1. Pledge to Change How You Feel About Money

To get started, answer the following questions. Are you ready to accept responsibility for changing your financial situation? Do you believe that you can and will change the way you make financial decisions? Can you identify at least one benefit you hope to gain by changing your money management behavior? You are definitely ready and able to start your path to financial wellness! 

2. Create a Budget

A well-constructed budget is what will lead you to success. The budget shows your income and expenses. It allows you to see what you spend your money on the most. Budget planning is an important tool to help achieve your financial well-being. FitMyMoney financial guides help you also improve your financial well-being.

3. Financial Affirmations and How They Work

Probably everyone has heard about money affirmations. What is it? A powerful financial abundance affirmation is a short sentence that encourages a person to visualize a better financial situation in the future through easy thought said. Affirmations will not solve all your financial problems. It will set you on a positive wave of thoughts. Here are some examples of money affirmations:

I am financially free.My income increases constantly.I choose to live a rich and full life.

4. Set Financial Goals

Setting financial goals is an important step to financial health. Goals should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely. 

5. Track Expenses

The budget will show your income and expenses, and will also allow you to see your expenses for a certain period. You should plan your budget and keep track of its changes over the course of several months.

6. Managing Major Purchases

Before buying a house, or even a TV, check the following: Can you pay for the purchase? Do you have enough savings or do you need a loan? If you need it, can you pay it off? Accessibility and availability of credit – are you in a strong enough financial position where you will be granted credit with reasonable terms?

7. Manage Small Purchases

Before you make a purchase, consider your decision. It often happens that after a few days of postponing a purchase you have already forgotten about it. This way, you will analyze the importance of the purchase and possibly save yourself from unnecessary expenditures.

8. Securing Your Financial Future

Investing is one way to potentially grow your net worth. Before investing, think about how much risk you can take on? Everyone wants our money to grow, but you must be prepared for possible losses.

9. Create Multiple Streams of Income

Of course, you won’t be able to work 24/7. Your goal is to include a passive source of income.

Freelance Work

Freelance work can be a great side job for a few hours every day or on weekends. Freelancing is a great way to make money from the comfort of your home. 


Dropshipping is a business model that allows you to start selling products even if you don’t have much capital. Your task is to transfer orders to a third-party supplier. In this case, you do not have to worry about business losses. 

10. Improve Your Financial Literacy

Financial literacy means having the knowledge and confidence to manage every aspect of your finances, including: 

Budgeting and savingDebt eliminationBuying insuranceInvesting in the stock market and bondsTax planningRetirement and estate planningBeing savvy about finances will also arm you against scams and prevent you from making poor decisions with your money.

Today there are many books, podcasts, online resources, and so on about financial literacy. Do not miss the opportunity to take a step forward to financial well-being. If you are interested in increasing your knowledge FitMyMoney financial guides have many articles on financial stability. 

11. Spend Your Recreational Budget On Experiences

Prioritize experiences over material possessions. The accumulation of pleasant memories will give you an understanding of why you work so hard, as well as increase the incentive to earn more. 

12. Invest In High-Quality Possessions

Do not regret spending money on quality products, it is important to make wise and informed decisions. You want to buy a product at a higher price so that you can use it for as long as possible. In order not to make unreasonable purchases, read the reviews, as well as professional reviews. This will help you learn the pros and cons that come with owning the product, ways to store it to prolong its usefulness, etc.  

13. Take Care Of Your Health

Health is one of the most important components of financial health and not just a saying. It would be difficult to earn a lot if you are constantly sick. In addition, hospital bills will greatly affect your budget. 

14. Live Within Your Means

Live below your income level. Gaining new knowledge and moving up the career ladder, your salary should increase. But instead of wasting money on a luxurious lifestyle, it is better to use the money to increase savings. This way you will always have money for unexpected expenses. 

15. Set Short-Term Goals

Instead of long-term goals, set yourself a series of short-term goals. It can be to pay off the debt within a year or set aside money every month. Such simple goals will increase the chances of achieving them.  Strict adherence to the plan, increasing the level of knowledge of financial literacy and a series of tactical decisions will put your personal finances in order. Regardless of the state of the economy or the world, you will lead yourself to a carefree life. You deserve it. Start today.


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