?

4. No Call Notification

When someone restricts you on Facebook Messenger, they will not receive your call notifications as well. No response to calls and messages; you have been restricted by the user. This is another way to know how to know if someone restricted you on Facebook Messenger. While it can be difficult to know for sure if you have been restricted, if all the above reasons are true, you might be restricted by someone on Facebook Messenger. Also, read How to Leave a Group in Facebook Messenger Explained in 2 Easy Methods

Wrapping Up

So, there you have your answer for how to know if someone restricted you on Facebook Messenger. If you have realized that you have been restricted, there is no point in stressing over it. Since the user will not be notified of your messages or calls. Follow the website to know more updates related to Facebook Messenger. Keep visiting Path of EX!


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