2021 is the mediate time where most of the things have changed, our lifestyle, our food habits, our sources of entertainment, and even ways of shopping. And, all this is because of technology. But this technology has also affected the way we see future jobs. With the introduction of machines, gadgets, internet world, most human jobs are at risk and will not see the sun in few decades. People have lost their jobs, have become homeless, and regret not choosing the right option. But the good news is that this will not happen to you. According to the expert advice and internet research, the High Demand Future Jobs Options involves: But among so many professions, why do only these jobs are the high demand future jobs options? Are these high-paying jobs or not? Do they hold a good job growth rate graph? What are the requirements to have held on these jobs in the future? If these questions are popping in your mind, then read along to know the answers to all these confusing questions.

High Demand Future Jobs Options

We are often asked to think about the future! But, sadly only thinking is not enough these days… You need to think, plan and act accordingly in the present world to make the best choices for the future in this competitive world. But, this job hunting procedure can be a real headache sometimes. So to save you from frustration and increase your chances of getting the right job, there is a complete guide for you. Below you will find a detailed description of all these high-demand future jobs options. Well, the best thing about these jobs is that they can not be taken over by technology! Yes!! THIS MEANS NO ROBOT OR MACHINE CAN REPLACE YOU EVER in these jobs!!!! Check out, Benefits of Studying Health Administration

Future Jobs Options in the Medical Field

There is no lie in saying that the medical profession will be in high demand in the future! People will always need medical help, be it today or in the future. Right? Either you are planning for your clinic or want to give medical consulting to people with the help of various technical platforms, the future still belongs to you. Apart from this, you can also opt for home health aides. this means you can give personal assistance to the patient who requires additional help in their respective homes. Plenty of medical field jobs are likely to hold their grip even after 10 years from now and are assumed to pay handsomely too. This includes Medical Professionals, Registered Nurse, Mental Health Guides, Physical Therapists, Dental Hygienists, Veterinarians, Diagnostic Medical Sonographers, and Medical and Health Services Managers. For a person who aims to help people by monitoring the health conditions, updating records, consulting with higher professionals, and guiding the families with the best possible post-hospital treatment, a Registered Nurse is a great choice. While the one who intends to treat people’s illnesses or diagnose them with the correct diseases can be a medical professional in a different field of interests. Also, if you find treating people difficult but want to continue in the medical field, then you can be a medical and health services manager. The job of a medical and health services manager is to check and control the proper functioning. In short, you will be the senior authority to plan, direct and coordinate the health services.

Registered Nurse

Requirements for the job: Master’s degree in Nursing + experienceMedian annual salary: $110,930Job growth rate: 31% (64,000+)

Mental Health Guides

Requirements for the job: Master’s degree in Psychology + licenseMedian annual salary: $77,030Job growth rate: 14% (22,000+)

Physical Therapists

Requirements for the job: Master’s in Physical Therapy + licenseMedian annual salary: $86,350Job growth rate: 28% (67,000+)

Dental Hygienists

Requirements for the job: An associate’s degree in dental hygiene and state licensingMedian annual salary: $74,070Job growth rate: 20% (40,000+)


Requirements for the job: Doctoral degreeMedian annual salary: $158,120Job growth rate: 19% (29,000+)


Requirements for the job: A doctoral degree in Veterinary medicine + LicenseMedian annual salary: $90,420Job growth rate: 19% (15,000+)

Diagnostic Medical Sonographers

Requirements for the job: Specialization in Gynecology, or obstetrics and good knowledge of specific body parts. This means you will require to have a Medical graduate Bachelor’s degree+ Post-graduate degree + Professional certificationMedian annual salary: $65,620Job growth rate: 17% (20,000+)

Medical and Health Services Manager

Requirements for the job: Relevant Bachelor’s degree + Master’s degree +some experienceMedian annual salary: $98,350Job growth rate: 20% (72,000+)

Future Jobs Options in the Technical Field

All the tech-loving people, this is the best time to learn every possible technical skill to keep the future in your control. It’s 2021, and today, we are surrounded by incredible gadgets, that make our life easy. Now, think…. What will be the future of technology in 2030? Booooommmm!!!! it will get exploded in the next decade! It is hot and will get hotter! For students, who want to pursue the technical field, the best possible high-demand future career options are Data Analysts, Software Developers, Cybersecurity Experts, Artificial Intelligence Manager, Information Technology Managers, Statisticians, and Computer & Information Scientists.

Data Analysts

Requirements for the job: Master’s degree in Computer Science or another related fieldMedian annual salary: $81,390Job growth rate: 27% (31,000+)

Software Developer

Requirements for the job: A relevant degree or a lot of experience. In this field, a degree doesn’t even matter.Median annual salary: $103,560Job growth rate: 24% (300,000+)

Cybersecurity Expert

Reqiurements for the job: IT-related bachelor degreesMedian annual salary: $95,510Job growth rate: 28% (27,000+)

Artificial Intelligence Manager

Requirements for the job: Bachelor’s degree + Master’s Degree in Computer scienceMedian annual salary: $111,118Job growth rate: 13% (37,000+)

Information Technology Managers

Reqiurements for the job: IT-related bachelor’s degree + experienceMedian annual salary: $139,220Job growth rate: 12% (44,000+)


Reqiurements for the job: Master’s degree in StatisticsMedian annual salary: $84,760Job growth rate: 33% (14,000+)

Computer & Information Scientists

Requirements for the job: Bachelor’s degree in Computer ScienceMedian annual salary: $114,520Job growth rate: 19% (5,400+)

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Future Jobs Options in the Engineering Field

No matter what, there will be a constant need to improve infrastructures. And yes, it requires experts! The experts in such a field are called Engineers or more precisely Civil engineers. The job might seem easy than others, but it is not… Instead, it is a high-risk job. After all, you will be responsible for improving the citizen’s well-being. As, whenever there is a need for a high-rise apartment, a factory, or a shopping mall, you will be the person in demand along with the Construction Managers. Civil engineers have to detect the problems and come up with the best possible solution to change the social structure. And, the job of the Construction Manager is to supervise, make decisions and keep everything on a budget without any extra loss. And similar work goes for the industrial and petroleum managers. Well, with the increase in depletion of the energy sources, the major part of the world is opting for solar energy, and for such purpose, there is a requirement for Alternative Energy Installers and Technicians in near future. And, according to the, there is an estimate that the job of the wind turbine technician is going to experience a huge rise of 108% in next 4 years. Not only this, there is a huge demand for them in the automotive world to be limitless.

Construction Managers

Requirements for the job: Bachelor’s degree in civilMedian annual salary: $91,370Job growth rate: 11% (44,000+)

Civil Engineers

Requirements for the job: A bachelor’s degree in a civil engineering specialty + a graduate degree + licenseMedian annual salary: $84,770Job growth rate: 11% (32,000+)

Industrial Engineers

Requirements for the job: A bachelor’s degree in any engineering field Median annual salary: $85,880Job growth rate: 10% (25,000+)

Petroleum Engineers

Reqiurements for the job: Bachelor’s degree in petroleum engineering + experienceMedian annual salary: $132,280Job growth rate: 15% (5,000+)

Alternative Energy Installers and Technicians

Requirements for the job: 2-year program at a Technical school + High school DiplomaMedian annual salary: $39,240Job growth rate: 108% in developing countries

Future Jobs Options in the Other Fields

Apart from all the above-mentioned fields, there are high chances of success for the people who want to pursue their jobs as Plumbers and Electricians, Postsecondary Education Teachers, Accountants and Auditors, Financial Advisors and Analysts, Marketing Managers, and Technical Writers. No matter how much people love technology, you cannot deny the fact that they cannot do what a human mind can!! Technology can replace the offline lectures but not the person delivering them! Also, a guide is important to judge mistakes, make improvements and teach the correct method. This is not only important for a kid but a college-going too, for doing research, publishing, and other work as well. Check out, What Are the Career Options Available in the Field Cybersecurity? Just like the people want teachers to learn and understand things in a better way, similarly, they will need a Financial Advisor, Analyst, Accountant, and Auditor to manage the money related queries to get the best out of the little. Along with this, one such profession that can be highly influential for anyone is being a technical writer. You can go for blogs, publish a book or work with some website to make complex information easy for the readers.

Plumbers and Electricians

Requirements for the job: Skills + ExperienceMedian annual salary: $60,370Job growth rate: 22% (95,000+)

Postsecondary Education Teachers

Reqiurements for the job: Master’s degree + PhD for university professionalsMedian annual salary: $76,000Job growth rate: 15% (195,000+)

Accountants and Auditors

Requirements for the job: Relevant degree in AccountingMedian annual salary: $69,350Job growth rate: 10% (138,000+)

Financial Advisors and Analysts

Requirements for the job: Master’s degree + certificationMedian annual salary: $90,640Job growth rate: 5% (40,000+)

Marketing Managers

Requirements for the job: Bachelor’s degree + work experienceMedian annual salary: $129,380Job growth rate: 10% (23,000+)

Technical Writers

Requirements for the job: No such degree required, it requires experience in the field of writing only.Median annual salary: $70,930Job growth rate: 11% (5,700+)

Summing up: So, these are the high-demand future jobs options for all. If your choice is clear, then these jobs will help you to live a good life in the future without any regret. So, Aspirants, time is yours!! Research about these jobs in detail and go with the one that seems to have a balance with you and your work ethics. And, tell us in the comment section. which job option you find more interesting and connecting. And Enjoy this Future Ride!!!


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